Netopia Network Router CLI 874 User Manual

Command Line Interface  
Commands Reference  
Firmware Version 8.7.4  
Motorola Netopia ENT-Series Routers  
Syntax Notation ............................................................. 1-2  
Interface Naming Conventions........................................ 1-3  
Security (Configuration Access)....................................... 1-3  
Entering and Editing Commands...................................... 1-3  
Online Help ................................................................... 1-5  
Tiered Configuration Access Commands ........................ 2-15  
Interface Configuration Commands ............................... 2-16  
RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration  
PVCs................................................................. 2-58  
DSL Line Type Interface Configuration Commands 2-61  
T1 WAN Interface configuration commands.......... 2-62  
T1 Statistic and Diagnostic commands................ 2-65  
Unprotected Services Configuration Commands............. 2-68  
Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
DHCP Option Groups commands......................... 2-81  
DHCP Option Filtersets commands...................... 2-82  
Frame Relay Configuration Commands......................... 2-101  
Miscellaneous Commands.......................................... 2-103  
Hardware Acceleration Configuration Commands.......... 2-123  
Global IPSec/IKE Configuration Commands.................. 2-124  
IKE Dead Peer Detection .................................. 2-129  
Xauth configuration commands ......................... 2-130  
Current Restrictions................................................... 2-131  
Chapter 3 — Motorola Netopia® Router Connection  
Profile Commands ................................................3-1  
Stateful Inspection Commands ........................... 3-21  
IPSec/IKE ......................................................... 3-26  
TFTP Text Configuration Upload Overview ......................... 4-1  
SNMP ................................................................. 4-1  
VT100 Menu Console........................................... 4-1  
VT100 Command Line Console............................. 4-2  
Example Text Configuration File....................................... 4-3  
Parsing or tokenizing errors .................................. 5-1  
Fatal syntax errors............................................... 5-2  
Voice command errors ....................................... 5-10  
Fatal access control errors................................. 5-11  
Positive errors............................................................. 5-11  
Index of Commands.................................................................1-13  
Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Introduction 1-1  
Chapter 1  
This Command Line Interface Commands Reference contains information on the syntax and use of the  
Command Line Interface for the Motorola Netopia router family. It provides information required to configure  
the router firmware and troubleshoot problems using the Command Line Interface.  
This document is intended for small office, home office, and remote office users, and other networking  
professionals who administer networks using Motorola Netopia routers.  
Note: Restrictions among firmware versions are noted in the body of this document. Where no firmware  
version is noted, the commands given are supported on all platforms.  
New Commands in Firmware Version 8.7.4  
IP multicast to layer 2 unicast mapping. See “IGMP Configuration Commands” on page 2-70.  
Change backup timer from minutes to seconds. See “Backup Configuration Commands” on page 2-115.  
tunnels. See “Unprotected Services Configuration Commands” on page 2-68.  
Enhanced VLAN Support and configuration changes. See “Virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration commands” on  
page 2-36.  
DHCP Filterset, Option Groups, DHCP Generic Options support. See “DHCP Gen-Options, Option Groups,  
and Option Filtersets Commands” on page 2-77.  
1-2 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Syntax Notation  
The command descriptions use formatted text to indicate various attributes of each command. The syntax is as  
Required keywords and commands that must be typed literally are in boldface.  
Optional elements are enclosed in square brackets “[]”.  
Mutually exclusive elements are contained in braces “{}” and separated by vertical bars “|”.  
Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.  
Examples of commands you type and the results of those commands are in the couriertypeface.  
An element that may be repeated one or more times is followed by a superscripted plus sign “ ”.  
An element that may be repeated zero or more times is followed by a superscripted asterisk “ ”.  
Introduction 1-3  
Interface Naming Conventions  
A number of commands described in this document require you to identify the router interface to be affected by  
the command. This requires specifying both an interface type (denoted intf-type) and an interface index  
(denoted id).  
The intf-type argument may be replaced with one of the following keywords:  
adsl | aux | dds | ethernet | isdn | sdsl | t1 | wan | serial  
If a command is not specific to a particular WAN interface type, the intf-type wan may be specified; otherwise,  
the more specific intf-type must be specified.  
Note: For IDSL interfaces, use the keyword isdn.  
The id argument can be replaced with 0, 1, or 2, as follows:  
0 means the motherboard  
1 means the WAN 1 slot  
2 means the WAN 2 slot  
So, for example, the ethernet hublet is identified as “interface ethernet 0”. In some contexts, only a WAN  
interface may be specified, in which case the command syntax will specify wan-id instead of the more general  
id. The wan-id argument can be replaced by either 1 (the WAN 1 slot) or 2 (the WAN 2 slot) on R-Series  
Security (Configuration Access)  
If the device is password-protected, the device requires you to enter a name and password before you can  
access the menu-based or command line console interface. See the section “Configuration Access  
Commands” on page 2-3.  
Entering and Editing Commands  
The device’s console user interface comes up in Menu mode by default. In this mode you use the arrow,  
Escape, and Return/Enter keys to navigate through a series of screens. To invoke the command line at any  
time, type Control-N. The console will erase the window, and you will be presented with a # prompt. To return to  
Menu mode type Control-N again.  
1-4 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
The following table provides a description of keys that can be used when entering and editing commands.  
Control indicates the Control key, which must be pressed simultaneously with the associated letter key. Escape  
indicates the Escape key, which must be pressed and released first, followed by its associated letter key. Keys  
are not case-sensitive.  
Command Editing Keys and Functions  
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the command line.  
Moves the cursor to the end of the command line.  
Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the  
command line.  
Invokes the command line interface from the menu console.  
Invokes the menu console from the command line interface.  
Deletes all characters from the cursor back to the beginning of  
the command line.  
Escape B  
Escape D  
Escape F  
Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.  
Moves the cursor back one word.  
Deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.  
Moves the cursor forward one word.  
Introduction 1-5  
Online Help  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.6, online help is available to prompt you when entering commands. If you  
enter a partial or incorrect command, the help facility displays prompts to alert you to the correct syntax for the  
command. The help facility offers expected keywords from which to select, and an explanation of error  
If you enter the partial command show snmp, the help facilty will prompt you with the appropriate keywords until  
the command is successfully entered.  
#show snmp  
; error 103: incomplete command  
; acceptable next keywords:  
; authentication  
; community  
; heartbeat-interval  
; notify  
; system  
; trap  
#show snmp authentication  
; error 103: incomplete command  
; next keyword must be:  
; traps  
#show snmp authentication traps  
; error 103: incomplete command  
; next keyword must be:  
; enable  
#show snmp authentication traps enable  
snmp authentication traps enable no  
1-6 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-1  
Chapter 2  
“ADSL WAN Interface configuration commands” on page 2-49  
“IGMP Configuration Commands” on page 2-70  
“Global IP Configuration Commands” on page 2-73  
“DHCP Gen-Options, Option Groups, and Option Filtersets Commands” on page 2-77  
“Wireless Configuration Commands” on page 2-86  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-3  
Configuration Access Commands  
Configuration Access Commands  
date xx/yy/zz  
show date  
preferences changes immediate { yes | no }  
show preferences changes immediate  
no preferences changes immediate  
preferences check vci { yes | no }  
preferences console default { menu | cli }  
show preferences console default  
preferences console timeout seconds  
no preferences console timeout  
show preferences console timeout  
preferences date format { mm/dd/yy | dd/mm/yy | yy/mm/dd }  
show preferences date format  
preferences output format { terse | verbose }  
show preferences output format  
preferences output mask { bits | dotted-quad }  
show preferences output mask  
preferences time format { am-pm | 24-hour }  
show preferences time format  
security password  
no security password  
snmp authentication traps enable [ yes | no ]  
no snmp authentication traps enable  
show snmp authentication traps enable  
snmp community { ro | read-only | rw | read-write } string  
no snmp community [ ro | read-only | rw | read-write ] [string]  
2-4 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Configuration Access Commands (cont. 1)  
snmp heartbeat-interval interval  
show snmp heartbeat-interval  
no snmp heartbeat-interval  
snmp notify type [ v1-trap | v2-trap | inform ]  
snmp system contact string  
show snmp system contact  
no snmp system contact  
snmp system location string  
show snmp system location  
no snmp system location  
snmp system name string  
show snmp system name  
no snmp system name  
snmp system trap source address [ lan | wan ]  
system syslog enable { yes | no }  
no system syslog enable  
show system syslog enable  
system syslog host-name hostname  
no system syslog host-name  
show system syslog host-name  
system syslog facility facility  
show system syslog facility  
system syslog log-violations { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-violations  
show system syslog log-violations  
system syslog log-accepts { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-accepts  
show system syslog log-accepts  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-5  
Configuration Access Commands (cont. 2)  
system syslog log-attempts { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-attempts  
show system syslog log-attempts  
telnet { hostname | ip-addr } [ port value ] [ source ip_addr ]  
show telnet sessions  
telnet suspend [ a... z ]  
show telnet suspend  
telnet resume [ 1... 6 ]  
telnet terminate [ 1... 6 ]  
telnet server port [ port number ]  
show telnet server port  
time hh:mm [ am | pm ]  
show time  
user name password  
no user name [password]  
MAC Address Security Commands  
security mac-auth mode [ disabled | allow-list | deny-list ]  
show security mac-auth mode  
security mac-auth wireless-only [ yes | no ]  
show security mac-auth wireless-only  
security mac-auth mac-deny MAC-addr  
show security mac-deny  
security mac-auth mac-allow MAC-addr  
show security mac-auth mac-allow  
2-6 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
The preferences command allows you to customize certain aspects of the command line interface. Preference  
settings persist across restarts, and are specific to the user name, if any, you used to authenticate yourself  
before issuing the preferences command. If no users are defined, no authentication is required, and preference  
settings are global.  
date xx/yy/zz  
show date  
These commands allow you to set or display the current date for the router’s system clock.  
The exit command terminates your current console session. If you are connected via telnet or a modem, the  
connection will be closed. If you are logged in via the serial console, you will return to the command line or  
menu-based console based on your default console setting. (See the preferences console default command on  
page 2-6.) In either case, you will be prompted either with a login prompt (if one or more users are defined), or  
the initial prompt for the selected console interface (if no users are defined).  
preferences changes immediate { yes | no }  
show preferences changes immediate  
no preferences changes immediate  
These commands allow you to specify whether or not WAN configuration changes will take effect immediately.  
When you specify no, any changes you make to the WAN configuration (except NAT) will not take effect until the  
router is reset.  
Note: The router will reboot immediately when the value of the changes immediate preference item changes.  
No warning is given.  
preferences check vci { yes | no }  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
This command allows you to set the VCI to any value in the CLI, menu, or SNMP. The ability to set a VCI to 0 –  
31 is not normally permitted. This command allows you to override this check and allow a VCI of value 0 – 31.  
preferences console default { menu | cli }  
show preferences console default  
The preferences console default command specifies the console interface that will be presented to the user on  
subsequent logins. When set to menu (the default), the user will be presented with the menu-based console  
interface on subsequent logins. When set to cli, the user will be presented with the command line console  
interface on subsequent logins. If the preferences console default command is issued and there are no users  
defined, the setting will determine the console interface that will be presented to all newly established console  
sessions (via either the serial console port or via telnet).  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-7  
preferences console timeout seconds  
no preferences console timeout  
show preferences console timeout  
These commands control the command-line and menu-based console auto logout. Note that the no preferences  
console timeout command sets the timeout to zero, which disables the timeout.  
The command:  
no preferences console timeout  
is equivalent to:  
preferences console timeout 0  
preferences console timeout 300  
preferences date format { mm/dd/yy | dd/mm/yy | yy/mm/dd }  
show preferences date format  
These commands allow you to set or display your date formatting preferences for the router’s system clock.  
preferences output format { terse | verbose }  
show preferences output format  
The preferences output format command affects the format of the output from show commands. When set to  
verbose (the default), the output from show commands is formatted as a valid command line interface  
command that could be entered at a command prompt. When set to terse, the output from show commands is  
not formatted as a valid command line interface command that could be entered at a command prompt, but  
rather includes only the value of the requested attribute. The terse mode may be more useful if the output will  
be processed by a computer rather than a human being.  
#preferences output format verbose  
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
#preferences output format terse  
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
2-8 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
preferences output mask { bits | dotted-quad }  
show preferences output mask  
The preferences output mask command affects the format of the output from those show commands that  
display an IP address together with a subnet mask. When set to bits (the default), the IP address and subnet  
mask are output in prefix notation – i.e., an IP address in dotted-quad notation followed by a slash followed by  
the number of consecutive ones-bits in the subnet mask – whereas when set to dotted-quad, the IP address  
and subnet mask are output as two consecutive dotted-quads.  
#preferences output mask bits  
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
#preferences output mask dotted-quad  
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
preferences time format { am-pm | 24-hour }  
show preferences time format  
These commands allow you to set or display your time formatting preferences for the router’s system clock.  
security password  
Enter old password: old password  
Enter new password: new password  
Re-enter password: new password  
no security password  
Enter old password:old password  
These commands let you set and delete the Security Options screen password. After you enter the command  
the console prompts you for the existing password if you have one, then it prompts you to enter and re-enter a  
new password (eleven characters maximum). The no command will prompt you for a password if there was one,  
and will then delete that password.  
snmp authentication traps enable [ yes | no ]  
no snmp authentication traps enable  
show snmp authentication traps enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of SNMP authentication traps.  
snmp community { ro | read-only | rw | read-write } string  
no snmp community [ ro | read-only | rw | read-write ] [string]  
These commands allow you to add or delete the SNMP community Read-Only and Read-Write strings.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-9  
snmp heartbeat-interval interval  
show snmp heartbeat-interval  
no snmp heartbeat-interval  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to set, show, or delete the SNMP heartbeat interval. A single configuration item  
governs heartbeat traps, the time interval between traps. Permitted values are 0 – 65535 minutes. A value of  
zero, the default, means the trap is disabled. This value can be configured by the CLI and SNMP. When the  
interval value is set to a positive number, a trap is sent immediately and the new (or same) interval value takes  
snmp notify type [ v1-trap | v2-trap | inform ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.4.2.  
This command allows you to set the type of SNMP traps that the system will generate: v1, v2(c), or, beginning  
with Firmware Version 8.4.2, inform.  
snmp system contact string  
show snmp system contact  
no snmp system contact  
These commands set, display, or clear the router's SNMP system contact (sysContact) string.  
snmp system location string  
show snmp system location  
no snmp system location  
These commands set, display, or clear the router's SNMP system location (sysLocation) string.  
snmp system name string  
show snmp system name  
no snmp system name  
These commands set, display, or clear the router's SNMP system name (sysName) string.  
snmp system trap source address [ lan | wan ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to specify whether the source address for SNMP traps should be on the LAN or the  
WAN. When this parameter is set to lan, all SNMP v2 and inform traps use the source IP address of the primary  
LAN interface. Otherwise, the IP address of the WAN interface is used.  
system syslog enable { yes | no }  
no system syslog enable  
show system syslog enable  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
2-10 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of logging of system events for reporting by  
a Syslog client. By default, all events are logged in the event history. By using the syslog commands that follow  
to set each event descriptor to either yes or no, you can determine which ones are logged and which are  
system syslog host-name hostname  
no system syslog host-name  
show system syslog host-name  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the status of the syslog server’s address either in  
dotted decimal format or as a DNS name up to 64 characters.  
system syslog facility facility  
show system syslog facility  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to specify or show the UNIX syslog Facility. facility values may be "local0" through  
system syslog log-violations { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-violations  
show system syslog log-violations  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether violations are logged or ignored.  
system syslog log-accepts { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-accepts  
show system syslog log-accepts  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether acceptances are logged or ignored.  
system syslog log-attempts { yes | no }  
no system syslog log-attempts  
show system syslog log-attempts  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether connection attempts are logged or ignored.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-11  
telnet { hostname | ip-addr } [ port value ] [ source ip_addr ]  
show telnet sessions  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
These commands allow you to initiate or show up to six telnet sessions from the command line without  
returning to the console menu interface. Using the command line, you can resume sessions started by the  
console menu and vice versa.  
#show telnet sessions  
#4 no active session  
#5 no active session  
#6 no active session  
telnet suspend [ a... z ]  
show telnet suspend  
telnet resume [ 1... 6 ]  
telnet terminate [ 1... 6 ]  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
These commands allow you to suspend telnet sessions indicated by alphabetic letter, a through z, from the  
command line.  
Telnet sessions specified by number, 1 through 6, may be resumed or terminated.  
The show command displays telnet sessions that have been previously suspended using the suspend  
telnet server port [ port number ]  
show telnet server port  
These commands allow you to set or display the TCP port on which the router is currently listening for incoming  
telnet management sessions. If you change the port number, the router will immediately stop accepting new  
sessions at the old port number, and only accept incoming sessions on the new port number. All sessions  
currently connected to the old port number will remain connected. Allowed values for port number are 1 -  
65535, except for 80 and 1723.  
time hh:mm [ am | pm ]  
show time  
These commands allow you to set or display the current time for the router’s system clock.  
2-12 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
MAC Address Security Commands  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
security mac-auth mode [ disabled | allow-list | deny-list ]  
show security mac-auth mode  
These commands allow you to configure or display the global MAC authentication mode. If set to allow-list, all  
non-matching unicasts will be dropped. If set to deny-list, all matching unicasts will be dropped.  
security mac-auth wireless-only [ yes | no ]  
show security mac-auth wireless-only  
These commands allow you to restrict or display the restricted status of MAC address authentication. If set to  
yes, the MAC authentication applies only to the wireless interface, on models so equipped. If set to no, packets  
received at all interfaces on the LAN are subject to the MAC filtering table.  
security mac-auth mac-deny MAC-addr  
show security mac-deny  
These commands allow you to specify or display the MAC address for hosts on the wired or wireless LAN (if so  
restricted) whose source or destination MAC address will cause the router to filter their packets.  
security mac-auth mac-allow MAC-addr  
show security mac-auth mac-allow  
These commands allow you to specify or display the MAC address for hosts on the wired or wireless LAN (if so  
restricted) whose source or destination MAC address will cause the router to pass their packets.  
Note: Wireless MAC authentication commands are also supported. See “Wireless Configuration Commands”  
on page 2-86.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-13  
System Heartbeat Configuration Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
System Heartbeat Configuration Commands  
heartbeat enable { yes | no }  
show heartbeat enable  
heartbeat protocol { udp | tcp }  
show heartbeat protocol  
heartbeat client-port port  
show heartbeat client-port  
heartbeat interval time (in seconds)  
show heartbeat interval time  
heartbeat count count  
show heartbeat count  
heartbeat sleep-time time (in seconds)  
show heartbeat sleep-time  
heartbeat server port port  
show heartbeat server port  
heartbeat server address address  
show heartbeat server address  
heartbeat server url url  
show heartbeat server url  
heartbeat interval contact-email email_address  
show heartbeat interval contact-email  
heartbeat interval location location  
show heartbeat interval location  
reset heartbeat  
2-14 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
heartbeat enable { yes | no }  
show heartbeat enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the system heartbeat.  
Once a unit is configured and restarted, the WAN link is up and the WAN IP address is established, the  
heartbeat will begin executing and sending its payloads (or establishing its connection in the case of TCP). A  
special case is when the ip-server address is on the LAN. In this case, the payloads will be routed to the LAN  
side address, but only after the WAN link and WAN IP addresses have been established.  
If, at any time during the heartbeat sequence, the link state changes – which means, for example, that there is  
a layer 1 disconnect or a change in the IP layer parameters from a DHCP acquisition or a renegotiated PPP  
session – the sequence will restart. You can also restart the sequence manually. In addition, in TCP mode once  
the connection has been established, the sequence will be restarted any time the remote server closes it.  
heartbeat protocol { udp | tcp }  
show heartbeat protocol  
These commands allow you to specify or show the protocol to be used for the system heartbeat, udp or tcp.  
The heartbeat is a state machine:  
If you select udp, there are no connections to the server. If the server address is known, it simply sends  
the payloads in UDP.  
If you select tcp, it tries to connect to the server address, and keeps trying to connect for 20 attempts at  
thirty-second intervals. If a connection is not established, it sleeps for a minimum of either 30 minutes, or  
whatever is programmed as the sleep-time. See below.  
heartbeat client-port port  
show heartbeat client-port  
These commands allow you to specify or show the client port to be used for the system heartbeat.  
heartbeat interval time (in seconds)  
show heartbeat interval  
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat interval. in seconds.  
heartbeat count count  
show heartbeat count  
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat count within the specified interval.  
heartbeat sleep-time time (in seconds)  
show heartbeat sleep-time  
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat sleep time, in seconds, during which the system  
will wait before retrying a failed connection attempt, if tcp is the specified protocol.  
heartbeat server port port  
show heartbeat server port  
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat server port number.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-15  
heartbeat server address address  
show heartbeat server address  
These commands allow you to specify or show the heartbeat server IP address. Beginning with Firmware  
Version 8.5.1, the address can also be a DNS name of up to 63 characters.  
heartbeat server url url  
show heartbeat server url  
These commands allow you to specify or show a heartbeat server URL.  
heartbeat interval contact-email email_address  
show heartbeat interval contact-email  
These commands allow you to specify or show an email address to be placed into the heartbeat Xml payload.  
heartbeat interval location location  
show heartbeat interval location  
These commands allow you to specify or show a location to be placed into the heartbeat Xml payload.  
reset heartbeat  
This command allows you to restart the heartbeat sequence.  
Tiered Configuration Access Commands  
Tiered Configuration Access Commands  
superuser name password  
show superuser  
no superuser  
user name password [ { wan | lan | cp | nat | pvc | global | subnet | voice | no-web | no-telnet }*]  
show user  
no user name  
superuser name password  
show superuser  
no superuser  
These commands allow you to create, show, or delete a Superuser. You can only configure a Superuser if no  
authorized users exist. There can be but one Superuser. The Superuser can change any attributes of any user,  
including itself. However, even the Superuser cannot see what the password for a user is – the show command  
will display 5 asterisks regardless of its actual length.  
2-16 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
user name password [ { wan | lan | cp | nat | pvc | global | subnet | no-telnet }*]  
show user  
no user name  
These commands allow a Superuser to create, show, or delete a user and his/her access privileges. A user can  
change only his/her own password, and cannot change their access privileges. If a Superuser creates a new  
user, this user inherits the privileges of the first non-Superuser, or has the default access privileges of lan |  
subnet | nat | cp | global if there is no non-Superuser configured.  
Permissible modifiers are:  
WAN interface(s) configuration  
LAN (Ethernet id) interface configuration  
connection profile (and default profile) configuration  
Network Address Translation configuration. This includes the ability to configure NAT  
attributes in connection profiles.  
ATM PVC and Frame DLCI configuration  
other parameters, such as console preferences. This includes ping and traceroute  
LAN (Ethernet 0) interface ip subnet configuration  
Prevents Telnet access.  
Additional LAN configuration command  
Note: Beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2, the firmware includes support for creating additional logical  
local area networks. When used in combination with VLANs (see “Virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration commands”  
on page 2-36), you can maintain separate functional end-to-end networks to support such services as  
voice-over-IP, point-of-sale applications, or audio and video services.  
Multiple logical IP LAN support allows you to create additional IP routed LAN interfaces (ALANs). You can add,  
edit, or delete Additional LANs similarly to Connection Profiles on the WAN connection. You then associate  
physical or logical Ethernet-encapsulated interfaces, such as wired Ethernet ports, wireless SSIDs, and ATM  
RFC 1483 bridged VCs by attaching the ALAN to a VLAN containing these interfaces.  
The additional LAN IP routed interfaces duplicate all the same parameters that apply to the primary LAN  
interface, such as DHCP servers, filtersets, multicast forwarding, and RIP. You can configure up to six ALANs.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-17  
interface ethernet id [ yes | no ]  
This command allows you to create or delete an additional LAN (ALAN) of id id. If you create an ALAN, you must  
provision it with the same parameters that apply to the primary LAN.  
interface ethernet 2 yes  
interface ethernet 2 tag "Telecommuter"  
interface ethernet 2 enable yes  
interface ethernet 2 ip address  
interface ethernet 2 ip rip receive both  
interface ethernet 2 ip rip transmit no  
interface ethernet 2 ip multicast-fwd no  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve enable no  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve clients none  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve dhcp lease-time 1  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve gateway default  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve mode server  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve netbios mode enable no  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve netbios mode type b-node  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve netbios scope enable no  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve netbios name-server enable no  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve netbios name-server address  
interface ethernet 2 address-serve range  
interface ethernet 2 mac address 00:00:c5:fa:dd:04  
2-18 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Ethernet Interface configuration commands  
Ethernet Interface Configuration Commands  
interface ethernet id ip address [{ ip-addr/ mask-bits | ip-addr mask | secondary }]  
no interface ethernet id ip address [{ ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask | secondary }]  
show interface ethernet id ip address  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode  
interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd  
show interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd  
interface ethernet id ip igmp-version { v1 | v2 | v3 }  
show interface ethernet id ip igmp-version  
interface ethernet id mac address { MAC-address | default }  
show interface ethernet id mac address  
interface ethernet id mode { autonegotiate | 100full | 100half | 10full | 10half |  
100full-fixed | 100half-fixed | 10full-fixed | 10half-fixed }  
show interface ethernet id mode  
interface ethernet id ip nat enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip nat enable  
show interface ethernet id ip nat enable  
interface ethernet id ip nat map-list list-tag  
no interface ethernet id ip nat map-list  
show interface ethernet id ip nat map-list  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough enable  
show interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough enable  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-19  
Ethernet Interface Configuration Commands (continued)  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address { mac-address }  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address  
interface ethernet id ip nat server-list list-tag  
no interface ethernet id ip nat server-list  
show interface ethernet id ip nat server-list  
interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable  
show interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable  
interface ethernet id pppoe enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id pppoe enable  
show interface ethernet id pppoe enable  
show interface ethernet id statistics  
show interface ethernet id stats  
interface ethernet id ip filterset fs-id  
no interface ethernet id ip filterset  
show interface ethernet id ip filterset  
2-20 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Ethernet Interface RIP Configuration Commands  
interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
no interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
show interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
interface ethernet id ip rip receive { no | v1 | v2 | both | v2-md5 }  
no interface ethernet id ip rip receive  
show interface ethernet id ip rip receive  
interface ethernet id ip rip transmit { no | v1 | v2broadcast | v2multicast | v2broadcast-md5 |  
v2multicast-md5 }  
no interface ethernet id ip rip transmit  
show interface ethernet id ip rip transmit  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id  
no interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id  
show config interface ethernet id ip rip auth key  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date date  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time time  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date date  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time time  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id end time mode { infinite | date }  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time mode  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id key <string>  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-21  
Ethernet Interface IP Address Serving Commands  
interface ethernet id address-serve clients { any | none | { bootp | dhcp | macip | wan } }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve clients { any | { bootp | dhcp | macip | wan } }  
show interface ethernet id address-serve clients  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp dns [ 1 | 2 ] ip-addr  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp lease-time hours  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp lease-time  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp addresses  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client status  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client [ renew | release ]  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp next-server ip-addr  
interface ethernet id address-serve gateway { gw-ip-addr | default { ip-addr/mask-bits |  
ip-addr mask } }  
show interface ethernet id address-serve gateway  
interface ethernet id address-serve helper ip-addr  
no interface ethernet id address-serve helper [ip-addr]  
show interface ethernet id address-serve helper  
interface ethernet id address-serve mode { relay | server }  
show interface ethernet id address-serve mode  
interface ethernet id address-serve range { auto | from-addr to-addr }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve range from-addr to-addr  
show interface ethernet id address-serve range  
interface ethernet id address-serve { no | off | on | yes }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve  
show interface ethernet id address-serve  
2-22 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Ethernet Interface Stateful Inspection Commands  
Ethernet Interface Stateful Inspection Commands  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff diff  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list xposed-list_name  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list  
Ethernet Interface Static Client Address Translation Commands  
interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat enable [ yes | no ]  
show interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat enable  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-23  
Ethernet Interface VRRP Commands  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrid vrid  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrid  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrip ip-addr  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrip  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id priority [ 1... 255 ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id priority  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id adv-intvl [ 1... 255 ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id adv-intvl  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id preempt-mode enable [ no | yes | on | off ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id preempt-mode enable  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id enable [ no | yes | on | off ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id enable  
no interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp wan-monitor enable [ { yes | no | on | off } ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp wan-monitor enable  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp master-dhcp-srv enable [ { yes | no | on | off } ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp master-dhcp-srv enable  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp dhcp-gateway ip-addr  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp dhcp-gateway  
2-24 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet id ip address [{ ip-addr/ mask-bits | ip-addr mask | secondary }]  
no interface ethernet id ip address [{ ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask | secondary }]  
show interface ethernet id ip address  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show the IP subnet(s) of an Ethernet interface. If the keyword  
secondary is specified in the first command, the subnet is appended to the list of subnets (assuming that all of  
the allowed subnets have not yet been configured– the router supports up to eight). If the keyword secondary is  
not specified, the primary subnet configuration is replaced with the specified values. The mask may be  
specified either as a slash followed by the number of one-bits in the mask, or as a dotted quad.  
The no interface ethernet id ip address command allows you to delete a particular subnet, all secondary  
subnets, or all subnets associated with the specified Ethernet interface.  
The following are equivalent ways to set the primary subnet of the Ethernet interface to with a  
Class C subnet mask:  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
To set a secondary subnet of the Ethernet interface to (with four host bits):  
interface ethernet 0 ip address secondary  
To delete a particular subnet from the list of subnets, specify the particular subnet:  
no interface ethernet 0 ip address  
To delete all secondary subnets:  
no interface ethernet 0 ip address secondary  
To delete all subnets:  
no interface ethernet 0 ip address  
To show the IP subnets of the Ethernet interface:  
show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s DHCP mode, whether standard or copper-mountain.  
The connection profile, default profile, and IP configuration structures now include a dhcp client mode setting  
that selects between the standard RFC 2131 standards-based mode of operation (the default), and the cop-  
per-mountain or cmn proprietary mode of operation.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-25  
When the DHCP client is activated on a RFC1483 MER interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated connection profile (or the default profile there was no explicitly configured connection profile). If the  
dhcp client mode specifies standard, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the header of its  
DHCP requests to the appropriate values for an RFC1483 MER interface (htype = 1 and hlen = 6). If the dhcp  
client mode specifies copper-mountain or cmn, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the  
header of its DHCP requests to zero.  
When the DHCP client is activated on an Ethernet WAN interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated IP configuration structure, and behaves as described above for the RFC1483 MER DHCP client.  
Note: cmn is accepted as a synonym for copper-mountain.  
interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd  
show interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the multicast forwarding behavior on the specified Ethernet  
interface ethernet id ip igmp-version { v1 | v2 | v3 }  
show interface ethernet id ip igmp-version  
These commands allow you to set or show the IGMP version to be used on the specified Ethernet interface.  
Beginning with Firmware version 8.7, v3 is the default.  
interface ethernet id mac address { MAC-address | default }  
show interface ethernet id mac address  
The first command allows you to set the MAC Address for the specified interface. You can return it to the default  
by typing in a MAC Address consisting of all zeros or by typing default. The show command applies to the LAN  
of all models, as well as the WAN on Ethernet WAN models.  
interface ethernet id mode { autonegotiate | 100full | 100half | 10full | 10half |  
100full-fixed | 100half-fixed | 10full-fixed | 10half-fixed }  
show interface ethernet id mode  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to set or show the Ethernet speed and duplex configuration to be used on the  
specified Ethernet interface. These commands only apply to 3300-Series products, single port Ethernet  
interface on either LAN or WAN. The default is auto-negotiation.  
2-26 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable  
show interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NetBIOS proxy status for the specified Ethernet  
interface. The NetBIOS proxy enables the ability to forward Windows Networking NetBIOS broadcasts. This is  
useful for, for example, a Virtual Private Network, in which you want to be able to browse the remote network to  
which you are tunnelling, as part of your Windows Network Neighborhood.  
Routed connections, such as VPNs, can not use NetBEUI to carry the Network Neighborhood information. They  
need to use NetBIOS, because NetBEUI cannot be routed. This feature will allow browsing the Network  
Neighborhood without any additional workstation configuration.  
Note: Microsoft Network browsing is available with or without a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)  
server. Shared volumes on the remote network are accessible with or without a WINS server. Local LAN shared  
volumes that have Port Address Translation (PAT) applied to them are not available to hosts on the remote LAN.  
For tunnelled traffic, NAT on the WAN has no effect on the Microsoft Networking traffic.  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the DHCP IP address serving behavior of the specified  
Ethernet interface. These commands do not affect the DHCP server mode. Consequently, if the router is set to  
DHCP relay these commands have no effect.  
The show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp command may also include the following keywords:  
available, leased, offered, and reserved. These return the count of client IP addresses in their respective  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report available  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report leased  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report offered  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp report reserved  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp dns [ 1 | 2 ] ip-addr  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to specify the IP addresses of primary and secondary DNS servers served to the  
client for this interface. If they are not specified, the globally configured (or derived) DNS addresses are served  
to the client instead.  
These DNS addresses are not used internally by the router; the globally configured DNS addresses are used  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-27  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option 150 address  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.6.  
These commands allow you to configure, remove, or show up to four TFTP IP addresses per ALAN to be served  
via option 150.  
interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
no interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
show interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.7.  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the status of broadcasting WAN routes via RIP. This is  
available only if rip transmit is enabled for the interface. The default is no, but if enabled, will drop any RIP  
routes with non-LANside information from RIP updates sent over the interface.  
interface ethernet id ip rip receive { no | v1 | v2 | both | v2-md5 }  
no interface ethernet id ip rip receive  
show interface ethernet id ip rip receive  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show the RIP receive behavior of the specified Ethernet interface.  
show interface ethernet 0 ip rip receive  
interface ethernet id ip rip transmit { no | v1 | v2broadcast | v2multicast | v2broadcast-md5 |  
v2multicast-md5 }  
no interface ethernet id ip rip transmit  
show interface ethernet id ip rip transmit  
These commands allow you set, delete, or show the RIP transmit behavior of the specified Ethernet interface.  
show interface ethernet 0 ip rip transmit  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id  
no interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id  
show config interface ethernet id ip rip auth key  
These commands allow you to create, delete, or show the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
2-28 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date date  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date  
These commands allow you to set or show a start date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time time  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time  
These commands allow you to set or show a start time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date date  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date  
These commands allow you to set or show an end date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
interface. The acceptable year range is from 1904 – 2039.  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time time  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time  
These commands allow you to set or show an end time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id end time mode { infinite | date }  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the end time mode for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the  
specified interface. date specifies that an expiration date and time will be used; infinite specifies that the key  
will never expire.  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id key <string>  
These commands allow you to assign a RIP-2 Authentication key. Keys must be manually entered and must  
consist of 1 – 16 ASCII characters each.  
interface ethernet id pppoe enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id pppoe enable  
show interface ethernet id pppoe enable  
These commands allow you enable, disable, or show the PPP over Ethernet behavior of the specified interface.  
show interface ethernet id statistics  
show interface ethernet id stats  
These commands allow you to display statistics for the specified Ethernet interface, including receive frames,  
octets, and errors, and transmit frames, octets, and errors.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-29  
interface ethernet id ip filterset fs-id  
no interface ethernet id ip filterset  
show interface ethernet id ip filterset  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show an IP filterset identified by fs-id on the specified  
Ethernet interface. fs-id is specified as an ASCII string corresponding to the name of a filterset. See “IP Filterset  
Configuration Commands” on page 2-121 for more information.  
interface ethernet id ip nat enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip nat enable  
show interface ethernet id ip nat enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the Network Address Translation behavior for the  
specified WAN interface.  
interface ethernet id ip nat map-list list-tag  
no interface ethernet id ip nat map-list  
show interface ethernet id ip nat map-list  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show a NAT map list for the specified WAN interface.  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough enable  
show interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough enable  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NAT passthrough behavior for the specified WAN  
interface. The IP passthrough feature allows for a single LAN PC to have the router’s public address assigned to  
it, in addition to providing PAT (NAPT) via the same public IP address for all other hosts on the private LAN  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NAT passthrough DHCP behavior for the specified  
WAN interface. This governs DHCP addressing for the passthrough host.  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address { mac-address }  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to set or show the NAT passthrough DHCP MAC address for the specified WAN  
interface. This specifies the MAC address of the passthrough host.  
2-30 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet id ip nat server-list list-tag  
no interface ethernet id ip nat server-list  
show interface ethernet id ip nat server-list  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show a NAT server list for the specified WAN interface.  
interface ethernet wan-id mac address { MAC-address | default }  
show interface ethernet wan-id mac address  
The first command allows you to set the MAC Address for the WAN on a WAN Ethernet Router. You can return it  
to the default by typing in a MAC Address consisting of all zeros or by typing default. The show command  
applies to the LAN of all models, as well as the WAN on the R9100 and R910.  
interface ethernet id address-serve clients { any | none | { bootp | dhcp | macip | wan } }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve clients { any | { bootp | dhcp | macip | wan } }  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve clients  
The interface ethernet id address-serve clients command allows you to configure the types of clients that may  
request IP addresses from the address server. If you specify the keyword any, the address server will accept  
requests from clients of any type supported by the router. Otherwise, you may specify one or more of the  
keywords bootp, dhcp, macip, or wan, in which case the address server will accept requests from only the  
specified types of clients. If you specify the keyword none, the address server will not accept requests from  
clients of any type.  
The no interface ethernet id address-serve clients command removes the specified client types from those  
from which the address server will accept requests.  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp lease-time hours  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp lease-time  
These commands allow you to set or show the address serving DHCP lease time to any number of hours, up to  
and including 168 (one week). The default DHCP lease time is one hour.  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp addresses  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to display the ethernet IP addresses being served via DHCP, and the host name of  
the served device, if available.  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client [ renew | release ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to renew or release the ethernet WAN IP address lease being served via DHCP.  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp next-server ip-addr  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-31  
This command specifies the IP address of the next server in the boot process, typically a Trivial File Transfer  
Protocol (TFTP) server.  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client status  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to display the status of the ethernet WAN being served via DHCP. It displays:  
IP Address  
IP Subnet Mask  
DHCP server  
IP Gateway  
DNS server 1  
Lease Expiration  
DNS server 2 (if any)  
interface ethernet id address-serve gateway { gw-ip-addr | default { ip-addr/mask-bits |  
ip-addr mask } }  
show interface ethernet id address-serve gateway  
This command allows you to specify the gateway IP address that will be served to clients requesting an address  
via an address serving protocol that can serve a gateway address. You may specify a gateway IP address for  
each Ethernet subnet for which you have configured an address-serving pool. (See the description of the  
interface ethernet id address-serve range command on page 2-32.)  
If you specify the keyword default, you must also specify an Ethernet subnet; the gateway IP address for the  
specified subnet will be reset to its default value. The default gateway IP address for a particular subnet is  
either the router's default gateway (if that gateway is on the specified subnet) or the router's address on the  
interface ethernet id address-serve helper ip-addr  
no interface ethernet id address-serve helper [ip-addr]  
show interface ethernet id address-serve helper  
These commands allow you to configure or display the addresses of up to four remote DHCP servers to which  
the router will forward DHCP requests when it is acting as a DHCP relay agent. The interface ethernet id  
address-serve helper command adds the specified IP address to the server list. The no interface ethernet id  
address-serve helper command removes the specified IP address from the server list; if you omit the IP  
address, all configured DHCP server IP addresses are removed.  
#show interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#no interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#show interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
2-32 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet id address-serve mode { relay | server }  
show interface ethernet id address-serve mode  
These commands allow you to specify or display the address serving mode for the specified Ethernet interface.  
The keyword relay causes the router to act as a DHCP relay agent. The keyword server enables address serving  
from one or more locally configured address pools.  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve mode server  
#show interface ethernet 0 address-serve mode  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve mode server  
interface ethernet id address-serve range { auto | from-addr to-addr }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve range from-addr to-addr  
show interface ethernet id address-serve range  
This command configures a pool of IP addresses for use by the address server. You may specify one address  
pool for each configured Ethernet subnet (primary and secondary). The total number of addresses in all  
configured pools may not exceed 512 addresses.  
If you specify the keyword auto instead of an IP address range, the router will automatically configure IP  
address pools for each configured Ethernet subnet. An automatically configured pool will include one-half of the  
number of addresses available in the corresponding subnet, and will be located in the opposite half of the  
subnet from the router's IP address on the subnet. If the total number of addresses required would exceed the  
maximum of 512 total addresses, the 512 available addresses will be allocated on a pro-rata basis across all  
interface ethernet id address-serve { no | off | on | yes }  
no interface ethernet id address-serve  
show interface ethernet id address-serve  
These commands enable, disable, or display the status of address-serving for the specified Ethernet interface.  
Stateful Inspection Configuration Commands  
See also:  
“Stateful Inspection Commands” on page 3-21 for Connection Profile commands.  
“Stateful Inspection Commands” on page 2-85 for Global Stateful Inspection commands.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-33  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2.  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of stateful inspection for the specified interface.  
This option is disabled by default. Stateful inspection prevents unsolicited inbound access when NAT is  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of default mapping to router for the specified  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff diff  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
These commands allow you to set or show TCP sequence difference acceptable for the specified interface. The  
TCP sequence number difference maximum allowed value is 65535. If the value of tcp-seq-diff is 0, it means  
that this check is disabled.  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag { yes | no | on | off }  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show whether fragmented packets are received for the specified  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list xposed-list_name  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of a stateful inspection exposed address list for  
the specified interface. Exposed address lists are similar to NAT server lists. Exposed addresses in the list will  
not be subject to stateful inspection and hence unsolicited inbound traffic will be allowed to these addresses.  
These are active only if NAT is disabled on the profile.  
2-34 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Ethernet Interface Static Client Address Translation Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat enable [ yes | no ]  
show interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of static client address translation on the  
specified LAN interface. This feature allows a statically addressed host whose address falls outside of the LAN  
subnet(s) to simply plug in and get online without any manual configuration on either the host or the Motorola  
Netopia Router.  
If scat enable is set to yes, statically addressed LAN hosts that have an address outside of LAN subnets will be  
able to communicate via the Router’s WAN interface to the Internet.  
Supported static IP address values must fall outside of the Router's LAN subnet(s).  
Ethernet Interface VRRP Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
A Virtual Router is a software abstraction consisting of a group of two or more hardware routers protecting one  
or more IP addresses. One of the routers is designated as the Master, while the others are backups. VRRP is a  
protocol that provides redundancy to routers within a local area network by allowing alternate paths for a PC  
without changing the IP address or MAC address by which the PC knows its gateway.  
A Virtual Router cannot be enabled unless it is populated with a Virtual ID and a Virtual IP address. The Virtual  
Router index starts from 1 (one). Two virtual routers can be configured per LAN interface.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrid [ 1... 255 ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrid  
These commands allow you to specify or display an ID (vrid) for the Virtual Router. vrid values may be in the  
range 1 – 255.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrip ip-addr  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id vrip  
These commands allow you to specify or display an IP address for the Virtual Router.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id priority [ 1... 255 ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id priority  
These commands allow you to specify or display a priority for the Virtual Router. The default value is 100, if not  
the owner of the virtual IP address. priority values may be in the range 1 – 255.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id adv-intvl [ 1... 255 ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id adv-intvl  
These commands allow you to specify or display an advertisement interval in seconds. The default value is one  
second; adv-intvl values may be in the range 1 – 255.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-35  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id preempt-mode enable [ no | yes | on | off ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id preempt-mode enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or display the status of preempt mode. The default is enabled.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id enable [ no | yes | on | off ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or display the status of the Virtual Router.  
no interface ethernet id ip vrrp vrouter id  
This command allows you to delete a Virtual Router.  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp wan-monitor enable [ { yes | no | on | off } ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp wan-monitor enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or display the status of the WAN monitor.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp master-dhcp-srv enable [ { yes | no | on | off } ]  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp master-dhcp-srv enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or display the status of the DHCP behavior. The Virtual Router  
can either serve or relay DHCP only if it is in Master state.  
interface ethernet id ip vrrp dhcp-gateway ip-addr  
show interface ethernet id ip vrrp dhcp-gateway  
These commands allow you to specify or display the Virtual Router DHCP gateway IP address.  
Virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration commands  
Note: See also “RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on page 2-39 and “Additional LAN  
configuration command” on page 2-16.  
VLAN Configuration Commands  
vlan id by [ port-based | global ]  
no vlan id  
vlan id name name  
vlan id network { none | lan | eth2 | eth3 | eth4 | eth5 | eth6 | eth7 }  
vlan id id { 1 .. 4094 } (supported in V8.6.1)  
vlan id 8021x authprofile { authprofile tag name | authprofile id }  
no vlan id 8021x authprofile  
vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n } tag { yes | no }  
[ tos-priority { off | on -} ]  
[ iptos-promote { off | on } ]  
[ authprofile { name | id } ]  
[ inter-vlan-routing { group-1... group-8 } enable { yes | no } ]  
no vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n }  
vlan id interface ssid n tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface ssid n  
vlan id interface usb 0 tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface usb 0  
vlan id interface cp n tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface cp n  
show config vlan { id }  
vlan id by [ port-based | global ]  
no vlan id  
These commands allow you to create or delete a VLAN specified by id and designate it either port-based or  
global. You can create up to 16 VLANs.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-37  
vlan id name name  
This command allows you to assign a free-form name name to a VLAN specified by id.  
vlan id network { none | lan | eth2 | eth3 | eth4 | eth5 | eth6 | eth7 }  
This command allows you to define what additional LAN (ALAN) network is associated with the VLAN specified  
by id.  
vlan id id { 1 .. 4094 }  
This command allows you to change the VLAN ID, which will effectively require you to refer to the VLAN by its  
new VID after issuing this command.  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.7, a VID of zero (0) is permitted on the Ethernet WAN port only.  
vlan id 8021x authprofile { authprofile tag name | authprofile id }  
This command allows you to enable 802.1x authentication for the VLAN specified by id. This option is only  
supported on Router models with VGx technology or single Ethernet port models. If you are configuring a VLAN  
authentication profile for user authentication. This command allows you to associate a VLAN with an 802.1x  
RADIUS authentication profile. You must create an authentication profile, if you have not already done so. See  
“RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on page 2-39.  
Note: If you enable 802.1x for a VLAN that includes a wireless SSID, you must set wireless privacy to  
• all have 802.1x enabled with WPA-802.1x enabled in Wireless Privacy, or  
• have the VLANs set to 802.1x disabled and wireless privacy set to some other privacy setting. In that case  
wireless privacy can be any setting.  
Wireless does not currently support separate privacy modes per SSID. When enabling WPA-802.1x, wireless will  
default to the RADIUS configuration (see “RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on  
page 2-39), unless it is part of a VLAN. If it is part of a VLAN it will use the VLAN authentication profile's  
specified RADIUS server.  
vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n } tag { yes | no }  
[ tos-priority { off | on -} ]  
[ iptos-promote { off | on } ]  
[ authprofile { name | id } ]  
[ inter-vlan-routing { group-1... group-8 } enable { yes | no } ]  
no vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n }  
These commands allow you to create or delete a VLAN specified by id on an Ethernet interface indicated by its  
interface number. The option eth 1 = Ethernet LAN; eth 2 = Ethernet WAN, where applicable. If the Motorola  
Netopia Router model is a non-VGx model, the only available Ethernet port is numbered 0/1; for multiple  
managed-switch VGx models the number n is the number of the physical Ethernet port.  
tos-priority - allows you to enable or disable packet prioritization based on any 802.1p priority bits in the  
VLAN header to prioritize packets within the Router’s internal queues, according to DiffServ priority  
2-38 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
mapping rules.  
iptos-promote - allows you to enable or disable the translation of 802.1p priority bits to and from the  
IP-TOS header bit field. When enabled, write any 802.1p priority bits into the IP-TOS header bit field for  
received IP packets on this port destined for this VLAN; and write any IP-TOS priority bits into the 802.1p  
priority bit field for tagged IP packets transmitted from this port for this VLAN. All mappings between  
Ethernet 802.1p and IP-TOS are made according to a pre-defined QoS mapping policy.  
authprofile - allows you to associate this VLAN with an 802.1x authentication profile specified by name or  
inter-vlan-routing - (supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.4) when set to yes, allows you to  
associate this VLAN with an inter-VLAN routing group such that the specified VLAN can communicate with  
another VLAN in the same group. VLANS that are not associated with the same inter-VLAN routing group  
cannot communicate with each other.  
vlan id interface ssid n tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface ssid n  
These commands allow you to create or delete a port-based VLAN specified by id on a wireless SSID, if  
available, indicated by its SSID number.  
vlan id interface usb 0 tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface usb 0  
These commands allow you to create or delete a port-based VLAN specified by id on the Router’s USB port, if  
vlan id interface cp n tag { yes | no }  
no vlan id interface cp n  
These commands allow you to create or delete a port-based VLAN specified by id on the Router’s console port,  
if available, indicated by its port number n.  
show config vlan { id }  
This command allows you to display the configuration of all VLANs or a particular VLAN specified by id.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-39  
RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.  
Authentication Profile Configuration Commands  
authprofile id [ yes | no ]  
authprofile id tag string  
authprofile id remote server string  
authprofile id remote secret string  
authprofile id alternate server string  
authprofile id alternate secret string  
authprofile id radius identifier string  
authprofile id radius port { 1 ...65535 }  
show config authprofile id  
authprofile id [ yes | no ]  
This command allows you to create or delete an authentication profile identified by id containing relevant  
information to access a RADIUS server. You associate the profile with a VLAN using the vlan 8021x authprofile  
command (page 37).  
authprofile id tag string  
This command allows you to name an authentication profile identified by id with a free-form name of up to 32  
authprofile id remote server string  
This command allows you to specify the RADIUS server’s IP address or fully qualified server name.  
authprofile id remote secret string  
This command allows you to specify the RADIUS server CHAP secret.  
authprofile id alternate server string  
This command allows you to specify an alternate RADIUS server, if available.  
2-40 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
authprofile id alternate secret string  
This command allows you to specify the alternate RADIUS server CHAP secret.  
authprofile id radius identifier string  
This command allows you to specify the RADIUS Network Access Server (NAS) identifier. The default NAS  
identifier is an ASCII representation of the server’s base MAC address.  
authprofile id radius port { 1 ...65535 }  
This command allows you to specify the RADIUS server’s port number. Ordinarily, the RADIUS server port  
number is 1812. If you are using a different port number, enter it here.  
show config authprofile id  
This command allows you to display the configuration of an authentication profile identified by id.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-41  
NetBIOS configuration commands  
NetBIOS Configuration Commands  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode type { b-node | p-node | m-node | h-node }  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode type  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name domain-name  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address [secondary]  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode enable  
These commands allow you to enable, delete, or show the router’s IP address serving capability on the  
Ethernet interface in NetBIOS mode.  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode type { b-node | p-node | m-node | h-node }  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode type  
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s NetBIOS mode type of IP address serving on the  
Ethernet interface.  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope enable  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show whether NetBIOS scope is enabled.  
2-42 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name domain-name  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name  
These commands allow you to set or show the domain name under which the NetBIOS scope is enabled.  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show whether a NetBIOS name server address is served to  
NetBIOS clients.  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address [secondary]  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address  
These commands allow you to set or show the IP address of the NetBIOS name server.  
If the keyword secondary is specified and there is no primary WINS server the command will be rejected as  
CLI_NO_CFG_SUPPORT_ERR, with the error message "; error 2: not supported with current configuration“.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-43  
Generic WAN Interface configuration commands  
Note: For possible values of intf-type, refer to “Interface Naming Conventions” on page 1-3. Generic WAN  
Interface Commands may be applied to any router WAN interface by specifying the intf-type wan together with  
the appropriate interface id. Alternatively, you can specify the more specific intf-type if you choose.  
Generic WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
interface intf-type id dle { hdlc | ppp [{vcmux | vcmultiplexed | llcsnap}] |  
rfc1483 [{ bridged | routed }] | rfc1490 }  
show interface intf-type id dle  
show interface intf-type id statistics  
show interface intf-type id stats  
show interface wan id status  
interface wan 0 tracking { yes | no }  
Restricted WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable  
show interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } { yes | no }  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr num  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr  
interface intf-type id dle { hdlc | ppp [{vcmux | vcmultiplexed | llcsnap}] |  
rfc1483 [{ bridged | routed }] | rfc1490 }  
show interface intf-type id dle  
These commands allow you to set or show the global data link encapsulation type of the interface specified by  
intf-type id. At this time you can generally think of the data link encapsulation of interface 1 as the global data  
link encapsulation of the router itself.  
Note: atmfuni is accepted as a synonym for rfc1483 and frame-relay is accepted as a synonym for rfc1490.  
For ppp, the default mode is vcmux. For rfc1483, the default mode for frame-based SDSL (R7100) interfaces  
is bridged, while the default mode for cell-based SDSL (R7200) interfaces is routed.  
interface wan 1 dle frame-relay  
2-44 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
show interface intf-type id statistics  
show interface intf-type id stats  
These commands allow you to display statistics for the specified interface, including receive frames, octets,  
and errors, and transmit frames, octets, and errors. For switched ISDN interfaces, the statistics are broken  
down by channel.  
show interface wan id status  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to view the general status of the WAN. It displays:  
Interface type  
MAC address  
IP Address  
Status (Down, Activating, or Connected)  
interface wan 0 tracking { yes | no }  
For D-Series CSU/DSU equipment, this command allows you to track or not track the primary interface speed.  
Specifying yes means the primary interface (AUX) speed will be tracked, which is the default. Changing this to  
no currently means that we will be running at 1.5 MHz.  
Restricted WAN Interface configuration commands  
interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable  
show interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe enable  
These commands allow you enable, disable, or show the PPP over Ethernet behavior of the specified interface.  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } { yes | no }  
This command allows you to enable or disable a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) on the specified ADSL or SDSL  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr num  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr  
These commands allow you to assign or show a Peak Cell Rate value (PCR) on a specified Permanent Virtual  
Circuit (PVC) on an ADSL or SDSL interface.  
Motorola Netopia routers support two ATM classes of service for data connections: Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR)  
and Constant Bit Rate (CBR). You can configure these classes of service on a per VC basis. The default ATM  
class of service is UBR for data. The ATM class of service is not configurable for voice virtual circuits.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-45  
UBR VC: No configuration is needed for UBR VCs.  
CBR VC: One parameter is required for CBR VCs, the Peak Cell Rate pcr that applies to the VC. This value  
should be between 1 and the line rate. You set this value according to specifications defined by your service  
ISDN WAN Interface configuration commands  
ISDN WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
Generic ISDN  
interface isdn id line type { switched | leased | idsl-ascend | idsl-cmn }  
show interface isdn id line type  
show interface isdn id status [ b1 | b2 ]  
Permanent ISDN (IDSL) only  
interface isdn id imux mode { mlppp | dml }  
show interface isdn id imux mode  
interface isdn id speed { b1 | b2 | 2b | 2b+d }  
show interface isdn id speed  
Switched ISDN only  
interface isdn id switch { auto | ni1 | 5esspttopt | 5essmultipt | dms100 | ts013 | euroisdn |  
japanntt | uk-euro }  
interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 } string  
no interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 }  
show interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 }  
interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 } string  
no interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 }  
show interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 }  
interface isdn id imux mode { mlppp | dml }  
show interface isdn id imux mode  
These commands allow you set or show the ISDN interface IMUX bonding mode: Multilink PPP or DML (for  
Copper Mountain Networks central office equipment).  
interface isdn 1 imux mode dml  
2-46 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface isdn id line type { switched | leased | idsl-ascend | idsl-cmn }  
show interface isdn id line type  
These commands allow you set or show the ISDN interface mode: switched, leased, idsl-ascend (IDSL for  
Lucent/Ascend Communications central office equipment), or idsl-cmn (IDSL for Copper Mountain Networks  
central office equipment).  
interface isdn 1 mode leased  
show interface isdn id status [ b1 | b2 ]  
This command allows you display the status of the specified ISDN/IDSL interface. For a switched ISDN  
interface, you may specify the optional keyword b1 or b2, in which case the status of the specified B-channel is  
displayed rather than the status of the interface itself.  
For a leased ISDN/IDSL interface, the possible status strings and their meanings are:  
Status String  
The interface is not yet active.  
Waiting for rate negotiation  
The interface is in the process of sensing the data rate  
configured for the IDSL line at the central office. This status  
applies only to an interface set to idsl-cmn mode, in which the  
router can sense the data rate automatically.  
Backup recovery in progress  
Connected at xxx Kbps  
The interface is in the process of recovering back to the  
primary interface from a backup interface after a failure.  
The interface is connected to the DSLAM or other end device at  
the specified data rate. (xxx will be one of 64, 128, or 144.)  
For a switched ISDN interface, the possible status strings and their meanings are:  
Status String Meaning  
The interface is not yet active.  
The interface is active, and this is an interface that does not  
require SPIDs.  
Active, n of m SPIDs  
The interface is active, and this is an interface that requires  
SPIDs. n indicates the number of SPIDs that have been  
successfully registered so far, and m indicates the total  
number of SPIDs to be registered. If n is less than m, the  
device is still in the process of registering some of the SPIDs.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-47  
Status String  
Active, n of m SPIDs  
registered (p failed)  
The interface is active, and this is an interface that requires  
SPIDs. n indicates the number of SPIDs that have been  
successfully registered so far, m indicates the total number of  
SPIDs to be registered, and p indicates the number of SPIDs  
that failed registration. If the sum of n and p is less than m, the  
device is still in the process of registering some of the SPIDs.  
For one of the B-channels of a switched ISDN interface, the possible status strings and their meanings are:  
Status String  
The associated interface is not yet active.  
The channel is not currently in use.  
Speech Call  
The channel is in use by a speech call.  
The channel is in use for a 64 Kbps data call.  
The channel is in use for a 56 Kbps data call.  
The channel is in use for a 3.1 Khz call.  
64 Kbps Data Call  
56 Kbps Data Call  
3.1 Khz Call  
#show interface isdn 1 status  
Connected at 144 Kbps  
interface isdn id speed { b1 | b2 | 2b | 2b+d }  
show interface isdn id speed  
These commands, which apply only to permanent ISDN (i.e., IDSL), allow you to set or show the data rate (and  
B Channel usage) of the ISDN line. b1 means use Channel B1 at 64 Kbps, b2 means use Channel B2 at 64  
Kbps, 2b means use both Channels B1 and B2 at 128 Kbps, and 2b+d means use all three channels at 144  
interface isdn id switch { auto | ni1 | 5esspttopt | 5essmultipt | dms100 | ts013 | euroisdn |  
japanntt | uk-euro }  
This command allows you to change the ISDN switch type. This command applies only to switched ISDN. The  
only currently supported id is 1, which identifies the ISDN interface in the WAN 1 slot of the Motorola Netopia  
router. The WAN 2 slot (id 2) cannot be populated with an ISDN wanlet at this time, and the Motherboard (id 0)  
is incapable of supporting ISDN internally.  
Under many circumstances it is unnecessary to explicitly set the switch type, particularly in Europe. This is  
because for “S/T” ISDN routers the default switch type is euroisdn, and for “U” ISDN routers the default switch  
type is ni1.  
2-48 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
auto is appropriate only in the United States and allows the router to auto-determine the switch type, SPIDs,  
and directory numbers (DNs).  
uk-euro sets the switch type to Euro-ISDN, and as a side effect sets the console’s clock time display type to 24  
hour (i.e., “17:45” instead of “5:45 PM”).  
The command to set the switch type of the wanlet for the correct value in Japan is:  
interface isdn 1 switch japanntt  
interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 } string  
no interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 }  
show interface isdn id dn { 1 | 2 }  
These commands allow you to set, change, delete, or show the directory numbers associated with the specified  
ISDN interface. These commands apply only to switched ISDN. The only currently supported id is 1. The string  
parameter can contain up to 32 characters. Non-dialable characters are allowed (and are ignored).  
interface isdn 1 dn 1234567  
interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 } string  
no interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 }  
show interface isdn id spid { 1 | 2 }  
These commands allow you to set, change, delete, or show the SPIDs associated with the specified ISDN  
interface. These commands apply only to switched ISDN. The only currently supported id is 1. The string  
parameter can contain up to 23 characters. Illegal characters are allowed (for instance, for formatting) and are  
ignored by the interface.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-49  
ADSL WAN Interface configuration commands  
ADSL WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
interface adsl id pvc vpi-value vci-value  
show interface adsl id pvc  
show interface adsl id status  
show interface adsl id statistics  
interface adsl id signaling-mode { fdm | echo-cancellation }  
show interface adsl id signaling-mode  
interface adsl id trellis-coding { yes | no }  
show interface adsl id trellis-coding  
no interface adsl id trellis-coding  
interface adsl id pvc vpi-value vci-value  
show interface adsl id pvc  
These commands allow you to set, change, or show the PVC VPI and VCI values associated with the ADSL WAN  
show interface adsl id status  
This command allows you to display the status of the specified ADSL interface. For an ADSL interface, the  
possible status strings and their meanings are:  
Status String  
Connected at xxx rx / yyy tx Kbps  
The interface is connected to the DSLAM at the specified  
speeds, where xxx is the downstream (receive) speed and yyy  
is the upstream (transmit) speed, each in Kbps.  
Activation Backoff  
The ADSL interface is between connection attempts.  
The ADSL interface is not yet initialized.  
No signal from DSLAM  
The ADSL interface is not detecting a signal from a DSLAM.  
show interface adsl id statistics  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
2-50 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
This command allows you to display statistics for the specified ADSL interface:  
Receive frames  
Receive errors  
Transmit octets  
Receive octets  
Transmit frames  
Transmit errors  
interface adsl id signaling-mode { fdm | echo-cancellation }  
show interface adsl id signaling-mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the signalling mode on an ADSL interface. fdm = Frequency Division  
interface adsl id trellis-coding { yes | no }  
show interface adsl id trellis-coding  
no interface adsl id trellis-coding  
These commands allow you to set, show, or disable trellis encoding on the specified ADSL interface.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-51  
SDSL WAN Interface configuration commands  
SDSL WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
interface sdsl id clock source { internal | network }  
show interface sdsl id clock source  
interface sdsl id clock rate rate-specification  
show interface sdsl id clock rate  
interface sdsl id operation mode { generic | lucent | nokia-eoc-fast | nokia-fixed | paradyne |  
nortel | newbridge } [ default ]  
show interface sdsl id operation mode  
interface sdsl id pvc vpi-value vci-value  
show interface sdsl id pvc  
interface sdsl id region { annexa | annexb }  
show interface sdsl id region  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci { 16 .. 991 }  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable { yes | no }  
no interface ethernet { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi { none | lmi | ccitt | ansi | annexa | annexd }  
no interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi  
show interface sdsl id status  
interface sdsl id clock source { internal | network }  
show interface sdsl id clock source  
These commands allow you to set, change, or show the clock source associated with the SDSL WAN interface.  
Note: These commands apply only to frame-based SDSL (R7100) interfaces.  
2-52 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface sdsl id clock rate rate-specification  
show interface sdsl id clock rate  
These commands allow you to set, change, or show the data rate associated with the SDSL WAN interface.  
Note: The permissible values for rate-specification depend on the type of SDSL WAN interface. For  
frame-based SDSL (R7100) interfaces, rate-specification may be replaced with:  
{ 160 | 208 | 320 | 416 | 784 | 1040 | 1568 }  
For cell-based SDSL (R7200) interfaces, rate-specification may be replaced with:  
{ 144...2320 } [{ hunt | locked }]  
See the table on the next page for possible rate specifications.  
Also, data rate is accepted as a synonym for clock rate.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-53  
interface sdsl id operation mode { generic | lucent | nokia-eoc-fast | nokia-fixed | paradyne | nortel |  
newbridge } [ default ]  
show interface sdsl id operation mode  
Note: These commands apply only to ATM-based SDSL interfaces.  
If the optional default token is included in the command, various WAN interface parameters will be set to  
appropriate default values, given the particular mode setting. The parameters and their values are enumerated  
in the table below. In addition, the data rates accepted by the interface sdsl id data rate command depend on  
what the operation mode is, and correspond to the values available from the Data Rate pop-up menu on the  
SDSL Line Configuration screen in the menu console. These acceptable data rates are enumerated below as  
RFC 1483  
Data Rate  
Data Rate  
Clock Source  
Data Rates  
2-54 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Note that setting the mode value to generic will not change any other WAN interface module parameter; thus,  
the following command:  
interface sdsl 1 operation mode generic default  
will be rejected as a syntax error.  
interface sdsl id pvc vpi-value vci-value  
show interface sdsl id pvc  
These commands allow you to set, change, or show the PVC VPI and VCI values associated with the SDSL WAN  
interface sdsl id region { annexa | annexb }  
show interface sdsl id region  
These commands allow you to specify or show the region setting for devices that support multiple (North Amer-  
ican/non-North American) regions.  
Note: These commands apply only to cell-based SDSL (R7200) interfaces.  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci { 16 .. 991 }  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci  
These commands allow you to set or show an RFC 1973 DLCI for the SDSL or ISDN WAN interface.  
Note that the only WAN interface modules that currently support RFC 1973 are the U/ISDN (31xx) and Copper  
Mountain SDSL (71xx). Attempts to set or show RFC 1973 parameters on any other WAN interface module will  
return an error.  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable { yes | no }  
no interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show RFC 1973 (PPP) behavior on the SDSL or ISDN WAN  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi { none | lmi | ccitt | ansi | annexa | annexd }  
no interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the RFC 1973 (PPP) Local Management Interface (LMI)  
type on the SDSL or ISDN WAN interface.  
The keywords ccitt and annexa are synonyms, as are the keywords ansi and annexd.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-55  
show interface sdsl id status  
This command allows you to display the status of the specified SDSL interface. For a cell-based SDSL (R7200)  
interface, the possible status strings and their meanings are:  
Status String  
Connected at xxx Kbps  
The interface is connected to the DSLAM at the specified  
Trying xxx Kbps  
The SDSL interface is attempting to connect to the DSLAM at  
the specified speed.  
Activation Backoff  
The SDSL interface is between connection attempts.  
The SDSL interface is not yet initialized.  
No signal from DSLAM  
The SDSL interface is not detecting a signal from a DSLAM.  
Priority Queuing (TOS bit) Commands  
Priority Queuing Configuration Commands  
interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable  
show interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable  
interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable  
show interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id priority-queuing enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the priority queuing (TOS) setting for the specified WAN  
2-56 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Differentiated Services (Diffserv) commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.  
Diffserv Configuration Commands  
diffserv enable [ yes | no ]  
diffserv ratio [ 79 - 100 ]  
diffserv rule id name string  
diffserv rule id protocol [ tcp | udp | icmp | other ]  
diffserv rule id priority [ off | assure | expedite | reserve ]  
diffserv rule id direction [ outbound | inbound | both ]  
diffserv rule id start-port [ 0 - 49151 ]  
diffserv rule id end-port [ 0 - 49151 ]  
diffserv rule id inside-ip x.x.x.x  
diffserv rule id outside-ip y.y.y.y  
diffserv enable [ yes | no ]  
This command allows you to enable or disable Differentiated Services (diffserv) for controlling Quality of  
Service (QoS) queue priority.  
diffserv ratio [ 79 - 100 ]  
This command allows you to set the low-high ratio to regulate the level of packets allowed to be pending in the  
low priority queue.  
diffserv rule id name string  
This command allows you to create a custom rule specified by id with the name string. If your applications do  
not provide Quality of Service (QoS) control, rules allow you to define streams for some protocols, port ranges,  
and between specific end point addresses.  
diffserv rule id protocol [ tcp | udp | icmp | other ]  
This command allows you to specify the protocol for the rule id: tcp, udp, icmp, or other. other is appropriate  
for rules on protocols with non-standard port definitions. IPSEC and PPTP are common examples. If you specify  
other protocol, you must provide its actual protocol number, with a range of 0 – 255.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-57  
diffserv rule id priority [ off | assure | expedite ]  
This command allows you to specify the priority for the rule id: off, assure, or expedite. This is the Quality of  
Service setting for the rule, based on the TOS bit information. The following table outlines the TOS bit settings  
and behavior:  
QoS Setting  
TOS Bit Value  
This custom rule is disabled. You can activate it by selecting one of  
the two settings below. This setting allows you to pre-define flows  
without actually activating them.  
Use normal queuing and throughput rules, but do not drop packets  
if possible. Appropriate for applications with no guaranteed delivery  
Use minimum delay. Appropriate for VoIP and video applications.  
diffserv rule id direction [ outbound | inbound | both ]  
This command allows you to specify the direction of the flow: outbound, inbound, or both. For TCP or UDP  
protocols, you can optionally specify a range of ports.  
diffserv rule id start-port [ 0 - 49151 ]  
This command allows you to specify the starting port in the range for the rule id for TCP or UDP protocols.  
diffserv rule id end-port [ 0 - 49151 ]  
This command allows you to specify the ending port in the range for the rule id for TCP or UDP protocols.  
diffserv rule id inside-ip x.x.x.x  
This command allows you to specify the inside IP address for the rule id. For outbound flows, specify an IP  
address on your LAN. For inbound flows, this setting is ignored.  
diffserv rule id outside-ip y.y.y.y  
This command allows you to specify the outside IP address for the rule id. If you want traffic destined for and  
originating from a certain WAN IP address to be controlled, enter the IP address here. If you specify all-zeroes,  
the outside address check is ignored.  
For outbound flows, the outside address is the destination IP address for traffic; for inbound packets, the  
outside address is the source IP address.  
2-58 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware release 8.3.1.  
PVC Configuration Commands  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } tag tag  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } tag  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable  
interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos { ubr | cbr | vbr }  
show interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vpi vpi-val  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vpi  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vci vci-val  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vci  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } cp { profile-id | profile-tag | default }  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } cp  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag }  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show a permanent virtual circuit. You can specify an optional  
circuit tag of up to 14 ASCII characters. The tag is used only to identify the circuit for management purposes,  
and has no significance on the wire; it is merely a convenience to aid in selecting circuits from lists. The default  
circuit name is “Circuit <n>”, where <n> is replaced with a single decimal ASCII digit (between one and eight)  
corresponding to the circuit’s position in the list of up to eight circuits.  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } tag tag  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } tag  
These commands allow you to set or show a permanent virtual circuit identified by tag.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-59  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable { yes | no }  
no interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show a permanent virtual circuit.  
interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos { ubr | cbr | vbr }  
show interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
These commands allow you to specify or show the Quality of Service (QoS) type – Unspecified Bit Rate (ubr) or  
Constant Bit rate (cbr) – for the specified PVC. Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3, the vbr argument is also  
Variable Bit Rate (vbr) is characterized by:  
• a pcr (Peak Cell Rate) value, which is a temporary burst, not a sustained rate, and  
• an scr (Sustained Cell Rate) value, and  
• an mbs (Maximum Burst Size/Burst Tolerance) value. mbs is the maximum number of cells that can be  
transmitted at the peak cell rate and should be less than, or equal to the Peak Cell Rate, which should be less  
than, or equal to the line rate.  
VBR has two sub-classes:  
a. VBR non-real-time (VBR-nrt): Typical applications are non-real-time traffic, such as IP data traffic. This class  
yields a fair amount of Cell Delay Variation (CDV).  
b. VBR real time (VBR-rt): Typical applications are real-time traffic, such as compressed voice over IP and video  
conferencing. This class transmits cells with a more tightly bounded Cell Delay Variation. The applications follow  
vpi and vci  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vpi vpi-val  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vpi  
These commands allow you to set or show the Virtual Path Identifier value vpi for a permanent virtual circuit.  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vci vci-val  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } vci  
These commands allow you to set or show the Virtual Channel Identifier value vci for a permanent virtual  
The vpi and vci allow you to configure the Virtual Path Identifier and Virtual Channel Identifier which together  
identify the ATM permanent virtual circuit used between the router and the remote device. The values  
configured for these items must match those configured in the remote device for data to flow between the  
devices. The vpi may be set to any value between zero (0) and 255.  
2-60 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } cp { profile-id | profile-tag | default }  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } cp  
These commands allow you to set or show the connection profile assigned to the specified PVC.  
Note: default means that the router will use the first appropriate connection profile or the Default Profile if an  
appropriate connection profile is not found.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-61  
DSL Line Type Interface Configuration Commands  
DSL Line Type Interface Configuration Commands  
interface dsl id line type { g.shdsl | sdsl-atm | sdsl-hdlc | idsl-cmn | idsl-leased | idsl }  
show interface dsl id line type  
interface dsl id line type { g.shdsl | sdsl-atm | sdsl-hdlc | idsl-cmn | idsl-leased | idsl }  
show interface dsl id line type  
These commands allow you to set or show the line type for the specified DSL interface.  
2-62 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
T1 WAN Interface configuration commands  
T1 WAN Interface Configuration Commands  
interface t1 id buildout { auto | 0-0.6 | 7.5 | 15.0 | 22.5 }  
show interface t1 id buildout  
interface t1 id channels  
count integer  
[ start integer ]  
[ { alternating | contiguous } ]  
[ rate { 56 | 64 | 56k | 64k | Nx56k | Nx64k } ]  
show interface t1 id channels  
interface t1 id clock source { internal | network }  
show interface t1 id clock source  
interface t1 id dle { ppp | hdlc | rfc1490 }  
show interface t1 id dle  
interface t1 id ds0-autodetect { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id ds0-autodetect  
no interface t1 id ds0-autodetect  
interface t1 id framing { d4 | esf }  
show interface t1 id framing  
interface t1 id encoding { ami | b8zs }  
show interface t1 id encoding  
interface t1 id operation line type { normal | copper-mountain }  
show interface t1 id operation line type  
interface t1 id prm-enable { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id prm-enable  
no interface t1 id prm-enable  
interface t1 id rfc1973 enable { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 enable  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 enable  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-63  
T1 WAN Interface Configuration Commands (continued)  
interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci { 16..991 }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci  
interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi { annexa | annexd | ansi | ccitt | lmi | none }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi  
interface t1 id buildout { auto | 0-0.6 | 7.5 | 15.0 | 22.5 }  
show interface t1 id buildout  
These commands set or display the line buildout for the specified T1 WAN interface.  
interface t1 id channels  
count integer  
[ start integer ]  
[ { alternating | contiguous } ]  
[ rate { 56 | 64 | 56k | 64k | Nx56k | Nx64k } ]  
show interface t1 id channels  
These commands set or display which DS0 channels are utilized on the specified T1 WAN interface, and the  
rate of those DS0 channels. The count clause is always required. The start clause is required unless the  
count clause specifies 24 channels, in which case if the start clause is not present, the starting channel  
number is assumed to be channel 1. If neither the alternating nor the contiguous keyword is specified, the  
contiguous keyword is assumed unless the line encoding is AMI and the count clause specifies two or more  
channels, in which case the alternating keyword is assumed. The rate clause is always optional. If the rate  
clause is not present, the value Nx64k is assumed, unless the line encoding is AMI, the count clause specifies  
two or more channels, and the contiguous keyword is specified, in which case the value Nx56k is assumed.  
interface t1 id clock source { internal | network }  
show interface t1 id clock source  
These commands set or display the clock source for the specified T1 WAN interface.  
interface t1 id dle { ppp | hdlc | rfc1490 }  
show interface t1 id dle  
These commands set or display the data link encapsulation (DLE) for the specified T1 WAN interface.  
Note: frame-relay is accepted as a synonym for rfc1490.  
interface t1 id ds0-autodetect { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id ds0-autodetect  
no interface t1 id ds0-autodetect  
These commands allow you to set, show, or disable DS0 channel auto-detection on the specified T1 interface.  
2-64 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface t1 id framing { d4 | esf }  
show interface t1 id framing  
These commands set or display the framing mode for the specified T1 WAN interface.  
interface t1 id encoding { ami | b8zs }  
show interface t1 id encoding  
These commands set or display the line encoding for the specified T1 WAN interface.  
Note: If this command changes the line encoding from b8zs to ami and there are two or more contiguous  
Nx64k channels in use, the channel data rate will be changed to Nx56k.  
interface t1 id operation line type { normal | copper-mountain }  
show interface t1 id operation line type  
These commands set or display the operation mode for the specified T1 WAN interface. The keyword  
copper-mountain should be specified when connected to a Copper Mountain DSLAM T1 line card; the keyword  
normal should be specified in all other situations.  
interface t1 id prm-enable { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id prm-enable  
no interface t1 id prm-enable  
These commands set or display whether or not ANSI PRMs are sent on the specified T1 WAN interface.  
interface t1 id rfc1973 enable { yes | no }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 enable  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 enable  
These commands set or display whether or not PPP in Frame Relay (RFC1973) is enabled on the specified T1  
WAN interface.  
interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci { 16..991 }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci  
These commands set or display the DLCI used for PPP in Frame Relay (RFC1973) on the specified T1 WAN  
interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi { annexa | annexd | ansi | ccitt | lmi | none }  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi  
These commands set or display the Local Management Interface (LMI) type for PPP in Frame Relay (RFC1973)  
on the specified T1 WAN interface.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-65  
T1 Statistic and Diagnostic commands  
T1 Statistic and Diagnostic Commands  
show interface t1 id errors { current | interval 1..96 | total }  
interface t1 id diagnostic mode { local loopback | normal | remote loopback |  
send { all ones | blue alarm | loopback } }  
show interface t1 id diagnostic mode  
show interface t1 id line status  
show interface t1 id loopback mode  
show interface t1 id loopback status  
show interface t1 id errors { current | interval 1..96 | total }  
This command displays the error statistics for the specified T1 WAN interface for a particular 15-minute interval  
during the previous 24-hour period, or the total for the past 24 hours. Specifying the keyword current displays  
the error statistics for the current 15-minute interval. Specifying the keyword interval followed by an integer  
between 1 and 96 displays the error statistics for a prior 15-minute interval. Interval 1 is the most recently  
completed 15-minute interval, while interval 96 is the interval completed 23 hours and 45 minutes prior to  
interval 1. Specifying the keyword total displays the total error statistics for the last 24 hours.  
#show interface t1 1 errors interval 1  
15 minutes ending 16:32:44  
Errored Seconds  
Unavailable Seconds  
Severely Errored Seconds 001  
Bursty Errored Seconds  
Loss of Frame Count  
Bipolar Violation Count 001  
#show interface t1 1 errors total  
24 hours ending 16:32:44  
Errored Seconds  
Unavailable Seconds  
Severely Errored Seconds 001  
Bursty Errored Seconds  
Loss of Frame Count  
2-66 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Bipolar Violation Count 001  
#show interface t1 1 errors current  
Current Interval elapsed time 02:45  
Errored Seconds  
Unavailable Seconds  
Severely Errored Seconds 001  
Bursty Errored Seconds  
Loss of Frame Count  
Bipolar Violation Count 000  
interface t1 id diagnostic mode { local loopback | normal | remote loopback |  
send { all ones | blue alarm | loopback } }  
show interface t1 id diagnostic mode  
This command sets or displays the diagnostic mode for the specified T1 interface. Specifying local loopback  
puts the near end in local payload loopback mode. Specifying remote loopback instructs the far end to put  
itself in payload loopback mode. Specifying send all ones or send blue alarm (which are synonyms) causes the  
near end to start sending an all-ones pattern, which puts the far end in the red alarm state, causing it to send  
back a yellow alarm. Specifying send loopback causes the near end to begin sending loopback packets.  
Specifying normal cancels the effect of any previous diagnostic mode command.  
After issuing the diagnostic mode send loopback command, the loopback progress can be monitored by  
issuing the loopback status command (see below).  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-67  
show interface t1 id line status  
This command displays the line status on the specified T1 interface. This will display one of the following  
Red Alarm  
Yellow Alarm  
Blue Alarm  
Normal Operation  
show interface t1 id loopback mode  
This command displays the loopback mode of the specified T1 interface. This will display one of the following  
Layer 1 Activation Not Present  
Local Payload Loopback Enabled  
Remote Line Loopback Enabled  
Remote Payload Loopback Enabled  
Clear - No Loopback Enabled  
show interface t1 id loopback status  
This command displays the progress of the loopback test on the specified T1 interface. This will display one of  
the following strings:  
Loopback Not Active  
PASS (xxxxx good, yyyyy bad packets)  
FAIL (xxxxx good, yyyyy bad packets)  
#show interface t1 1 loopback status  
Loopback Not Active  
#interface t1 1 diagnostic mode send loopback  
#show interface t1 1 loopback status  
PASS (00255 good, 00000 bad packets)  
#show interface t1 1 loopback status  
FAIL (00000 good, 00256 bad packets)  
2-68 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Unprotected Services Configuration Commands  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.4.  
When using an IPSec force-all tunnel, Unprotected Services supports router-generated packets with a source IP  
address outside the local member range. It works by applying a source address to an internally-generated  
router service, and specifies whether the service should not be routed by default over the force-all IPSec tunnel.  
This permits supporting multiple authentication profles with multiple tunnels, as well as supporting  
authentication profiles that point to a RADIUS server on the LAN interface. Other applications such as  
TACACS+, SNMP, syslog, NTP and heartbeat are not forced over the tunnel.  
Unprotected Services Configuration Commands  
service interface [ ip_address | cp | ethernet ] [ number ]  
show service interface [ cp | ethernet ] [ number ]  
no service interface  
service unprotected [ yes | no ]  
show service unprotected  
no service unprotected  
service interface [ ip_address | cp | ethernet ] [ number ]  
show service interface [ cp | ethernet ] [ number ]  
no service interface  
These commands allow you to specify, show, or disable the application of a source address to an internally  
generated router service, such that the service should not be routed by default over a force-all IPSec tunnel.  
Applicable internally-generated router services are: RADIUS, TACACS+, SNMP, syslog, NTP and heartbeat.  
interface specifies from where the traffic is to be sourced.  
For cp or ethernet, the router will look up its interface address, reducing the chance of error.  
If you enter an ip_address that is not a local interface address, the service may either fail to function or the  
router will override the invalid address. It will then use the interface with a route to the server for the  
If no is used with the commands, the value goes back to the default and no.  
Note: Only primary Ethernet interfaces are supported; ALANs are not supported.  
remote-server interface  
remote-server interface cp 3  
remote-server interface ethernet 0  
remote-server unprotected yes  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-69  
remote-server unprotected no  
service unprotected [ yes | no ]  
show service unprotected  
no service unprotected  
These commands allow you to specify, show, or disable whether or not a service is "unprotected."  
unprotected indicates whether traffic will be sent over a force-all IPSec tunnel or not. All services default to  
unprotected no, meaning that they will be routed over the IPSec tunnel, unless set to yes.  
The no default enhances security since it requires user intervention to prevent the service from being routed  
over the IPSec tunnel.  
If no is used with the commands, the value goes back to the default and no.  
The remote-server configuration controls the settings for both TACACS+ and RADIUS servers.  
remote-server interface  
remote-server unprotected no  
By default, SNMP services use the primary WAN interface, thus no interface selection is required.  
system syslog interface  
system syslog unprotected no  
ip ntp interface  
ip ntp unprotected no  
heartbeat uses the primary WAN interface, thus no interface selection is required.  
heartbeat unprotected no  
If the service fails, a message will be added to the event log. This message has the format;  
[service] failed. Could not open socket  
2-70 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
IGMP Configuration Commands  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.5.1. IGMP Version 3 is supported  
beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
IGMP Configuration Commands  
igmp version ( v1 | v2 | v3 )  
show igmp version  
igmp snooping [ yes | no ]  
no igmp snooping  
show igmp snooping  
igmp robustness value  
no igmp robustness  
show igmp robustness  
igmp query-intvl value  
no query-intvl  
show query-intvl  
igmp query-response-intvl value  
no query-response-intvl  
show query-response-intvl  
igmp last-member-query-intvl value  
show igmp last-member-query-intvl  
igmp last-member-query-count value  
show igmp last-member-query-count  
igmp fast-leave [ yes | no ]  
no igmp fast-leave  
show igmp fast-leave  
show igmp group  
igmp wireless-m2u [ on | off ]  
igmp version ( v1 | v2 | v3 )  
show igmp version  
These commands allow you to set or show the querier's (LAN's) maximum IGMP version that will be used.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-71  
Beginning with Firmware version 8.7, v3 is the default.  
igmp snooping [ yes | no ]  
no igmp snooping  
show igmp snooping  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the Motorola Netopia Router’s ability to  
“listen in” to IGMP traffic. IGMP “snooping” is a feature of Ethernet layer 2 switches that “listens in” on the  
IGMP conversation between computers and multicast routers. Through this process, it builds a database of  
where the multicast routers reside by noting IGMP general queries used in the querier selection process and by  
listening to other router protocols.  
From the host point of view, the snooping function listens at a port level for an IGMP report. The switch then  
processes the IGMP report and starts forwarding the relevant multicast stream onto the host's port. When the  
switch receives an IGMP leave message, it processes the leave message, and if appropriate stops the  
multicast stream to that particular port. Basically, customer IGMP messages although processed by the switch  
are also sent to the multicast routers.  
igmp robustness value  
no igmp robustness  
show igmp robustness  
These commands allow you to specify or show the Motorola Netopia Router’s degree of sensitivity to lost  
packets. IGMP can recover from robustness minus 1 lost IGMP packet. The default value is 2. The range is 2 –  
igmp query-intvl value  
no query-intvl  
show query-intvl  
These commands allow you to specify or show the amount of time in seconds between IGMP General Query  
messages sent by the querier router. The default query interval is 125 seconds. The range is 10s – 600s.  
igmp query-response-intvl value  
no query-response-intvl  
show query-response-intvl  
These commands allow you to specify or show the maximum amount of time in tenths of a second that the  
IGMP router waits to receive a response to a General Query message. The default query response interval is 10  
seconds and must be less than the query interval. The range is 5 deci-sec – 255 deci-sec; the default is 100  
igmp last-member-query-intvl value  
show igmp last-member-query-intvl  
These commands allow you to specify or show the amount of time in deci-seconds that the router waits to  
receive a response to a Group-Specific Query message, when igmp-version is set to v2 or v3..  
igmp last-member-query-count value  
show igmp last-member-query-count  
These commands allow you to specify or show the number of Group-Specific Query messages sent.  
2-72 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
igmp fast-leave [ yes | no ]  
no igmp fast-leave  
show igmp fast-leave  
These commands allow you to specify or show the status of the non-standard procedure fast-leave to decrease  
the time to detect that a group has no more members.  
show igmp groups  
This command allows you to display the IGMP Snooping table.  
igmp wireless-m2u [ on | off ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.4.  
This command allows you enable or disable wireless multicast-to-unicast if igmp snooping is set to yes.  
The router replaces the multicast MAC-address with the physical MAC-address of the wireless client. If there is  
more than one wireless client interested in the same multicast group, the router will revert to multicasting the  
stream immediately. When one or more wireless clients leave a group, and the router determines that only a  
single wireless client is interested in the stream, it will once again unicast the stream.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-73  
Global IP Configuration Commands  
Global IP Configuration Commands  
ip dns { 1 | 2 } ip-addr  
no ip dns [ { 1 | 2 } [ip-addr] ]  
show ip dns [ { 1 | 2 } ]  
ip domain-name string  
no ip domain-name [string]  
show ip domain-name  
ip gateway ip-addr  
no ip gateway ip-addr  
show ip gateway  
backup gateway ip-addr  
no backup gateway ip-addr  
show backup gateway  
ip ntp period value  
no ip ntp period  
show ip ntp period  
ip ntp servers ip-addr1 ip-addr2  
no ip ntp servers  
show ip ntp servers  
ip ntp timezone value  
no ip ntp timezone  
show ip ntp timezone  
ip route { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask } gw-ip-addr [{ high | low }]  
[advertise [{no | distance}] [{enable | disable}]  
no ip route { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask } gw-ip-addr  
show ip route [{ static | ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
2-74 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Global IP Configuration Commands (continued)  
ip state-insp udp-timeout value  
show ip state-insp udp-timeout  
ip state-insp tcp-timeout value  
show ip state-insp tcp-timeout  
ip state-insp dos-detect value  
show ip state-insp dos-detect  
ip state-insp xposed-addr { [server-list-tag start-ip-addr end-ip-addr] }  
{ [protocol start-port end-port] }  
no ip state-insp xposed-addr { [server-list-tag] }  
show ip state-insp xposed-addr abc  
ip dns { 1 | 2 } ip-addr  
no ip dns [ { 1 | 2 } [ip-addr] ]  
show ip dns [ { 1 | 2 } ]  
These commands allow you to set, change, delete, or show the router’s primary and secondary domain name  
server addresses.  
ip domain-name string  
no ip domain-name [string]  
show ip domain-name  
These commands allow you to set, change, delete, or show the domain name of the router. string can be up to  
64 characters in length and may contain only valid domain name characters (alpha-numeric characters, dot  
("."), and dash ("-"). Note that email addresses contain the at symbol ‘@’ and are not valid domain names.  
ip gateway ip-addr  
no ip gateway ip-addr  
show ip gateway  
These commands allow you to set, change, delete, or show the router’s default gateway.  
backup gateway ip-addr  
no backup gateway ip-addr  
show backup gateway  
This command allows you to set, change, delete, or show the router’s default backup gateway.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-75  
ip ntp period value  
no ip ntp period  
show ip ntp period  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or display the setting of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server’s NTP  
Update Interval for the router. The value should be entered in HHHH:MM format.  
ip ntp servers ip-addr1 ip-addr2  
no ip ntp servers  
show ip ntp servers  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or display the Host Name or IP Address of a Network Time Protocol  
(NTP) server you want to specify for the router. You can also specify an alternate NTP server Host Name or IP  
Address, separated by a space.  
ip ntp timezone value  
no ip ntp timezone  
show ip ntp timezone  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or display your time zone. You can specify the time zone as + or -  
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or as the standard abbreviation of your zone, if it has one.  
For example: GMT -8:00 Pacific Standard Time can be entered as pst. The following table shows some standard  
time settings.  
GMT -10:00 Hawaii Standard Time  
GMT -9:00 Alaska Standard Time  
GMT -8:00 Pacific Standard Time  
GMT -7:00 Mountain Standard Time  
GMT -6:00 Central Standard Time  
GMT -5:00 Eastern Standard Time  
GMT -4:00 Atlantic Standard Time  
GMT -3:30 Newfoundland  
GMT +3:30 Tehran  
GMT +4:00 Russia Zone 3  
GMT +4:30 Kabul  
GMT +5:00 Russia Zone 4  
GMT +5:30 India  
GMT +6:00 Russia Zone 5  
GMT +7:00 Russia Zone 6  
GMT +8:00 W. Australia Std.  
GMT -2:00 Mid-Atlantic Time  
GMT -1:00 Azores Time  
GMT +9:00 Japan Standard Time  
GMT +9:30 Adelaide, Darwin  
GMT +10:00 E. Aust. Std. Time  
GMT +0:00 Greenwich Mean Time  
2-76 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
GMT +1:00 Central Europe Time  
GMT +2:00 Eastern Europe Time  
GMT +3:00 Moscow time (MSK)  
GMT +11:00 Russia Zone 10  
GMT +12:00 Russia Zone 11  
ip route { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask } gw-ip-addr [{ high | low }]  
[advertise [{no | distance}] [{enable | disable}]  
no ip route { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask } gw-ip-addr  
show ip route [{ static | ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
The ip route and no ip route commands allow you to add, change, or delete static routes. The show ip route  
static form of the show ip route command displays the configured static routes (including invalid or disabled  
ones), while the other forms of the show ip route command display the router's IP routing table (including any  
installed (i.e., valid and enabled) static routes).  
The destination network may be specified as an IP address and mask in either prefix or dotted-quad notation.  
gw-ip-addr is the IP address of the next-hop router, and should be on one of the router's directly connected IP  
The keywords high and low control the priority of the static route relative to an identical route learned via RIP. A  
static route with high priority (the default) takes precendence over an identical route learned via RIP, while an  
identical route learned via RIP takes precedence over a static route with low priority.  
The keyword advertise controls whether or not the router will advertise (redistribute) the static route via RIP.  
The keyword advertise may be followed by a RIP metric (distance) between 1 (the default) and 15 inclusive.  
If the show ip route command includes an optional IP address or IP address and mask, the route, if any, in the  
IP routing table that pertains to the specified destination network, subnetwork, or host address is displayed.  
ip route low advertise  
no ip route  
show ip route  
show ip route static  
Note: Beginning with Firmware Version 8.2, the ip route commands will no longer show or set static routes  
that are default gateways. They will only operate on direct routes (IP address and mask are non-zero). The  
default gateway routes are now meant to be handled with two commands: 1) ip gateway, which configures the  
Primary Default Gateway, and 2) backup gateway, which configures the Backup Default gateway.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-77  
DHCP Gen-Options, Option Groups, and Option Filtersets Commands  
DHCP Gen-Options commands  
DHCP Gen-Options commands  
ip dhcp gen-option tag option 1..255 [ data-type { ascii | hex | dotted-decimal } ] [ data data ]  
ip dhcp gen-option tag data-type { ascii | hex | dotted-decimal }  
ip dhcp gen-option tag data { data_of_the_correct_format_given_data-type }  
ip dhcp gen-option tag priority { low | high }  
show ip dhcp gen-option tag priority { low | high }  
no ip dhcp gen-option tag  
ip dhcp gen-option tag option 1..255 [ data-type { ascii | hex | dotted-decimal } ] [ data data ]  
This command allows you to specify a DHCP generic option set specified by tag of one to 15 characters. You  
can specify up to 20 gen-options. Each can contain up to 100 bytes of data, up to a maximum of 912 bytes of  
options data total, although, in practical terms, the CLI’s 80-character limit will restrict it to fewer. An option  
specified by a gen-option will be served only if the client requests it.  
The following table shows the formats and sizes for known options, and whether or not you can configure a  
gen-option of that type.  
Data Size  
Data Format  
IP mask  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
IP address list  
3 - 11  
Multiples of 4  
String (up to 100 characters)  
Unsigned 2 byte integer  
String (up to 100 characters)  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
String (up to 100 characters)  
String (up to 100 characters)  
14 - 15  
19 - 20  
IP address & mask list  
Unsigned 2 byte integer  
Multiples of 8  
2-78 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Data Size  
Data Format  
Unsigned 1 byte integer  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
Unsigned 2 byte integer list  
Unsigned 2 byte integer  
Multiples of 2  
IP address  
29 - 31  
IP address  
IP address and mask list  
Multiples of 8  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
Unsigned 1 byte integer  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
String (up to 100 characters)  
IP address list  
41 - 42  
Multiples of 4  
44 - 45  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
Unsigned 1 byte integer  
String (up to 100 characters)  
IP address list  
48 - 49  
Multiples of 4  
IP address  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
Unsigned 1 byte integer  
Unsigned 1 byte integer  
IP address  
String (up to 100 characters)  
String (up to 100 characters)  
Unsigned 2 byte integer  
Unsigned 4 byte integer  
String (up to 100 characters)  
String (up to 100 characters)  
String (up to 100 characters)  
58 - 59  
String (up to 100 characters)  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-79  
Data Size  
Data Format  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
66 - 67  
68 - 76  
String (up to 100 characters)  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
Pascal string list (length byte + data)  
78 - 79  
Sub-option list  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
86 - 87  
Unicode String  
Multiples of 2  
Encoded DN list  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
91 - 97  
Undefined/Weakly defined  
String (up to 100 characters)  
Undefined/Weakly defined  
99 - 115  
Unsigned 2 byte integer list  
IP address  
Multiples of 2  
Encoded DN list 2  
Encoded DN list or IPAddress list  
121 - 125  
126 - 127  
IP address list  
Multiples of 4  
129 - 223  
224 - 254  
249 (note)  
Undefined/Weakly defined  
Private Use  
Microsoft uses this instead of 121  
ip dhcp gen-option tag data-type { ascii | hex | dotted-decimal }  
This command allows you to specify the DHCP gen-option data type: ascii, hex or dotted-decimal.  
2-80 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ip dhcp gen-option tag data { data_of_the_correct_format_given_data-type }  
This command allows you to specify the gen-option data.  
If the data-type is ascii, then any printable character  
If the data-type is hex, then an even number of hex characters (e.g. “0123456789AbcdEf”  
If the data-type is dotted-decimal, then a series of numbers between 0 and 255, separated by a period (.).  
IP addresses are generally represented in this form.  
ip dhcp gen-option tag priority { low | high }  
show ip dhcp gen-option tag priority { low | high }  
no ip dhcp gen-option tag  
These commands allow you to set, display, or disable whether the default handling behavior for a particular  
option should be overridden by the specified gen-option. For most options this is irrelevant, but at least the  
following options are handled in the router outside the context of gen-options:  
OPTION_VID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC (vendor identity)  
Note: In most cases overriding the CPE default behavior is not recommended. Also, if the CPE can, but does  
not, serve an option in the above list, corresponding low-priority gen-options will be used to serve it.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-81  
DHCP Option Groups commands  
DHCP Option Groups commands  
ip dhcp option-group tag [ gen-option gen_option_tag ]  
show ip dhcp option-group tag  
no ip dhcp option-group tag [ gen-option gen_option_tag ]  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group option_group_tag  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group  
ip dhcp option-group tag [ gen-option gen_option_tag ]  
show ip dhcp option-group tag  
no ip dhcp option-group tag [ gen-option gen_option_tag ]  
These commands allow you to set, display, or disable one of up to eight DHCP Option Groups. Each Option  
Group can have a name of between 1 and 15 characters. The name is used in the DHCP filterset syntax to  
choose what group of gen-options is to be served to a particular DHCP Client.  
Option Groups refer to gen-options; they do not contain them. Deleting a gen-option from an option group does  
not delete the option. Adding a gen-option to an option-group does not preclude it from being added to another  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group option_group_tag  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp default-option-group  
These commands allow you to set, display, or disable the option group specified by option_group_tag as the  
2-82 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
DHCP Option Filtersets commands  
Support for DHCP option filtering is provided via the filterset settings.  
DHCP Option Filtersets commands  
ip dhcp-filterset fs-tag [ filter { new | last | id {1..8} }  
[ type { dhcp-option | hw-address | requested-option } ]  
[ dhcp-option { 1..255 } ]  
[ { match-str string_w_wildcards ('*' or '?') } |  
{ [ start-address mac-address ] [ end-address mac-address ] } } ]  
[ match-action { pass | discard | continue } ]  
[ match-pool ip-addr ]  
[ match-option-group { none | opt-group-tag } ]  
[ absent-action { pass | discard | continue } ]  
[ absent-pool ip-addr ]  
[ absent-option-group { none | opt-group-tag } ] ]  
show ip dhcp-filterset [ fs-tag [ [filter ] { last | { id 1..8 } } ] ] ]  
no ip dhcp-filterset [ fs-tag [ [ filter ] { last | {id 1..8 } } ] ] ]  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset fs-tag  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset  
bridge-dhcp-filterset fs-tag  
show bridge-dhcp-filterset  
no bridge-dhcp-filterset  
ip dhcp-filterset fs-tag [ filter { new | last | id {1..8} }  
[ type { dhcp-option | hw-address | requested-option } ]  
[ dhcp-option { 1..255 } ]  
[ { match-str string_w_wildcards ('*' or '?') } |  
{ [ start-address mac-address ] [ end-address mac-address ] } } ]  
[ match-action { pass | discard | continue } ]  
[ match-pool ip-addr ]  
[ match-option-group { none | opt-group-tag } ]  
[ absent-action { pass | discard | continue } ]  
[ absent-pool ip-addr ]  
[ absent-option-group { none | opt-group-tag } ] ]  
show ip dhcp-filterset [ fs-tag [ [filter ] { last | { id 1..8 } } ] ] ]  
no ip dhcp-filterset [ fs-tag [ [ filter ] { last | {id 1..8 } } ] ] ]  
These commands allow you to specify, display, or disable a DHCP filterset named fs-tag.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-83  
A filter can be identified by its ones-based index, [e.g.] 1, or with the special new keyword. Subsequent  
modifications to this filter, assuming no more filters have been added to the filter set yet, must be done by  
referring to the filter either by id (1), or by the other special keyword last. Subsequent filters can be added using  
either new or by the next integer filter id. You can always specify the last filter in the set by using last. It is an  
error to attempt to create a new filter whose id is not 1 greater than the id of the last filter.  
Up to two filtersets can be added. Your router supports a single LAN DHCP server instance, but an additional  
filterset is available for use when bridging, to block undesired DHCP traffic. Up to 8 rules can be created in the  
filterset, which are evaluated in order.  
type: The rule can either specify an option and option contents dhcp-option, a client hardware address  
range hw-address, or an option the client is requesting requested-option. By default a rule is of type  
dhcp-option: (1..255 ) If the filter is of type dhcp-option or requested-option, the dhcp-option information  
determines which DHCP option is specified. See page 2-77 for a table of DHCP options.  
match-str: The match-str string_w_wildcards will be compared against the DHCP DISCOVER option data.  
This string can contain multiple “*” and “?” wildcard substitutions. This is supported only if the filter is of  
type dhcp-option.  
start-address/end-address: a client hardware address range. This is supported only if the filter is of type  
If set to pass, the match-pool parameter is used to assign a pool start address, or to pass  
unchanged. DHCP packets matching the option string will pass.  
If set to discard, DHCP packets matching the option string will be blocked.  
If set to continue, the remaining rules in the filter will execute.  
match-pool: Specifies the start IP address of the range within a DHCP pool where that range will be used to  
allocate an address if the wildcard matches.  
The value means regular processing; means discard.  
match-option-group: Specifies an option group identified by opt-group-tag, or none for the match-action  
absent-action: As with match-action, absent-action describes the action taken if the matching DHCP  
option was not found, using the absent-pool parameter to provide the necessary pool start address.  
Note: absent is NOT the opposite of match. The absent- part of the rule is taken if the specified option is  
absent-pool: Specifies the start IP address of the range within a DHCP pool where that range will be used  
to allocate an address if the option in the DHCP packet is not present.  
The value means regular processing; means discard.  
absent-option-group: Specifies an option group identified by opt-group-tag, or none for the absent-action  
2-84 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset fs-tag  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp filterset  
These commands allow you to set, display, or disable a DHCP filterset specified by fs-tag for the Ethernet  
interface specified by id.  
bridge-dhcp-filterset fs-tag  
show bridge-dhcp-filterset  
no bridge-dhcp-filterset  
These commands allow you to set, display, or disable a DHCP filterset specified by fs-tag for use when bridging.  
Stateful Inspection Commands  
See also:  
“Stateful Inspection Configuration Commands” on page 2-32 for Ethernet interface commands, and  
“Stateful Inspection Commands” on page 3-21 for Connection Profile commands.  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
ip state-insp udp-timeout value  
show ip state-insp udp-timeout  
These commands allow you to specify or show the UDP timeout value for the stateful inspection feature. The  
UDP timeout range is between 30 and 65535 seconds.  
ip state-insp tcp-timeout value  
show ip state-insp tcp-timeout  
These commands allow you to specify or show the TCP timeout value for the stateful inspection feature. The  
TCP timeout range is between 30 and 65535 seconds.  
ip state-insp dos-detect [ yes | no ]  
show ip state-insp dos-detect  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
These commands allow you to set or show the status of Denial of Service (DoS) detection in the stateful  
inspection feature. Packets are monitored for DoS attack detection if this option is set to yes. Offending  
packets maybe discarded if it is determined to be a DoS attack.  
ip state-insp xposed-addr { [server-list-tag start-ip-addr end-ip-addr] }  
{ [protocol start-port end-port] }  
no ip state-insp xposed-addr { [server-list-tag] }  
show ip state-insp xposed-addr abc  
These commands allow you to add an entry to the specified list, or, if list does not exist, create the list for the  
stateful inspection feature. Accepted values for protocol are tcp, udp, or both. The show command allows you  
to display exposed entries in the list specified by the tag. The no command removes all addresses in the list  
and deletes the list.  
2-86 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Wireless Configuration Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2 on wireless (802.11)-  
enabled routers.  
Wireless Configuration Commands  
wireless enable [ yes | no ]  
show wireless enable  
wireless closed-system [ yes | no ]  
show wireless closed-system  
wireless ssid string  
show wireless ssid  
wireless auto-channel [ off | at-startup | continuous ]  
no wireless auto-channel  
show wireless auto-channel  
wireless tx-power [ full | medium | fair | low | minimal ]  
show wireless clients  
show wireless statistics  
wireless default-channel [ no 1..14 ]  
show wireless default-channel  
wireless wep [ enable | disable ]  
show wireless wep  
wireless default-keyid [ 1..4 ]  
show wireless default-keyid  
wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ] hex_string  
no wireless wep encpt-key hex_string  
show wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ]  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-87  
Wireless Configuration Commands (continued)  
wireless enable [ yes | no ]  
show wireless enable  
wireless closed-system [ yes | no ]  
show wireless closed-system  
wireless ssid string  
show wireless ssid  
wireless auto-channel [ off | at-startup | continuous ]  
no wireless auto-channel  
show wireless auto-channel  
wireless default-channel [ no 1..14 ]  
show wireless default-channel  
wireless wep [ enable | disable ]  
show wireless wep  
wireless default-keyid [ 1..4 ]  
show wireless default-keyid  
wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ] hex_string  
no wireless wep encpt-key hex_string  
show wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ]  
wireless enable [ yes | no ]  
show wireless enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the wireless option. When disabled, the  
router will not provide or broadcast any wireless LAN services.  
wireless closed-system [ yes | no ]  
show wireless closed-system  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether the WLAN is operating as a closed-system.  
Enabling closed system mode will hide the wireless router’s broadcast of the SSID, which prevents its name  
from appearing on a wireless client when they scan for access points. Therefore, in order to connect, the  
wireless client would already have to know the SSID. This prevents casual intrusion. Default is no.  
2-88 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
wireless ssid string  
show wireless ssid  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify this  
WLAN. Users must select or enter this string on their clients in order to become a part of this WLAN.  
wireless auto-channel [ off | at-startup | continuous ]  
no wireless auto-channel  
show wireless auto-channel  
These commands allow you to set, show, or turn off the wireless autochannel feature (only available for  
802.11G models). Autochannel allows the Netopia Router to determine the best channel to broadcast  
Three settings are available: off, at-startup, and continuous.  
off is the default setting; the Netopia Router will use the configured default channel.  
at-startup causes the Netopia Router at startup to briefly initialize on the default channel, then perform a  
full two- to three-second scan, and switch to the best channel it can find, remaining on that channel until  
the next reboot.  
continuous performs the at-startup scan, and will continuously monitor the current channel for any other  
Access Point activity. If Access Point activity is detected on the same channel, the Motorola Netopia  
Router will initiate a scan of the other channels, locate a less active one, and switch. Once it has switched,  
it will remain on this channel for at least 30 minutes before switching again if a new Access Point is  
Note: Channel scans can be disruptive to normal wireless activity and may take a few minutes.  
wireless tx-power [ full | medium | fair | low | minimal ]  
Sets the wireless transmit power, scaling down the router's wireless transmit coverage by lowering its radio  
power output. Default is full power. Transmit power settings are useful in large venues with multiple wireless  
routers where you want to reuse channels. Since there are only three non-overlapping channels in the 802.11  
spectrum, it helps to size the Gateway’s cell to match the location. This allows you to install a router to cover a  
small “hole” without conflicting with other routers nearby.  
show wireless clients  
This command displays the connected wireless clients, if any.  
#show wireless clients  
Hardware Address Status  
00-13-ce-62-66-1e Associated  
6245 4521  
48 Mbps, IP: N/A, Tx: 18485, Rx: 0 (bytes)  
show wireless statistics  
This command displays statistics associated with the wireless LAN.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-89  
#show wireless statistics  
Wireless Statistics  
Wireless Protocol:  
Wireless MAC Addr:  
Network ID (SSID):  
Operating Channel:  
IEEE 802.11b/g  
6245 4521 (Open, No privacy)  
Transmit OK  
Receive OK  
: 16  
: 0  
Tx Errors  
: 0  
Rx Errors  
Rx No Message  
Rx Octets  
Rx Unicast Pkts  
Rx Multicast Pkts  
Tx Discards  
Tx Octets  
Tx Unicast Pkts  
Tx Multicast Pkts  
: 0  
: 0  
: 0  
: 0  
: 0  
: 0  
: 5326  
: 0  
: 0  
802.11g Chipset:  
RX Frames:  
Texas Instruments TNETW-1130  
TX Frames:  
Free MSDU:  
Free BD:  
# Out of Packets:  
# TX Queue Full:  
170 of 170  
MSDU Free Watermark: 166  
BD Free Watermark: 336  
# Out of BDs:  
340 of 340  
wireless default-channel [ no 1..14 ]  
show wireless default-channel  
These commands allow you to specify or show a frequency range within the 2.4Ghz band on which this wireless  
network will operate. Channel selection depends on government-regulated radio frequencies that vary from  
region to region. The widest range available is from 1 – 14; in North America, however, only 1 to 11 may be  
selected. Channel selection can have a significant impact on performance, depending on other wireless activity  
in proximity to this access point. Channel selection is not necessary at the clients; clients will scan the  
available channels and look for access points using the same SSID as the client.  
2-90 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
wireless wep [ enable | disable ]  
show wireless wep  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of wireless WEP encryption. When enabled,  
WEP encryption is used for transmission and reception of wireless data. A single key is selected (see  
default-key) for encryption of outbound/transmitted packets. The WEP-enabled client must have the identical  
key, of the same length, in the identical slot (1..4) as the access point, in order to successfully receive and  
decrypt the packet. Similarly, the client also has a ‘default’ key that it uses to encrypt its transmissions; in  
order for the access point to receive the client’s data, it must likewise have the identical key, of the same  
length, in the same slot. For simplicity, an access point and its clients need only enter, share, and use the first  
wireless default-keyid [ 1..4 ]  
show wireless default-keyid  
These commands allow you to specify or show which key is used for encrypting data.  
wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ] hex_string  
no wireless wep encpt-key hex_string  
show wireless wep encpt-key [ 1..4 ]  
These commands allow you to specify or show the encryption keys (1 through 4) in hexadecimal. Keys are  
entered using hexadecimal digits. For 40/64bit encryption, 10 digits are needed; 26 digits for 128bit, and 58  
digits for 256bit WEP. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0 – 9, a – f. The no command will reset encryption key  
[ hex_string ] to zero.  
• 40bit:  
• 128bit: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789  
• 256bit: 592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F592CA140F0A238B0C61AE162F21A09C  
wireless mac-auth [ yes | no ]  
show wireless mac-auth  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of MAC authentication. Enabling this feature  
will limit access to the wireless LAN to specific MAC addresses listed with this option. By default, no addresses  
start in the table.  
wireless mac-allow MAC_address  
no wireless mac-allow MAC_address  
show wireless mac-allow  
These commands allow you to specify, show, or reset to zero MAC addresses that will be allowed to participate  
in the WLAN.  
wireless mac-deny MAC_address  
no wireless mac-deny MAC_address  
show wireless mac-deny  
These commands allow you to specify, show, or reset to zero MAC addresses that will be blocked from  
participating in the WLAN.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-91  
wireless mac-delete MAC_address  
This command allows you to delete the specified MAC address(es) from the table of MAC addresses maintained  
for this WLAN.  
Wireless Privacy Commands (new and revised)  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3 on wireless  
(802.11)- enabled routers.  
Wireless Privacy Commands (new and revised)  
wireless ssid string  
no wireless ssid string  
show wireless ssid string  
wireless privacy [ off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | 802.1x ]  
show wireless privacy  
wireless psk hex_string  
no wireless psk  
show wireless psk  
wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string  
show wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string  
wireless ssid string  
no wireless ssid string  
show wireless ssid string  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify this  
WLAN. Users must select or enter this string on their clients in order to become a part of this WLAN. This is a  
change to the wireless essid command from previous firmware versions. These commands are supported  
beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.  
2-92 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
wireless privacy [ off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x ]  
show wireless privacy  
These commands allow you to specify, show, or disable the different types of wireless privacy.  
Five possible arguments can be set for the privacy command:  
turn off privacy  
In this mode you enter encryption keys. Command syntax for entering encryption keys is  
described in the previous section.  
In this mode you enter a passphrase. Command syntax for entering a passphrase is  
described below.  
In this mode you specify a pre-shared secret key (psk). Command syntax for entering a  
pre-shared secret key is described below.  
In this mode you specify a RADIUS server to be used for user authentication. Command  
syntax for configuring RADIUS server parameters is described in “RADIUS Authentication  
Configuration Commands” on page 2-119.  
Note: The wpa-802.1x option is supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.  
wireless psk hex_string  
no wireless psk  
show wireless psk  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) pre-shared secret key,  
when wireless privacy is set to wpa-psk. The pre-shared secret key can be 8 – 63 alphanumeric characters or  
64 hex digits. Entering a blank key will reset the pre-shared key.  
wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string  
show wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string  
These commands allow you to set or show a passphrase when wireless privacy is set to wep-auto.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-93  
Wireless Multiple SSID Commands  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
Wireless Multi-SSID Configuration Commands  
wireless block-bridging [ enable | disable ]  
no wireless block-bridging  
show wireless block-bridging  
wireless multiple-ssid [ enable | disable ]  
no wireless multiple-ssid  
show wireless multiple-ssid  
wireless first-ssid string  
show wireless first-ssid  
wireless second-ssid string  
no wireless second-ssid  
show wireless second-ssid  
wireless third-ssid string  
no wireless third-ssid  
show wireless third-ssid  
wireless fourth-ssid string  
no wireless fourth-ssid  
show wireless fourth-ssid  
wireless first-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless first-ssid-privacy  
wireless second-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless second-ssid-privacy  
wireless third-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless third-ssid-privacy  
wireless fourth-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless fourth-ssid-privacy  
2-94 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Wireless Multi-SSID Configuration Commands (continued)  
wireless first-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless first-ssid-wpaver  
wireless second-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless second-ssid-wpaver  
wireless third-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless third-ssid-wpaver  
wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver  
wireless second-ssid-psk string  
wireless third-ssid-psk string  
wireless fourth-ssid-psk string  
wireless block-bridging [ enable | disable ]  
no wireless block-bridging  
show wireless block-bridging  
These commands allow you to block, unblock, or show the status of wireless to wireless inter-client  
wireless multiple-ssid [ enable | disable ]  
no wireless multiple-ssid  
show wireless multiple-ssid  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of multiple wireless SSIDs. For the second,  
third, and fourth SSIDs, you must first set multiple-ssid to enable. The no command will reset multiple SSIDs to  
show wireless first-ssid  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify this  
WLAN. Users must select or enter this string on their clients in order to become a part of this WLAN. The  
first-ssid command is also functionally equivalent to the wireless ssid command. See “Wireless Privacy  
Commands (new and revised)” on page 2-91.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-95  
wireless second-ssid string  
no wireless second-ssid  
show wireless second-ssid  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a second  
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the second SSID to empty.  
wireless third-ssid string  
no wireless third-ssid  
show wireless third-ssid  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a third  
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the third SSID to empty.  
wireless fourth-ssid string  
no wireless fourth-ssid  
show wireless fourth-ssid  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a fourth  
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the fourth SSID to empty.  
wireless first-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless first-ssid-privacy  
These commands allow you to specify or show the privacy setting for the first, and primary, SSID. Setting the  
privacy setting of this SSID will reset all of the SSID privacy settings to this value. If you want to set the primary  
to wpa-802.1x and one of the other SSIDs to wpa-psk, you must set the primary's first.  
wireless second-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless second-ssid-privacy  
wireless third-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless third-ssid-privacy  
wireless fourth-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }  
show wireless fourth-ssid-privacy  
Note: Wireless privacy commands for multiple SSIDs are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.5.1.  
These commands allow you to specify or show a privacy setting for each SSID. The privacy setting must match  
the first-ssid-privacy setting, unless first-ssid-privacy is wpa-802.1x. In that case, subsequent SSIDs may be  
set to wpa-psk, if desired.  
2-96 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
wireless first-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless first-ssid-wpaver  
wireless second-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless second-ssid-wpaver  
wireless third-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless third-ssid-wpaver  
wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver [ all | WPA-v1-only | WPA-v2-only ]  
show wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver  
Note: WPA privacy version commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.6.  
These commands allow you to set or show the first, second, third, or fourth SSID's allowed WPA versions if WPA  
is selected as a privacy option for that SSID. The default is all.  
wireless first-ssid-psk string  
wireless second-ssid-psk string  
wireless third-ssid-psk string  
wireless fourth-ssid-psk string  
These commands allow you to enter a WPA preshared key string for the specified SSID, if wireless privacy is set  
to wpa-psk for that SSID.  
Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) Configuration Commands  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) Configuration Commands  
wireless wmm { off | diffserv }  
show wireless wmm  
wireless wmm { off | diffserv }  
show wireless wmm  
These commands allow you to set or show the status of the wireless multimedia option. Wireless Multimedia  
currently implements wireless Quality of Service (QoS) by transmitting data depending on diffserv priority  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-97  
ARP Configuration Commands  
ARP Configuration Commands  
arp ip-addr hw-address  
arp ip-addr hw-address interface-id  
(D7100 CSU only)  
no arp ip-addr hw-address  
show arp static  
clear arp-cache  
show arp-cache  
Note: The hw-address format for an Ethernet MAC address is six hexadecimal values between 00 and FF  
inclusive separated by colons. Thus, the following is an example of a valid Ethernet MAC address hw-address:  
arp ip-addr hw-address  
arp ip-addr hw-address interface-id (D7100 CSU only)  
This command allows you to create or modify a global ARP cache entry. If the model number of the Motorola  
Netopia router is D7100 (CSU), then the interface-id is required so that the device knows the interface with  
which to associate the ARP entry.  
no arp ip-addr hw-address  
This command allows you to remove a global ARP cache entry. Note that this does not affect entries in the  
interface-specific caches acquired via ARP requests and responses. To flush the interface-specific ARP caches,  
use the clear arp-cache command, described below.  
show arp static  
This command displays global ARP cache entries configured using the arp command described above.  
clear arp-cache  
This command allows you to flush all of the interface-specific ARP caches. It does not affect any entries in the  
global ARP cache, described above.  
show arp-cache  
This command allows you to display the global ARP cache as well as the ARP cache for each active interface  
that supports ARP.  
2-98 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ARP and Bridge timeout settings  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.  
ARP and Bridge Timeout Settings  
ip arp-timeout timeout  
system bridge-timeout timeout  
ip arp-timeout timeout  
This command allows you to set the timeout value for ARP timeout. Default = 600 secs (10 mins); range = 60  
secs - 6000 secs (1–100 mins).  
system bridge-timeout timeout  
This command allows you to set the timeout value for bridging table timeout. Default = 30 secs; range = 30  
secs – 6000 secs (1–100 mins).  
Scheduled Connections Configuration Commands  
Note: Commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.1.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-99  
Scheduled Connections Configuration Commands  
schedule id enable ( yes | no )  
schedule id frequency ( weekly | once )  
schedule id type ( force-up | force-down | demand-allowed | demand-block | periodic | random-retry )  
schedule id periodic interval ( 15min | 30min | 1hour | 2hour | 3hour | 4hour | 4hour | 8hour )  
schedule id random interval { xxx }  
schedule id cp cp_name  
schedule id date ( sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday |  
weekdays | weekends | everyday )  
schedule id start time HH:MM ( am | pm )  
schedule id enable ( yes | no )  
This command allows you to enable or disable the specified Scheduled Connection.  
schedule id frequency ( weekly | once )  
This command allows you to specify whether the Scheduled Connection is to be invoked weekly or only once.  
schedule id type ( force-up | force-down | demand-allowed | demand-block | periodic | random-retry )  
This command allows you to specify the Scheduled Connection type:  
force-up – this connection will be maintained whether or not there is a demand call on the line.  
force-down – this connection will be torn down or blocked whether or not there is a demand call on the line.  
demand-allowed – this schedule will permit a demand call on the line.  
demand-block – this schedule will prevent a demand call on the line.  
periodic – the connection is retried several times during the scheduled time.  
random-retry – operates as follows:  
First, it will wait 0 to 60 seconds before starting, then it will try three times to bring the connection up as  
quickly as possible;  
Second, on each successive retry after these first three attempts it will wait a random number of seconds  
between zero and a user-specified maximum.  
Should the connection come up, and subsequently go down, the Scheduled Connection will start over with  
three retries. Switched connections have a variable redial back-off time depending on the interface type.  
Consequently, the first three attempts for such connections will be slower. Once the connection is up it will  
be forced to remain up.  
2-100 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
schedule id periodic interval ( 15min | 30min | 1hour | 2hour | 3hour | 4hour | 4hour | 8hour )  
If you specify periodic, this command allows you to specify for how long the system will retry to bring up the  
schedule id random interval { xxx }  
If you specify random-retry, this command allows you to set the upper limit for the number of minutes to use for  
the retry time (the attempts after the first three attempts). It accepts values of 1 – 255 minutes; the default  
setting is 5 minutes. With a setting of 5 minutes it will try every 0 – 300 seconds after the first three retries to  
bring up the connection.  
schedule id cp cp_name  
This command allows you to specify the Connection Profile to be used by this Scheduled Connection to connect.  
schedule id date ( sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday | weekdays |  
weekends | everyday )  
This command allows you to specify which days of the week the Scheduled Connection will be invoked.  
schedule id start time HH:MM ( am | pm )  
This command allows you to set the starting time, and whether AM or PM, for the specified Scheduled  
Connection. You must enter the time in the format HH:MM, where HH is a one- or two-digit number representing  
the hour and MM is a one- or two-digit number representing the minutes. The colon is mandatory. For example,  
the entry 1:3 (or 1:03) would be accepted as 3 minutes after one o’clock. The entry 7:0 (or 7:00) would be  
accepted as seven o’clock, exactly. The entries 44, :5, and 2: would be rejected.  
Default Profile Configuration Commands  
Default Profile Configuration Commands  
dp ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show ip dhcp client mode  
dp ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show ip dhcp client mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s Default Profile DHCP mode, whether standard, cop-  
per-mountain, or cmn.  
The default profile, and IP configuration structures include a dhcp client mode setting that selects between the  
standard RFC 2131 standards-based mode of operation (the default), and the copper-mountain or cmn  
proprietary mode of operation.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-101  
When the DHCP client is activated on a RFC1483 MER interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated connection profile (or the default profile there was no explicitly configured connection profile). If the  
dhcp client mode specifies standard, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the header of its  
DHCP requests to the appropriate values for an RFC1483 MER interface (htype = 1 and hlen = 6). If the dhcp  
client mode specifies copper-mountain or cmn, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the  
header of its DHCP requests to zero.  
When the DHCP client is activated on an Ethernet WAN interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated IP configuration structure, and behaves as described above for the RFC1483 MER DHCP client.  
Note: cmn is accepted as a synonym for copper-mountain.  
Both of these commands are supported only on hardware that has a copper mountain SDSL, IDSL, or Ethernet  
WAN interface!  
Frame Relay Configuration Commands  
Frame Relay Configuration Commands  
frame-relay dlci number [ tag tag ] [ ip-addr { | remote-ip-addr } ]  
[ cir { default | 1-accessrate }] [ bc { default | 1-accessrate }] [ be { default | 0-accessrate }]  
[ {disable | enable} ]  
no frame-relay dlci number  
frame-relay lmi type { none | annexa | annexd | ansi | ccitt | lmi }  
no frame-relay lmi type  
show frame-relay lmi type  
frame-relay tim { none | standard | buffered }  
show frame-relay lmi statistics  
show frame-relay pvc  
frame-relay dlci number [ tag tag ] [ ip-addr { | remote-ip-addr } ]  
[ cir { default | 1-accessrate }] [ bc { default | 1-accessrate }] [ be { default | 0-accessrate }]  
[ {disable | enable} ]  
This command allows you to manually configure a DLCI. If the IP address is the router will attempt to  
auto-discover the remote IP address. The router supplies a default DLCI 16 with a address, so in many  
cases manually configuring a DLCI is unnecessary.  
To add a DLCI using all of the default values, type:  
frame-relay dlci 17  
2-102 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
The tag (i.e., name) of the DLCI defaults, in this case, to “DLCI 17”. To specify a different name, type:  
frame-relay dlci 17 tag "My DLCI"  
For descriptions of the other parameters available for configuration (and their default values) see the Motorola  
Netopia Router User’s Reference Guide.  
no frame-relay dlci number  
This command deletes the DLCI identified by number.  
frame-relay lmi type { none | annexa | annexd | ansi | ccitt | lmi }  
no frame-relay lmi type  
show frame-relay lmi type  
These commands allow you to change or display the Frame Relay Local Management Interface (LMI) type. The  
keywords ccitt and annexa are synonyms, as are the keywords ansi and annexd.  
frame-relay tim { none | standard | buffered }  
This command allows you to set the routers’s Frame Relay transmit injection management tim.  
show frame-relay lmi statistics  
This command displays Frame Relay Local Management Interface (LMI) statistics.  
#show frame-relay lmi statistics  
LMI Tx Status Enquiries:  
LMI Rx Status Responses:  
LMI Timeouts:  
LMI Errors:  
LMI Failures:  
show frame-relay pvc  
This command displays the status of each Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (pvc).  
#show frame-relay pvc  
16, status: active  
17, status: active  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-103  
Miscellaneous Commands  
Miscellaneous Commands  
ping [ ip ] { ip-addr | hostname } [count count] [timeout milliseconds] [delay milliseconds]  
[size bytes] [source ip-addr]  
ping oam interface sdsl id pvc {id | tag | vpi/vci } [count count] [timeout seconds]  
receive tftp config [server-name file-name]  
receive tftp html [server-name file-name] [noreboot]  
receive tftp [ wan { 1 | 2 }] firmware [server-name [file-name]]  
send tftp config [server-name file-name]  
show tftp last error  
show tftp status  
receive xmodem [ wan { 1 | 2 }] firmware  
show xmodem status  
reset [ factory | bridge | router ]  
show config  
show history  
show memory  
show model  
show system information  
[show] version [ cli ] [ firmware ] [ hardware ] [ mib ] [ wan 1 ] [ wan 2 ]  
system restart-delay [ time (minutes) | no ]  
show system restart-delay  
traceroute [ hostname | ip-address ]  
upgrade key-value  
upnp enable [ {yes | no} ]  
no upnp enable  
show upnp enable  
This command erases the screen.  
2-104 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ping [ ip ] { ip-addr | hostname } [count count] [timeout milliseconds] [delay milliseconds] [size bytes]  
[source ip-addr]  
The ping command allows you to send ICMP echo requests to another network device. You can specify the  
destination using either an IP address in dotted-quad notation or a hostname. The default count is 5, the  
default timeout and delay are 1000 milliseconds (1 second) each, and the default size is 100 bytes. The size  
value you specify includes the size of the IP and ICMP packet headers. The minimum size value is 28 and the  
maximum size value is 1664. source specifies which router interface IP address ip-addr to use as the source IP  
address. If the ping goes out through an interface that has NAT (Network Address Translation) enabled, then  
the source address will be translated.  
For each timely ICMP echo response received, an exclamation point (“!”) is displayed; for each timeout, a  
period (“.”) is displayed; and for each ICMP destination unreachable received, an uppercase letter U (“U”) is  
displayed. When the ping operation completes, statistics are displayed including the total number of ICMP echo  
requests sent and ICMP echo responses received, the success rate as a percentage, and the minimum,  
average, and maximum round trip times.  
To abort a ping operation while it is in progress, type Control-C.  
Translating ""... ( [OK]  
Type Control-C to abort.  
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 1 second:  
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/4/10 ms  
ping oam interface sdsl id pvc {id | tag | vpi/vci } [count count] [timeout seconds]  
This command initiates a process by which up to n (count) OAM loopback tests are performed at n (seconds)  
delay between each.  
For each individual OAM loopback test failure, a period ‘.’ will be output. For each individual OAM loopback test  
success, an exclamation mark ‘!’ will be output. A running total of successes and failures will be maintained for  
the duration of the test. The success-to-failure rate is output at the conclusion. If any OAM loopback test fails  
for a reason other than a timeout, the command will be aborted immediately.  
ping oam interface sdsl 1 pvc count 17  
Type Control-C to abort.  
Performing 17 OAM loopback tests; timeout is 5 seconds.  
Success rate is 0 percent (0/17)  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-105  
The default count is 5, and the default timeout is 0.  
receive tftp config [server-name file-name]  
This command allows you to initiate a configuration file upload from the command line interface. If the TFTP  
server name and config file name were set previously, either by a previous invocation of this command or via  
the menu console, then you do not need to supply the server and file name. If the upload is successful, the  
router will automatically reboot. If the upload is unsuccessful, in menu mode you can go to:  
Statistics &  
Device Event  
for information about what went wrong.  
receive tftp [ wan { 1 | 2 }] firmware [server-name [file-name]]  
This command allows you to receive a firmware file that is located remotely on a TFTP server into the router by  
means of a TFTP file transfer.  
The wan 1 and wan 2 options allow you to specify that the firmware upgrade is to be sent one of the WAN  
interface modules. As with the regular receive tftp firmware comand, server-name and file-name are optional if  
they are already specified. If server-name or file-name are not already specified, it is necessary to specify  
them. (Specifying them with this command will set them.)  
send tftp config [server-name file-name]  
The configuration file will be stored on the TFTP server as a binary image. Note that the file must already exist  
on the server and be writable.  
show tftp last error  
An empty string indicates no error. Other possible return values are: File not found, Unauthorized, Disk Full,  
Illegal Operation, Bad TID, File Already Exists, No Such User, and Unknown Error.  
show tftp status  
The possible return values are: Idle, Reading Firmware, Reading Wanlet Firmware, Reading Config, Writing  
Config, Idle, **TRANSFER FAILED**.  
receive xmodem [ wan { 1 | 2 }] firmware  
This command allows you to receive a firmware file that is located locally into the router by means of an  
XMODEM file transfer.  
The wan 1 and wan 2 options allow you to specify that the firmware upgrade is to be sent one of the WAN  
interface modules.  
The underlying routine that is invoked blocks until either the file has been successfully received or some  
condition caused the transfer to abort. Therefore when this command is invoked the following will appear:  
2-106 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
#receive xmodem firmware  
This will take a long time, and the console will be inactive during this time.  
If the transfer is successful, the router will reboot automatically.  
Press Ctl-C to abort, or...  
Press Return/Enter to continue; you will have 10 seconds to start the transfer.  
Once you press Return the console is inactive until the XMODEM routine returns. If the transfer is unsuccessful,  
the following message displays:  
XModem transfer Failed!  
show xmodem status  
This command displays the status of an xmodem firmware file transfer. Possible values are:  
- Reading Wanlet Firmware  
- Sending firmware to wanlet  
- Sending block x of y to wanlet  
- Validating Firmware  
- Decompressing Firmware  
- Checking CRC  
- Updating Firmware: x% complete  
- **Upgrade SUCCESSFUL**  
- Insufficient Memory  
- **Upgrade FAILED**  
reset [ factory | bridge | router ]  
This command allows you to reset the router from the command line interface. If the optional keyword factory  
is specified, the parameters of the router are reset to their initial, factory default values. Adding the optional  
keyword bridge or router will switch the device to bridge or router mode. This command must be completely  
typed out; it may not be abbreviated.  
WARNING: In many cases a factory reset will cause you to be unable to communicate with the router over the  
network, since the Ethernet LAN IP address of the router will revert to its default value, which for most models  
is Consult with your service provider to be sure of your default router IP address.  
Similarly, switching between bridge and router mode can also cause loss of communication with the device.  
show config  
This command displays the entire list of current configuration settings of the device.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-107  
show history  
This command displays the command history buffer, which contains a record of the commands that have been  
entered on the console. The list is limited to the most recent ten commands entered. The oldest command  
appears first, and the most recent command appears last.  
show memory  
This command displays the system memory status.  
#show memory  
Memory status:  
Heap: total bytes 7936960 (free 4437424, allocated 3499536)  
System Packet Buffers: total 1000 free 993 min 992  
Image usage: text 3931180, data 536336, bss 370412  
Heap status: peak usage 3520512, lowest free 4416448, fragments 6  
show model  
This command displays the device's model number.  
#show model  
Netopia R7200 Router  
show system information  
This command shows the same information as is shown in the System Information screen in the console menu  
user interface:  
Serial Number  
Firmware Version  
Processor Speed (MHz)  
Flash ROM Capacity (MBytes)  
DRAM Capacity (MBytes)  
WAN Interface  
2-108 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
show version [ cli ] [ firmware ] [ hardware ] [ mib ] [ wan 1 ] [ wan 2 ]  
This command allows you to display some or all of the router's version strings. If you don't specify anything  
after the keyword version, the router displays a list of all of the version strings; otherwise it displays the  
specified version string.  
The R-Series WAN interface module firmware version is displayed for the specified WAN module, wan 1 or wan  
2. wan1 is an acceptable substitute for wan 1; wan2 is an acceptable substitute for wan 2.  
The CLI, hardware, and product-specific SNMP MIB version strings consist of a major version, minor version,  
release stage, and revision, displayed in the (decimal) form “MM.mmsrr”, where:  
‘MM’ is the major version,  
‘mm’ is the minor version,  
‘s’ is the release stage -– e (experimental), d (development), a (alpha), b (beta), or f (final),  
‘rr’ is the revision.  
The firmware version string consists of a major version, minor version, point release version, release stage, and  
revision, displayed in the (decimal) form “”, where:  
‘MM’ is the major version,  
‘mm’ is the minor version,  
‘pp’ is the point release version,  
‘s’ is the release stage – d (development), a (alpha), b (beta), fc (final candidate), or f (final),  
‘rr’ is the revision.  
#show version  
version: 01.00d00  
firmware version: 04.10.00  
hardware version: 01.00f00  
version: 01.00f00  
version: fw v1.0.6  
version: V2.210-N-V90_2M_DLS  
system restart-delay [ time (minutes) | no ]  
show system restart-delay  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
The system restart-delay command schedules a system reset for a specified number of minutes from now. The  
show command displays how many minutes are left before a reset will take place. The no modifier, or setting  
the time to zero, cancels the scheduled reset.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-109  
traceroute [ hostname | ip-address ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to display the path to a destination by showing the number of hops and the router  
addresses of these hops for each router encountered between the Motorola Netopia Router and a destination  
hostname or IP address. Firewalls or other security measures that block PING traffic also block traceroutes.  
upgrade key-value  
If the upgrade operation is successful the router will reboot. Otherwise, an error will be returned. The key-value  
argument is the upgrade key that was received when the upgrade was purchased.  
upnp enable [ {yes | no} ]  
no upnp enable  
show upnp enable  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of Universal Plug and Play. UPnP™ is a set of  
protocols that allows a PC to automatically discover other UPnP devices (anything from an internet gateway  
device to a light switch), retrieve an XML description of the device and its services, control the device, and  
subscribe to real-time event notification.  
By default, upnp is enabled on the Motorola Netopia Gateway.  
For Windows XP users, the automatic discovery feature places an icon representing the Motorola Netopia  
Gateway automatically in the “My Network Places” folder.  
PCs using UPnP can retrieve the Gateway’s WAN IP address, and automatically create NAT port maps. This  
means that applications that support UPnP, and are used with a UPnP-enabled Motorola Netopia Gateway, will  
not need application layer gateway support on the Motorola Netopia Gateway to work through NAT.  
You must reboot the Motorola Netopia device for this setting to take effect.  
2-110 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands  
IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands  
ip nat public tag dynamic from-address to-address  
ip nat public tag static pub-from-address pub-to-address  
ip nat public tag pat { pub-address | } [from-port to-port]  
no ip nat public [ tag ]  
ip nat map list-tag priv-from-address priv-to-address pool-tag  
no ip nat map [ list-tag ]  
show ip nat map list-tag  
ip nat server list-tag priv-ip-addr pub-ip-addr { port-name pub-start-port [ pub-end-port ] }  
{ both | tcp | udp } priv-start-port  
no ip nat server [ list-tag ]  
show ip nat server list-tag  
show ip nat translation  
Network Address Translation (NAT) makes use of five basic structures:  
“public” or externally visible address ranges  
“map” rules that bind an interior, private address range with a public address range  
“map-lists”, which are ordered lists of maps  
“servers”, which define a mapping between a private IP address and port and a public IP address (and the  
same port)  
“server-lists” which are lists of servers.  
ip nat public tag dynamic from-address to-address  
This command allows you to allocate a dynamic range of exterior, public addresses for use by Network Address  
Translation. This range of addresses will be associated dynamically with private addresses you will define when  
you create a map. tag is the name you assign to the range, and it can contain up to 16 characters.  
The following creates a dynamic public range of 8 addresses starting at  
ip nat public "my second range" dynamic  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-111  
ip nat public tag static pub-from-address pub-to-address  
This command allows you to allocate a range of exterior, public addresses for use by Network Address  
Translation. This range of addresses will be associated one-to-one with private addresses you will define when  
you create a map, described later. tag is the name you assign to the range, and it can contain up to 16  
characters. The address range is defined to be from the first address to the last address, inclusive.  
The following creates a static public range of 8 addresses starting at  
ip nat public "my first range" static  
ip nat public tag pat { pub-address | } [from-port to-port]  
This command allows you to configure a PAT public range. Since PAT allows you to map multiple private  
addresses to a single public address, you specify only the public address. Optionally you can specify a range of  
ports to be used by PAT. The lowest allowed port is 1025, and the highest allowed port is 65535. If you do not  
specify the port range explicitly the default range is 49152 to 65535 inclusive.  
If you specify as the public address, whatever address is negotiated by PPP or DHCP when the WAN  
connection is established, this pool will adopt. Since neither PPP nor DHCP are capable of assigning more than  
one address to a single client you should have at most one (active) PAT public range whose public address is  
The following command creates a PAT public range at, with a port range from 10000 to 65535:  
ip nat public "my pat range" pat 10000 65535  
no ip nat public [ tag ]  
This command allows you to delete a public range whose name is tag. Since tags must be unique this  
command works for both static and PAT public ranges. If the tag is omitted then all public ranges will be deleted.  
Note: Use of this command can have significant side effects, because any map in any map list that refers to  
a public range that is deleted will also be deleted.  
ip nat map list-tag priv-from-address priv-to-address pub-range-tag  
This command allows you to map a range of private addresses (from priv-from-address to priv-to-address  
inclusive) to the public address range named pub-range-tag. This map is appended to the list of maps named  
list-tag. If a map list of that name doesn’t exist it is created.  
2-112 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
no ip nat map [ list-tag ]  
This command allows you to delete the map list named list-tag. This also deletes all of the maps contained in  
the list. No public range referred to by any of the contained maps is deleted. If a connection profile has been  
bound to this map list it will be updated to reflect the fact that the list no longer exists, and will thus be bound  
to no map list.  
If the list-tag is omitted then all map lists will be deleted.  
show ip nat map list-tag  
This command allows you to see the rules contained in the nat map list named list-tag.  
show ip nat map Easy-PAT  
ip nat server list-tag priv-ip-addr pub-ip-addr { port-name pub-start-port [ pub-end-port ] }  
{ both | tcp | udp } priv-start-port  
This command allows you to map a private server address, priv-ip-addr, and port or ports to a public address  
pub-ip-addr and the same port or ports. In the Motorola Netopia router’s earlier firmware releases this feature  
was called “Exported Services.” Its primary use is to allow servers to be accessed through a WAN interface to  
which PAT has been applied.  
portname currently may be one of ftp, telnet, smtp, tftp, gopher, finger, www-http, pop2, pop3, snmp,  
timbuktu, pptp, or irc.  
ip nat server Easy-Servers 8888 8889 both 8888  
ip nat server Easy-Servers 8080 8080 tcp 8080  
ip nat server Easy-Servers 9000 9010 udp 19010  
ip nat server Easy-Servers smtp tcp 25  
no ip nat server [ list-tag ]  
This command allows you delete a list of NAT server maps. If the list-tag is omitted then all server lists will be  
show ip nat server list-tag  
This command allows you to see the rules contained in the nat server list named list-tag.  
show ip nat server Easy-Servers  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-113  
show ip nat translation  
This command displays the current sessions passing through network address translation.  
#show ip nat translations  
LAN IP address--Port--WAN IP address--Port--Rem IP Address--Port--Dir-Prot-h:mm out UDP 0:01  
out UDP 0:02  
out ICMP 8s in TCP >10h  
Total entries in NAT cache: 4  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3, the session lifetime in hours:minutes format is displayed. Indefinitely  
long sessions greater than 10 hours, are shown as ">10h".  
2-114 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
NAT Application Layer Gateway Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
NAT Application Level Gateway Commands  
ip nat alg [ algname ] enable [ yes | no ]  
show ip nat alg [ algname ] enable  
no ip nat alg [ algname ] enable  
ip nat alg [ algname ] enable [ yes | no ]  
show ip nat alg [ algname ] enable  
no ip nat alg [ algname ] enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the router’s support for a variety of  
Application Layer Gateways (ALGs). An application layer gateway (ALG) is a NAT component that helps certain  
application sessions to pass cleanly through NAT. Each ALG has a slightly different function based on the  
particular application’s protocol-specific requirements.  
An internal client first establishes a connection with the ALG. The ALG determines if the connection should be  
allowed or not and then establishes a connection with the destination computer. All communications go through  
two connections – client to ALG and ALG to destination. The ALG monitors all traffic against its rules before  
deciding whether or not to forward it. The ALG is the only address seen by the public Internet so the internal  
network is concealed. In some situations, it may be desirable to disable some of the ALGs.  
Accepted values for algname are:  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.1, the following value is also accepted:  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.4, the following value is also accepted:  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-115  
Backup Configuration Commands  
Backup Configuration Commands  
backup enable { no | manual | automatic | yes }  
no backup  
show backup status  
backup [no]  
backup delay 1..65535  
backup ping host { ip-address | host-name }  
backup recovery delay 1..65535  
backup recovery idle delay 1..65535  
backup recovery idle only { yes | no }  
backup recovery layer-2-loss { yes | no }  
backup recovery mode { manual | automatic }  
backup failure layer-2 delay 0..65535  
no backup failure layer-2 delay  
show backup failure layer-2 delay  
backup recovery rip tx disable [ yes | no ] (supported in V8.6.1)  
no backup recovery rip tx disable  
show backup recovery rip tx disable  
backup enable { no | manual | automatic | yes }  
no backup  
show backup status  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or display the status of the dial backup feature.  
Note: yes = automatic  
2-116 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
backup delay 1..65535  
This command allows you to set the number of seconds before the router invokes the dial backup feature in the  
event of loss of connectivity. This allows you to determine how long you want the system to wait before the  
backup port becomes enabled in the event of primary line failure, ensuring that the primary WAN connection is  
not merely briefly interrupted before the router switches to backup mode. Minimum is 10 seconds.  
backup [no]  
This command allows you directly to invoke or cancel the backup mode.  
backup ping host { ip-address | host-name }  
This command allows you to enter an IP address or resolvable DNS name that the router will ping. This is an  
optional item that is particularly useful for testing if the remote end of a VPN connection has gone down. Should  
this address become unreachable the router will treat this as a loss of connectivity and begin the backup timer.  
This loss is a Layer 2 loss.  
backup recovery delay 1..65535  
This command allows you to set the number of seconds before the router attempts to recover back to the  
primary WAN connection. This allows you to determine how long you want the system to wait before the primary  
WAN port becomes enabled after connectivity is restored, ensuring that the backup connection is not merely  
briefly interrupted before the router switches to primary mode. Minimum is 10 seconds.  
backup recovery idle delay 1..65535  
This command allows you to set the number of seconds for the backup link to be idle, i.e. passing no traffic,  
before the router attempts to recover back to the primary WAN connection.  
backup recovery idle only { yes | no }  
This command allows you to toggle the idle delay on or off.  
backup recovery layer-2-loss { yes | no }  
Note: Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3, this command is unncessary and consequently no longer  
This command allows you to specify whether the router should try to auto-recover when the backup is invoked  
because of a layer 2 loss, for example, no valid Connection Profile. (Layer 1 is still available, and this is what  
recovery checks.) Use this setting with caution. Setting it to yes may induce alternating switching between  
backup and recovery mode. This setting will determine the recovery behavior of a manual backup and ping  
failure backup. These two failures are treated as layer 2 failures.  
backup recovery mode { manual | automatic }  
This command allows you to specify the backup recovery mode to be either manually or automatically invoked.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-117  
backup failure layer-2 delay 0..65535  
no backup failure layer-2 delay  
show backup failure layer-2 delay  
Note: Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3, these commands are unncessary and consequently no longer  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the layer-2 backup failure delay interval. Note that l2 is  
an acceptable synonym for layer-2.  
backup recovery rip tx disable [ yes | no ]  
no backup recovery rip tx disable  
show backup recovery rip tx disable  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.6.1.  
These commands allow you to disable, enable, or show the status of RIP services on the primary WAN interface  
when the Router is in Backup mode. RIP services ordinarily will continue to run on the primary interface when in  
Backup mode, attempting to determine “layer 2” connectivity.  
Usually, the no setting is desirable, since it may be required to ping the configured host that determines “layer  
2” connectivity. However, RIP running on the recovering primary interface may cause problems specific to your  
application. When in Backup mode, RIP routes are still sent and received through the primary interface, even  
though that is not the active interface.  
2-118 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Serial port modem backup configuration commands  
Serial Port Modem Backup Configuration Commands  
interface serial id modem directory-number string  
no interface serial id modem directory-number  
show interface serial id modem directory-number string  
interface serial id modem baud string  
show interface serial id modem baud  
interface serial id modem init-string string  
no interface serial id modem init-string  
show interface serial id modem init-string  
interface serial id mode { console | modem }  
show interface serial id mode  
interface serial id modem directory-number string  
no interface serial id modem directory-number  
show interface serial id modem directory-number string  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the modem directory number for the specified serial  
interface. The string parameter can contain up to 15 characters. Non-dialable characters are allowed, but  
Note: The 4000-Series data routers have one serial port, and its id is "0" (zero).  
interface serial id modem baud string  
show interface serial id modem baud  
These commands allow you to set or show the baud rate for the specified serial port. Permissible values for the  
string parameter are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.  
interface serial id modem init-string string  
no interface serial id modem init-string  
show interface serial id modem init-string  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show the modem initialization string for the specified serial port.  
Consult your modem’s documentation or the AT command set for an appropriate initialization string. The string  
parameter can contain up to 31 characters.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-119  
interface serial id mode { console | modem }  
show interface serial id mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the mode for the specified serial port, either console or modem. In  
console mode, the port automatically detects the baud rate of your terminal emulation software; in modem  
mode, the baud rate must be specified.  
RADIUS Authentication Configuration Commands  
RADIUS Authentication Configuration Commands  
console authentication { local | radius | radius-local [ serial-only ] | local-radius }  
show console authentication  
radius-server { 1 | 2 } { ip-address | hostname } [ secret secret ]  
no radius-server { 1 | 2 }  
show radius-server [ 1 | 2 ]  
radius identifier identifier  
console authentication { local | radius | radius-local [ serial-only ] | local-radius }  
show console authentication  
These commands allow you to set or show how the router will authenticate users seeking console configuration  
access using a remote authentication database maintained by a RADIUS server. It supports four security  
database modes: local, radius, radius-local, and local-radius.  
Specifying local selects the local router database authentication mechanism.  
Specifying radius causes the router to ignore the local database and to authenticate users using the configured  
RADIUS server.  
Specifying radius-local causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user first using a RADIUS server and  
then, if that fails, using the local authentication database.  
Specifying radius-local serial-only causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user first using the configured  
RADIUS server(s) and then, if that fails and the user is accessing the router via the built-in serial console port,  
using the local authentication database. If the user is accessing the router via telnet or asynchronous dial-in  
(via a modem on the AUX port), and RADIUS authentication fails, the local authentication database is not  
consulted and the user is refused access to the router.  
Specifying local-radius causes the router to attempt to authenticate a user first using the local authentication  
database, and then, if that fails using the configured RADIUS server.  
In those modes that involve both RADIUS and the local database, if the local database includes no user-  
name/password pairs, authentication will succeed only if the RADIUS server authenticates the user. This  
differs from the local mode where no authentication is performed when the local database is empty.  
2-120 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
radius-server { 1 | 2 } { ip-address | hostname } [ secret secret ]  
no radius-server { 1 | 2 }  
show radius-server [ 1 | 2 ]  
These commands allow you to specify, delete, or show a RADIUS server either by using an IP address in  
dotted-quad notation or by using a hostname to be resolved using the Domain Name System (DNS) information  
configured in the router. In addition to specifying the server’s IP address or hostname, you must also specify a  
shared-secret known to both the router and the RADIUS server. The secret is used to encrypt RADIUS  
transactions in transit.  
radius identifier identifier  
This command allows you to specify the RADIUS identifier as either an IP address in dotted-quad notation (to be  
used as the value of the NAS-IP-Address (4) attribute), or an arbitrary string (to be used as the value of the  
NAS-Identifier (32) attribute), in the router’s outgoing Access-Request packets. The RADIUS identifier is limited  
to 63 characters.  
TACACS+ Authentication Configuration Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.4, and supplement the  
RADIUS server commands in the previous section.  
TACACS+ Authentication Configuration Commands  
console authentication  
[ local | radius | radius-local | radius-local serial-only | local-radius |  
tacacs-plus | tacacs-plus-local | tacacs-plus-local serial-only | local-tacacs-plus ]  
remote-server { index } { host } secret key  
tacacs-plus accounting [ yes | no ]  
console authentication  
[ local | radius | radius-local | radius-local serial-only | local-radius |  
tacacs-plus | tacacs-plus-local | tacacs-plus-local serial-only | local-tacacs-plus ]  
This command sets the remote authentication protocol to RADIUS or TACACS+ and selects the ordering of the  
security database lookup.  
remote-server { index } { host } secret key  
This command sets up the primary and alternate authentication servers. It applies to both RADIUS and  
TACACS+. The radius-server command is retained for backward compatibility. If the remote authentication  
protocol is set to RADIUS, show config will display "radius-server…” rather than “remote-server…”  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-121  
1 = primary server; 2 = alternate server  
IP address or DNS hostname of server  
secret: RADIUS or TACACS+ shared secret  
tacacs-plus accounting [ yes | no ]  
This command enables or disables TACACS+ accounting.  
IP Filterset Configuration Commands  
Note: Beginning with firmware version 8.2, the force-route and force-route-gateway attributes have been  
added for policy-based routing, and the tos and tos-mask attibutes have been added for TOS field matching.  
IP Filterset Configuration Commands  
ip filterset fs-tag {in | out} [filter] filter-id [enable {yes | no}]  
[forward {yes | no} | [ force-route {yes | no ] force-route-gateway ip-addr}]]  
[{ call-placement | idle-reset } { no-change | disabled }]  
[source { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
[destination { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
[ tos { tos_value tos-mask tos_mask_value } |  
[ protocol { 1..65535 |  
any |  
gre |  
{ {tcp | 6 } [{source port-compare}] [{destination port-compare}]  
[established | all] } |  
{ {udp | 17 } [{source port-compare}] [{destination port-compare}]} |  
{ {icmp | 1 } [{type port-compare}] [{code port-compare}]} } ]  
no ip filterset fs-id [{in | out} [filter-id ]]  
show ip filterset fs-id [{in | out} [filter-id ]]  
The CLI for filters is fairly complex. More explanation follows the command itself.  
compare-op = { nc | ne | <> | lt | < | le | <= | eq | = | ge | >= | gt | > }  
port-compare = { nc | { compare-op digits } }  
filter-id = { 1..255 | new | last }  
2-122 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ip filterset fs-tag {in | out} [filter] filter-id [enable {yes | no}]  
[forward {yes | no} | [ force-route {yes | no ] force-route-gateway ip-addr}]  
[{ call-placement | idle-reset } { no-change | disabled }]  
[source { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
[destination { ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }]  
[ tos { tos_value tos-mask tos_mask_value } |  
[ protocol { 1..65535 |  
any |  
gre |  
{ {tcp | 6 } [{source port-compare}] [{destination port-compare}]  
[established | all] } |  
{ {udp | 17 } [{source port-compare}] [{destination port-compare}]} |  
{ {icmp | 1 } [{type port-compare}] [{code port-compare}]} } ]  
no ip filterset fs-id [{in | out} [filter-id ]]  
show ip filterset fs-id [{in | out} [filter-id ]]  
A Filter set, as with NAT Server and Rule Lists, is instantiated by creating its first contained object. This first  
filter can be identified by its ones-based index, 1, or with the special new keyword. Subsequent modifications to  
this filter, assuming no more filters have been added to the filter set yet, must be done by referring to the filter  
either by id (1), or by the other special keyword last. Subsequent filters can be added using either new or by the  
next integer filter id. You can always specify the last filter in the set by using last. It is an error to attempt to  
create a new filter whose id is not 1 greater than the id of the last filter.  
Using new and last allow you to create filter sets without using filter indices.  
You can show the contents of all filter sets by typing:  
show ip filterset  
Or you can show the contents of a filter set by typing (for example):  
show ip filterset "My Filters"  
Or all of the input or output filters of a filter set by adding the {in | out} keyword:  
show ip filterset "My Filters" in  
Or a particular filter by specifying {in | out} and the tag:  
show ip filterset "My Filters" in 3  
Since the command line console is currently constrained to 78 characters per line, the show command breaks  
each filter up into four separate lines, for example:  
show ip filterset "Basic Firewall" in 2  
ip filterset "Basic Firewall" in 2 enable yes forward no  
ip filterset "Basic Firewall" in 2 source  
ip filterset "Basic Firewall" in 2 destination  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-123  
ip filterset "Basic Firewall" in 2 protocol tcp source nc destination  
eq 6000 any  
Note: Some commands, when dumping existing canned filters, exceed 78 characters and will wrap. To work  
around this limitation use truncated keywords.  
Syntax corresponds to the syntax for show.  
Hardware Acceleration Configuration Commands  
Hardware Acceleration Configuration Commands  
hardware acceleration enable { yes | no }  
no hardware acceleration enable  
show hardware acceleration enable  
hardware acceleration enable { yes | no }  
no hardware acceleration enable  
show hardware acceleration enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of hardware acceleration if the XL accelera-  
tion/encryption daughtercard is installed in the R-Series router, or if the 4000-Series router has onboard  
acceleration capability (XL models).  
In the unlikely event of a hardware acceleration card failure, the no hardware acceleration enable command  
allows you to turn off hardware acceleration. This will disable IPcomp compression.  
2-124 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Global IPSec/IKE Configuration Commands  
IKE Configuration Commands  
ike phase1 { name | index } [ { yes | no } ]  
no ike phase1 { name | index }  
show ike phase1 { name | index }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } id  
ike phase1 { name | index } tag string  
show ike phase1 { name | index } tag  
ike phase1 { name | index } mode { main | aggressive }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } mode  
ike phase1 { name | index } identity { remote | local } { ipv4-address | ipv4-subnet | ipv4-range |  
hostname | e-mail-address | ascii-key-id | hex- key-id } string  
show ike phase1 { name | index } identity [ { remote | local } ]  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method { shared-secret }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication shared-secret { ascii | hexadecimal } string  
ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas  
no ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas  
ike phase1 { name | index } encryption { des | 3des }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } encryption  
ike phase1 { name | index } group { 1 | 2 | 5 | dh-768-bits | dh-1024-bits | dh-1536-bits }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } group  
ike phase1 { name | index } hash { sha1 | md5 }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } hash  
show ike status  
show ipsec sessions  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-125  
Global IPSec Configuration Commands  
ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys  
no ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys  
ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
no ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation { normal | initiate-only | respond-only }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation  
ike phase1 { name | index } pfs { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } pfs  
no ike phase1 { name | index } pfs  
ike phase1 { name | index } port policy { "strict" | "permissive" }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } port policy  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime { seconds | kbytes } { non-negative-integer | none }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
no ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy { new-sas-immediately | old-sas-until-expired }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy  
ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id  
no ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id  
ike phase1 { name | index } [ { yes | no } ]  
no ike phase1 { name | index }  
show ike phase1 { name | index }  
These commands create, delete, or show the specified IKE Phase1 profile, which may be identified by index or  
by name. The show version of this command displays the value yes if the specified IKE Phase 1 Profile exists,  
and no otherwise.  
show ike phase1 { name | index } id  
This command displays the index of the specified IKE Phase1 profile. This command is useful only when  
referring to a profile by name.  
2-126 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ike phase1 { name | index } tag string  
show ike phase1 { name | index } tag  
These commands name or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile.  
ike phase1 { name | index } mode { main | aggressive }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } mode  
These commands set or display whether the specified IKE Phase1 profile uses main mode or aggressive mode.  
ike phase1 { name | index } identity { remote | local } { ipv4-address | ipv4-subnet | ipv4-range | hostname |  
e-mail-address | ascii-key-id | hex- key-id } string  
show ike phase1 { name | index } identity [ { remote | local } ]  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s local or remote identity type and value.  
The identity type specifies the type of Identity value to be used. Possible types are: ipv4-address, ipv4-subnet,  
ipv4-range, hostname, e-mail-address, ascii-key-id, and hex-key-id. The identity value specifies a value of the  
specified type as follows:  
Identity Type  
Format of Identity Value  
IPv4 Address  
IPv4 Subnet  
A single IPv4 address in the familiar dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d)  
A single IPv4 network address in the familiar dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d)  
followed by a mask specified EITHER by a slash and a bit-count between 0 and  
32 OR by a second dotted-quad.  
IPv4 Range  
Two IPv4 addresses in the familiar dotted quad notation (a.b.c.d) separated by  
a space.  
Host Name  
A fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)  
E-Mail Address  
Key ID (ASCII)  
An RFC 822 e-mail address in the form user@hostname  
An opaque string consisting of printable ASCII characters represented as a  
sequence of printable ASCII characters  
Key ID (HEX)  
An opaque string consisting of arbitrary 8-bit ASCII values represented as a  
sequence of HEXADECIMAL digits, each of which corresponds to one nibble of  
the string value  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method { shared-secret }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s authentication method. Currently, the only  
supported method is shared-secret; others may be added in the future.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication shared-secret { ascii | hexadecimal } string  
This command sets the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s shared secret. For security reasons no show variant of  
this command exists.  
ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas  
no ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas  
These commands set, display, or disable whether or not Phase 2 SAs may persist after the underlying Phase 1  
SAs have expired.  
ike phase1 { name | index } encryption { des | 3des }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } encryption  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s encryption algorithm.  
ike phase1 { name | index } group { 1 | 2 | 5 | dh-768-bits | dh-1024-bits | dh-1536-bits }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } group  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s Diffie-Hellman group.  
Note: 1 and dh-768-bits, 2 and dh-1024-bits, and 5 and dh-1536-bits, respectively, are synonyms.  
ike phase1 { name | index } hash { sha1 | md5 }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } hash  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s hash algorithm.  
show ike status  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to view an IKE session setup.  
show ipsec sessions  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to view an IPsec session setup.  
ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys  
no ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s independent phase 2 re-keys setting.  
2-128 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
no ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s send initial-contact message setting.  
ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation { normal | initiate-only | respond-only }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s negotiation setting.  
ike phase1 { name | index } pfs { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } pfs  
no ike phase1 { name | index } pfs  
These commands set, display, or disable the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s perfect forward secrecy setting.  
ike phase1 { name | index } port policy { "strict" | "permissive" }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } port policy  
These commands set or display whether or not IKE requires packets to originate from the IANA port (500).  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime { seconds | kbytes } { non-negative-integer | none }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
no ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
These commands set, display, or disable one or both of the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s two SA lifetimes (in  
seconds and/or kilobytes protected). Specifying neither the keyword seconds nor the keyword kbytes with the  
show variant of this command displays both lifetime values. The keyword none is equivalent to the value zero,  
and indicates that there is no lifetime of the specified type. The Phase1 SA lifetime minimum is 300 (seconds)  
and the maximum is 1 (leap) year (31622400 seconds).  
Note: It is a run-time checked error if both of the IKE Phase 1 profile’s SA lifetime values are set to zero or  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy { new-sas-immediately | old-sas-until-expired }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy  
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s SA use policy.  
ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id  
no ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id  
These commands set, display, or disable the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s send vendor-id payload setting.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-129  
IKE Dead Peer Detection  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.5.2.  
IKE Dead Peer Detection Configuration Commands  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable  
no ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection timeout  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection timeout { 3-65535 }  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable { yes | no }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable  
no ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the traffic-based IKE dead peer detection  
feature. Traffic-based IKE dead peer detection allows IKE to negotiate RFC3706-based IKE “keepalives” with a  
remote security gateway (IKE peer) that supports them. Default is no (disabled).  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection timeout  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection timeout { 3-65535 }  
These commands allow you to specify or show an interval, from 3 to 65535 seconds, during which IPSec traffic  
may be idle before the router sends a keepalive message to its peer, when ike phase1 dead-peer-detection  
enable is set to yes. Default is 20 (seconds).  
2-130 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Xauth configuration commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.2.  
Xauth Configuration Commands  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode { disabled | client | concentrator }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database { local | radius }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username name  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password password  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode { disabled | client | concentrator }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the Xauth extensions to IPsec, as client or  
concentrator when ike phase1 mode is set to aggressive. Default is disabled.  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database { local | radius }  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database  
These commands allow you to specify the authentication database type to be used for Xauth user  
authentication when xauth mode is set to concentrator. If you specify radius, the Router will use the glo-  
bally-configured RADIUS server database. (IF xauth mode is set to client, it can only send the locally-configured  
username/password.) See “RADIUS Authentication Configuration Commands” on page 2-119.  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username name  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username  
These commands allow you to set or show the the Xauth username specified by name.  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password password  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password  
These commands allow you to set or show the the Xauth password specified by password.  
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-131  
Current Restrictions  
2-132 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-1  
Chapter 3  
“IP NAT Passthrough Commands” on page 3-20  
“Stateful Inspection Commands” on page 3-21  
“L2TP Connection Profile Configuration Commands” on page 3-22  
“GRE Connection Profile Configuration Commands” on page 3-23  
3-2 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Connection Profile Commands  
Connection Profile Commands  
cp { name | index }  
no cp { name | index }  
show cp { name | index }  
cp { name | index } enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } enable  
show cp { name | index } enable  
cp { name | index } tag string  
show cp { name | index } tag  
cp { name | index } dle { hdlc | ppp | frame-relay | rfc1483 | atmp | pptp | ipsec | l2tp }  
show cp { name | index } dle  
cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect  
Note: The two commands above are supported beginning with firmware release 8.5.  
cp { name | index } filterset string  
no cp { name | index } filterset [string]  
show cp { name | index } filterset  
cp { name | index } ip addressing { numbered | unnumbered }  
show cp { name | index } ip addressing  
cp { name | index } ip address local { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }  
no cp { name | index } ip address local  
show cp { name | index } ip address local  
cp { name | index } ip address remote { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }  
no cp { name | index } ip address remote  
show cp { name | index } ip address remote  
cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-3  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 1)  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client status  
Note: The command above is supported beginning with firmware release 8.5.  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client [ renew | release ]  
Note: The command above is supported beginning with firmware release 8.5.  
cp { name | index } ip mask local ip-mask  
no cp { name | index } ip mask local  
show cp { name | index } ip mask local  
cp { name | index } ip mask remote ip-mask  
no cp { name | index } ip mask remote  
show cp { name | index } ip mask remote  
cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd  
show cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd  
cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan  
show cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan  
cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
show cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
cp { name | index } ip rip receive { no | v1 | v2 | both | v2-md5 }  
no cp { name | index } ip rip receive  
show cp { name | index } ip rip receive  
cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
no cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
show cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
cp { name | index } ip rip transmit { no | v1 | v2broadcast | v2multicast | v2broadcast-md5 |  
v2multicast-md5 }  
no cp { name | index } ip rip transmit  
show cp { name | index } ip rip transmit  
3-4 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 2)  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication type { none | pap | chap }  
no cp { name | index } ppp authentication type  
show cp { name | index } ppp authentication type  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } name string  
no cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } name  
show cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } name  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } password string  
no cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } password  
cp { name | index } ppp usage { 1 | 2 [preemptible] [dynamic] }  
show cp { name | index } ppp usage  
cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci auto-detect { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci auto-detect  
show cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci auto-detect  
cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci multicast-number { 0 | 16 ... 991 }  
no cp { name | index } frame-relay multicast-number  
show cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci multicast-number  
cp { name | index } telco direction { in | out | both }  
show cp { name | index } telco direction  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-5  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 3)  
cp { name | index } telco dn [ 1 | 2 ] string  
no cp { name | index } telco dn [ 1 | 2 ]  
show cp { name | index } telco dn [ 1 | 2 ]  
cp { name | index } telco prefix string  
no cp { name | index } telco prefix  
show cp { name | index } telco prefix  
cp { name | index } telco callback { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } telco callback  
show cp { name | index } telco callback  
cp { name | index } ip nat enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip nat enable  
show cp { name | index } ip nat enable  
cp { name | index } ip nat map-list list-tag  
no cp { name | index } ip nat map-list  
show cp { name | index } ip nat map-list  
cp { name | index } ip nat server-list list-tag  
no cp { name | index } ip nat server-list  
show cp { name | index } ip nat server-list  
show cp { name | index } id  
cp { name | index } connection demand { yes | no }  
cp { name | index } connection timeout seconds  
3-6 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 4)  
Connection Profile PPTP Commands  
cp { name | index } pptp ip partner ip-addr  
cp { name | index } pptp ip via ip-addr  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication type { pap | chap | mschap }  
cp { name | index } pptp compression { none | standardlzs }  
no cp { name | index } pptp compression  
cp { name | index } pptp encryption { none | mppe }  
no cp { name | index } pptp encryption  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name string  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name  
show cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password string  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password  
Connection Profile Manual Connect/Disconnect Commands  
connect cp { name | index }  
disconnect cp { name | index }  
Connection Profile Backup Configuration Commands  
cp { name | index } interface-group { primary | backup | auxiliary }  
show cp { name | index } interface-group  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-7  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 5)  
Connection Profile RIP-2 MD5 Configuration Commands  
cp id ip rip auth key id  
no cp id ip rip auth key id  
show config cp id ip rip auth key  
cp id ip rip auth key id start date date  
show cp id ip rip auth key id start date  
cp id ip rip auth key id start time time  
show cp id ip rip auth key id start time  
cp id ip rip auth key id end date date  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end date  
cp id ip rip auth key id end time time  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end time  
cp id rip auth key id end time mode { infinite | date }  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end time mode  
cp id rip auth key id key <string>  
Connection Profile IP NAT Passthrough Commands  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address { mac-address }  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address  
3-8 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 6)  
Connection Profile Stateful Inspection Commands  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list xposed-list_name  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff diff  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-9  
Connection Profile Commands (continued, 7)  
Connection Profile L2TP Configuration Commands  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip via ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip via  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication enable { yes | no}  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication enable  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication passphrase string  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp type { pap | chap }  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } name string  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } name  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } password string  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } password  
cp { name | index } l2tp compression { none | standardlzs }  
no cp { name | index } l2tp compression  
show cp { name | index } l2tp compression  
Connection Profile GRE Tunnel Configuration Commands  
cp { name | index } gre ip partner ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } gre ip partner  
cp { name | index } gre ip via ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } gre ip via  
cp { name | index } gre checksum [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } gre checksum [ yes | no ]  
cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams [ yes | no ]  
cp { name | index } gre key [ 0..232-1 ]  
show cp { name | index } gre key [ 0..232-1 ]  
3-10 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Note on Connection Profile numbering sequence  
The Easy Setup Profile is always assumed to be the Primary Connection Profile, whether or not it exists. The  
menu console reserves the index number 1 (one) for the Easy Setup Profile, even if you do not create an Easy  
Setup Profile.  
If you do not create an Easy Setup Profile using the Easy Setup screens, but instead use the WAN Configura-  
tion/Add Connection Profile screen to create a Connection Profile, the menu console will name it Profile 1 by  
default (you can rename it anything you want). Nevertheless, the router will always assign such a profile the  
index number 2 (two). Profiles added subsequently are internally indexed incrementally.  
This can be confusing, when issuing CLI commands because it is possible for Profile 1 to be indexed by the  
router as the second profile. Profile 2 is indexed as the third, and so on.  
This is illustrated in the following menu console screen:  
WAN Configuration  
+-Profile Name---------------------IP Address----IPX Network-+  
| Easy Setup Profile  
| Profile 1  
| Profile 2  
| Profile 3  
Up/Down Arrow Keys to select, ESC to dismiss, Return/Enter to Edit.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-11  
cp { name | index }  
This command allows you to create a connection profile, which is a structure used to define WAN connections.  
index can be any value from 1 to 16. The command has no effect if the profile already exists. The name of the  
profile defaults to “profile index” (e.g., “profile 1”).  
no cp { name | index }  
This command allows you to delete a connection profile.  
cp { name | index } enable { yes | no }  
This command allows you to enable or disable connection profile index. Use this command if you want to  
temporarily disable a profile but do not want to lose its configuration.  
cp { name | index } tag string  
This command allows you to name connection profile string, which can be up to 32 characters long.  
cp { name | index } dle { hdlc | ppp | frame-relay | rfc1483 | atmp | pptp | ipsec | l2tp }  
This command allows you to set the encapsulation type that the connection profile will use when establishing a  
WAN connection. Note that a profile whose encapsulation type is incompatible with the global encapsulation  
type is essentially disabled and cannot be used. Also, when a profile is created, it inherits the global  
encapsulation type by default and thus it is not usually necessary to explicitly set this parameter.  
Note: atmfuni is accepted as a synonym for rfc1483, and frame-relay is accepted as a synonym for rfc1490.  
l2tp is supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.1, the following optional modifiers are permitted if the specified DLE is  
pppoe-enable [ { yes | no } ] { llcsnap | vcmux | vc-multiplexed }  
and the following optional modifiers are permitted if the specified DLE is rfc1483:  
{ bridged | routed }  
cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of PPPoE/PPPoA autodetection.  
If you are using PPP, and you have selected pppoe-enable, you can further enable the ability to connect  
automatically to your ISP’s central office equipment whether they are using PPP over Ethernet or PPP over ATM.  
If your ISP is using PPPoE, the connection will be made normally. If your ISP is using PPPoA, when the Motorola  
Netopia Gateway detects this, it will automatically switch to PPPoA transparently.  
3-12 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } filterset string  
no cp { name | index } filterset [string]  
show cp { name | index } filterset  
These commands allow you to associate a filter set with the a connection profile. The filter set is identified by  
cp { name | index } ip addressing { numbered | unnumbered }  
This command allows you to specify whether or not the WAN interface using this profile has an IP address. With  
point-to-point connections, a WAN IP address is not necessary for the router to function properly, but may be  
required, depending on how the equipment at the other end is configured.  
cp { name | index } ip address local { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }  
This command allows you to set the profile’s local WAN IP address.  
cp { name | index } ip address remote { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }  
This command allows you to set the profile’s remote WAN IP address.  
cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s DHCP mode, whether standard, copper-mountain, or  
The connection profile, default profile, and IP configuration structures now include a dhcp client mode setting  
that selects between the standard RFC 2131 standards-based mode of operation (the default), and the cop-  
per-mountain or cmn proprietary mode of operation.  
When the DHCP client is activated on a RFC1483 MER interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated connection profile (or the default profile there was no explicitly configured connection profile). If the  
dhcp client mode specifies standard, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the header of its  
DHCP requests to the appropriate values for an RFC1483 MER interface (htype = 1 and hlen = 6). If the dhcp  
client mode specifies copper-mountain or cmn, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the  
header of its DHCP requests to zero.  
When the DHCP client is activated on an Ethernet WAN interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the  
associated IP configuration structure, and behaves as described above for the RFC1483 MER DHCP client.  
Note: cmn is accepted as a synonym for copper-mountain.  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client status  
Note: The command above is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to display the status of the ethernet WAN being served via DHCP for the specified  
connection profile. It displays:  
IP Address  
IP Subnet Mask  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-13  
IP Gateway  
DHCP server  
DNS server 1  
DNS server 2 (if any)  
Lease Expiration  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client [ renew | release ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.  
This command allows you to renew or release the ethernet WAN IP address lease being served via DHCP for the  
specified connection profile.  
cp { name | index } ip mask local ip-mask  
This command allows you to set the profile’s local WAN IP mask.  
cp { name | index } ip mask remote ip-mask  
This command allows you to set the profile’s remote WAN IP mask.  
cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd  
show cp { name | index } ip multicast-fwd  
These commands allow you to set, show, or disable multicast forwarding on the specified connection profile.  
cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan  
show cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan  
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show whether the specified connection profile will attempt to  
negotiate the router hub’s IP address and subnet mask from the central site router.  
The firmware includes PPP support for the IPCP Subnet Mask option documented in PPP Internet Protocol  
Control Protocol Extensions for IP Subnet, draft-helenius-ppp-subnet-00.txt. This option, together with the IPCP  
IP Address option, allows a central site router to supply an entire IP subnet, rather than a single IP address, for  
use by a CPE router.  
PPP Ethernet LAN reconfiguration is controlled by an ip negotiate-lan connection profile flag. If the applicable  
connection profile specifies an unnumbered, non-NAT connection and the ip negotiate-lan flag is yes, PPP will  
attempt to negotiate both an IP Address and subnet mask.  
3-14 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
show cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NetBIOS proxy status for the specified Connection  
Profile. The NetBIOS proxy enables the ability to forward Windows Networking NetBIOS broadcasts. This is  
useful for, for example, a Virtual Private Network, in which you want to be able to browse the remote network to  
which you are tunnelling, as part of your Windows Network Neighborhood.  
Routed connections, such as VPNs, can not use NetBEUI to carry the Network Neighborhood information. They  
need to use NetBIOS, because NetBEUI cannot be routed. This feature will allow browsing the Network  
Neighborhood without any additional workstation configuration.  
Note: Microsoft Network browsing is available with or without a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)  
server. Shared volumes on the remote network are accessible with or without a WINS server. Local LAN shared  
volumes that have Port Address Translation (PAT) applied to them are not available to hosts on the remote LAN.  
For tunnelled traffic, NAT on the WAN has no effect on the Microsoft Networking traffic.  
cp { name | index } ip rip receive { no | v1 | v2 | both | v2-md5 }  
This command allows you to set the RIP receive behavior when the profile is used for a WAN connection.  
cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
no cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
show cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the status of broadcasting WAN routes via RIP. This is  
available only if rip transmit is enabled for the connection profile. The default is no, but if enabled, will drop any  
RIP routes with non-LANside information from RIP updates sent over the interface.  
cp { name | index } ip rip transmit { no | v1 | v2broadcast | v2multicast | v2broadcast-md5 | v2multicast-md5 }  
This command allows you to set the RIP transmit behavior when the profile is used for a WAN connection.  
Note: If network address translation is enabled, RIP transmit is disabled regardless of the current setting of  
this parameter.  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication type { none | pap | chap }  
This command allows you to configure the type of authentication used by the profile.  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } name string  
This command allows you to configure the send or receive PPP authentication name. The send name is used  
when the remote side attempts to authenticate the Motorola Netopia router, and the receive name is used  
when the Motorola Netopia router is attempting the authentication (for instance, if a WAN connection is being  
established to the router).  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-15  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication { send | receive } password string  
This command allows you to configure the send or receive PPP authentication password (or secret) associated  
with the send or receive names.  
cp { name | index } ppp usage { 1 | 2 [preemptible] [dynamic] }  
This command allows you to configure the characteristics of how the channels of the interface are used. The  
number indicates the maximum number of channels to use.  
If you specify the keyword preemptible and more than one channel is being used for the connection, additional  
calls (both data and voice, when applicable) may borrow a channel for their own use.  
If you specify the keyword dynamic channels are added and removed from the connection based on bandwidth  
usage. If traffic exceeds a certain threshold for a certain amount of time, and if there is a free channel  
available, it will be used for the connection. Conversely, if more than one channel is being used by the  
connection and traffic drops below a certain level for a certain amount of time, a channel will be dropped.  
The keywords dynamic and preemptible may be specified only if the number of channels is 2.  
Note: With the current firmware, a dynamic 2B Channel profile will also be preemptible, regardless of whether  
or not the preemptible keyword is specified.  
These examples illustrate all forms of the command that you are likely to use:  
cp 1 ppp usage 1  
cp 1 ppp usage 2  
cp 1 ppp usage 2 preemptible  
cp 1 ppp usage 2 dynamic  
cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci auto-detect { yes | no }  
This command allows you to enable or disable the automatic detection of Frame Relay DLCIs when the profile is  
used to establish a WAN connection.  
cp { name | index } frame relay dlci multicast-number { 0 | 16 ... 991 }  
This command allows you to specify the DLCI multicast number for the profile.  
cp { name | index } telco direction { in | out | both }  
This command allows you to set whether this profile will be used to establish WAN connections (keyword out),  
to establish inbound connections (keyword in), or to establish both (keyword both).  
3-16 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } telco dn [ 1 | 2 ] string  
This command allows you to set the profile’s directory number, or number-to-dial (DN). The number can be up to  
32 characters in length and may contain non-dialable characters, which are ignored when placing a call.  
Note: For the cp and no cp versions of this command, if no DN index is specified, 1 is assumed. For the show  
cp version of this command, if no DN index is specified, both DNs will be displayed, each on its own line.  
cp { name | index } telco prefix string  
This command allows you to set the profile’s dial prefix. The prefix can be up to three characters long and may  
contain non-dialable characters, which are ignored when placing a call. The prefix field is prepended to the  
directory number when placing a call.  
Note: This parameter is used ONLY by routers with analog modem interfaces installed.  
cp { name | index } telco callback { yes | no }  
This command allows you to configure a profile so that when it is used to accept an incoming call, the router will  
hang up that call and use its (prefix and) directory number to call back the device that originated the initial call.  
This is useful when you want a particular party to be billed for WAN connections.  
cp { name | index } ip nat enable { yes | no }  
This command allows you to enable or disable Network Address Translation for the profile. Enabling NAT is not  
sufficient – you must also attach a rule list and optionally a server list using the commands below.  
cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list list-tag  
This command allows you to attach a previously configured IP NAT rule list to a particular profile. list-tag should  
be the name of the desired rule list to use for this profile.  
no cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list  
This command allows you to detach an IP NAT rule list from a particular profile.  
cp { name | index } ip nat server-list list-tag  
This command allows you to attach a previously configured IP NAT server list to a particular profile. list-tag  
should be the name of the desired server list to use for this profile.  
no cp { name | index } ip nat server-list  
This command allows you to detach an IP NAT Server List from a particular profile.  
show cp { name | index } id  
This command displays a connection profile’s name and index number. name can be any unique descriptive  
alphanumeric string. index can be any value from 1 to 16.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-17  
cp { name | index } connection demand { yes | no }  
This command allows you to specify whether or not a connection profile will connect “on demand”.  
cp { name | index } connection timeout seconds  
This command allows you to specify the idle timeout value in seconds for a connection profile.  
3-18 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
PPTP commands  
cp { name | index } pptp ip partner ip-addr  
This command allows you to specify a PPTP partner IP address for a particular connection profile specified by  
name or index.  
cp { name | index } pptp ip via ip-addr  
This command allows you to specify a gateway by which the PPTP partner IP address can be reached when the  
partner address is in the same subnet as the remote IP address.  
If you do not specify the PPTP partner IP address, the router will use the default gateway to reach the partner. If  
the partner should be reached via an alternate port (i.e. the LAN instead of the WAN), the Tunnel Via Gateway  
field allows this path to be resolved.  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication type { pap | chap | mschap }  
This command allows you to specify a PPTP authentication type, PAP, CHAP, or MS-CHAP, for a particular  
connection profile specified by name or index.  
cp { name | index } pptp compression { none | standardlzs }  
no cp { name | index } pptp compression  
These commands allow you to specify or delete a PPTP compression algorithm, either none or Standard LZS, for  
a particular connection profile specified by name or index.  
cp { name | index } pptp encryption { none | mppe }  
no cp { name | index } pptp encryption  
These commands allow you to specify or delete a PPTP encryption algorithm, either none or MPPE, for the  
specified connection profile.  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name string  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name  
These commands allow you to set or delete the user name as an alphanumeric string that the specified  
connection profile will use for PPTP authentication.  
show cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } name  
This command allows you to show the user name as an alphanumeric string that the specified connection  
profile uses for PPTP authentication.  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password string  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send | receive } password  
These commands allow you to set or delete the password as an alphanumeric string that the specified  
connection profile will use for PPTP authentication.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-19  
Manual connect/disconnect commands  
connect cp { name | index }  
Invoking this command with a valid, applicable connection profile will cause the router to attempt to make the  
appropriate connection, using the profile’s settings. A valid, applicable connection profile must be either a  
profile that matches the primary WAN interface’s data link encapsulation, or a tunnel profile.  
If the specified profile is valid in this context, the console remains in a modal state until one of the following  
you type Control-C  
the connection is established, in which case the word “connect” is displayed  
the connection fails, in which case the word “down” is displayed, followed by an appropriate error message  
disconnect cp { name | index }  
This command allows you to disconnect the connection, if any, associated with the specified profile. If no  
connection is in place an error message is displayed. This command returns immediately; the connection  
disconnect process may still be in progress since it is asynchronous.  
Backup configuration commands  
cp { name | index } interface-group { primary | backup | auxiliary }  
show cp { name | index } interface-group  
These commands allow you to set or show the interface group to which the dial backup feature is applied.  
Note: auxiliary is only allowed if the router is an Ethernet-to-Ethernet router that has the dial-in kit installed.  
RIP-2 MD5 configuration commands  
cp id ip rip auth key id  
no cp id ip rip auth key id  
show config cp id ip rip auth key  
These commands allow you to create, delete, or show the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
Connection Profile.  
cp id ip rip auth key id start date date  
show cp id ip rip auth key id start date  
These commands allow you to set or show a start date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
Connection Profile.  
cp id ip rip auth key id start time time  
show cp id ip rip auth key id start time  
These commands allow you to set or show a start time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
Connection Profile.  
3-20 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp id ip rip auth key id end date date  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end date  
These commands allow you to set or show an end date for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
Connection Profile. The acceptable year range is from 1904 – 2039.  
cp id ip rip auth key id end time time  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end time  
These commands allow you to set or show an end time for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the specified  
Connection Profile.  
cp id rip auth key id end time mode { infinite | date }  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end time mode  
These commands allow you to set or show the end time mode for the RIP-2 Authentication key(s) on the  
specified Connection Profile. date specifies that an expiration date and time will be used; infinite specifies that  
the key will never expire.  
cp id rip auth key id key <string>  
These commands allow you to assign a RIP-2 Authentication key on the specified Connection Profile. Keys must  
be manually entered and must consist of 1 – 16 ASCII characters each.  
IP NAT Passthrough Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NAT passthrough behavior for the specified  
Connection Profile. The IP passthrough feature allows for a single LAN PC to have the router’s public address  
assigned to it, in addition to providing PAT (NAPT) via the same public IP address for all other hosts on the  
private LAN subnet.  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the NAT passthrough DHCP behavior for the specified  
Connection Profile. This governs DHCP addressing for the passthrough host.  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address { mac-address }  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp mac-address  
These commands allow you to set or show the NAT passthrough DHCP MAC address for the specified  
Connection Profile. This specifies the MAC address of the passthrough host.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-21  
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3, IP Passthrough allows a first come first serve mode, which defaults to  
an all-zeroes MAC address.  
If you leave the default all-zeroes MAC address, the Router will select the next DHCP client that initiates a DHCP  
lease request or renewal to be the IP passthrough host. When the WAN comes up, or if it is already up, the  
Router will serve this client the IP passthrough/WAN address. When this client's lease ends, the IP  
passthrough address becomes available for the next client to initiate a DHCP transaction. The next client will  
get the IP passthrough address. Note that there is no way to control which PC has the IP passthrough address  
without releasing all other DHCP leases on the LAN.  
Note: If you specify a non-zeroes MAC address, the DHCP Client Identifier must be in the format specified  
above. Macintosh computers allow the DHCP Client Identifier to be entered as a name or text, however  
Motorola Netopia routers accept only strict (binary/hex) MAC address format. Macintosh computers display  
their strict MAC addresses in the TCP/IP Control Panel (Classic MacOS) or the Network Preference Pane of  
System Preferences (Mac OS X).  
Once configured, the passthrough host's DHCP leases will be shortened to two minutes. This allows for timely  
updates of the host's IP address, which will be a private IP address before the WAN connection is established.  
After the WAN connection is established and has an address, the passthrough host can renew its DHCP  
address binding to acquire the WAN IP address.  
A restriction  
Since both the router and the passthrough host will use same IP address, new sessions that conflict with  
existing sessions will be rejected by the router. For example, suppose you are a teleworker using an IPSec  
tunnel from the router and from the passthrough host. Both tunnels go to the same remote endpoint, such as  
be allowed; the second one – since, from the WAN it's indistinguishable – will fail.  
Stateful Inspection Commands  
See also:  
“Stateful Inspection Commands” on page 2-85 for Global Stateful Inspection commands.  
“Stateful Inspection Configuration Commands” on page 2-32 for Ethernet interface commands.  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of stateful inspection for the specified  
Connection Profile. This option is disabled by default. Stateful inspection prevents unsolicited inbound access  
when NAT is disabled.  
3-22 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list xposed-list_name  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of a stateful inspection exposed address list for  
the specified Connection Profile. Exposed address lists are similar to NAT server lists. Exposed addresses in  
the list will not be subject to stateful inspection and hence unsolicited inbound traffic will be allowed to these  
These are active only if NAT is disabled on the profile.  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff diff  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
These commands allow you to set or show TCP sequence difference acceptable for the specified Connection  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show the status of default mapping to router for the specified  
Connection Profile.  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag { yes | no | on | off }  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag  
These commands allow you to set, disable, or show whether fragmented packets are received for the specified  
Connection Profile.  
L2TP Connection Profile Configuration Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.2.  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner  
These commands allow you to specify or show the partner Ipv4 address associated with the local L2TP tunnel.  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip via ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip via  
These commands allow you to specify or show a gateway address at which the partner address may be reached  
when the partner IP and the remote IP addresses are on the same subnet.  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication enable { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable or show the status of L2TP CHAP-like tunnel authentication for  
the specified profile.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-23  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication passphrase string  
This command sets the local (i.e. LAC/LNS) passphrase. The passphrase must be at least eight characters in  
length. This value is used to establish the shared secret key that must be present when a LAC/LNS pair wants  
to authenticate an L2TP tunnel.  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp type { pap | chap }  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp  
These commands allow you to specify an L2TP authentication type, PAP or CHAP, for a particular connection  
profile specified by name or index.  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } name string  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } name  
These commands allow you to set or show the user name as an alphanumeric string that the specified  
connection profile will use for L2TP authentication.  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } password string  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send | receive } password  
These commands allow you to set or show the password as an alphanumeric string that the specified  
connection profile will use for L2TP authentication.  
cp { name | index } l2tp compression { none | standardlzs }  
no cp { name | index } l2tp compression  
show cp { name | index } l2tp compression  
These commands allow you to specify, disable, or show the PPP compression algorithm, if any. The current  
options are none (for no compression) and standardlzs for compression.  
GRE Connection Profile Configuration Commands  
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.4.  
cp { name | index } gre ip partner ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } gre ip partner  
These commands allow you to specify or show the partner IPv4 address associated with the local GRE tunnel  
connection profile.  
cp { name | index } gre ip via ip-addr  
show cp { name | index } gre ip via  
These commands allow you to specify or show the gateway (next hop forwarding) address used when routing  
GRE (tunneled) packets to the partner. when the partner IP and the remote IP addresses are on the same  
3-24 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } gre checksum [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } gre checksum [ yes | no ]  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether a GRE tunnel will transmit a checksum field on  
outgoing GRE packets, when enabled. The Router will implicitly check incoming GRE packets with a checksum  
cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams [ yes | no ]  
show cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams [ yes | no ]  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show whether a GRE tunnel will transmit sequence numbers  
on outgoing GRE packets, when enabled. Also specifies that the GRE tunnel will check an incoming GRE  
packet’s sequence number field for out-of-sequence ordering and buffering. When disabled, the CPE will not  
send sequence numbers; and it will consider all inbound packets to be in-sequence (i.e. not check the “S” bit  
flag, if set).  
cp { name | index } gre key [ 0..232-1 ]  
show cp { name | index } gre key [ 0..232-1 ]  
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-bit integer key value assigned to the GRE tunnel; if zero,  
the tunnel is considered not to have a key identifier. It will not set the “K” bit in the GRE header, and ignore any  
key value received from the peer. If non-zero, the received key field value (if present in the GRE header) will be  
checked against the local tunnel value, and discarded if the comparison fails. If non-zero, all outbound GRE  
headers will include this value in the Key Field.  
CompuServe Login  
CompuServe Login Connection Profile Commands  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve login { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname string  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve username string  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve username  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve username  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve password string  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve password  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-25  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve login { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
These commands set, display, or disable the specified connection profile’s CompuServe login enable setting.  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname string  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve username string  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve username  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve username  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve password string  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve password  
These commands set, display, or disable the specified connection profile’s CompuServe login host-name,  
user-name, or password string. For security reasons, there is no show variant of the cp { name | index } telco  
compuserve password command.  
3-26 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Connection Profile IPSec Configuration Commands  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite encryption { des | 3des | null }  
authentication { esp | ah } { md5 | sha1 } [compression { none | lzs }]  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
[remote {[members { |}] [tep x.x.x.x]}]  
[local tep x.x.x.x] [via x.x.x.x]  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip [modify net-index ]  
remote members remote IPv4-addr1 [ /nn | remote IPv4-addr2 ]  
local members local IPv4-addr1 [ / nn | local IPv4-addr2 ]  
cp { name | index } ipsec spi rx-esp-spi [ tx-esp-spi [ rx-ah-spi [ tx-ah-spi ]]]  
cp { name | index } ipsec authentication key string  
cp { name | index } ipsec encryption key 1234567890123456 [1234567890123456  
1234567890123456 ]  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite encryption { des | 3des | null }  
authentication { esp | ah } { md5 | sha1 } [compression { none | lzs }]  
This command allows you to specify the IPsec suite encryption type and authentication method for an IPsec  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
[remote {[members { |}] [tep x.x.x.x]}]  
[local tep x.x.x.x] [via x.x.x.x]  
This command sets all the pertinent IP values for the IPSec tunnel. There are three sub-sections of this  
command, the remote, local, and via. The remote section, if it exists, may contain a members or a tep (“tunnel  
endpoint”) parameter, or both. The local section, if it exists, may contain only a tep parameter. The optional via  
section sets the next hop gateway.  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip [modify net-index ]  
remote members remote IPv4-addr1 [ /nn | remote IPv4-addr2 ]  
local members local IPv4-addr1 [ / nn | local IPv4-addr2 ]  
Note: This command is supported beginning with firmware release 8.2.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-27  
This command sets or modifies all the pertinent IP values for the IPSec tunnel:  
remote IPv4-addr1 – lowest IPv4 address in the remote network  
remote IPv4-addr2 – highest IPv4 address in the remote ranged network  
local IPv4-addr1 – lowest IPv4 address in the local network  
local IPv4-addr2 – highest IPv4 address in the local ranged network  
nn – number of bits in the subnet mask (nn = 0...31). Current network is defined as a subnet.  
net-index – a configured network’s internal ordinal index, which is known by performing the show  
command, shown below.  
If a remote members or local members option ( [ foo ] ) is not present, the network is defined as a host net  
(single address).  
The tep clause sets the remote tunnel endpoint IP. In order for the profile to function properly, it must be  
specified once. It becomes an optional clause thereafter.  
If the modify option is absent, it means a new network configuration is added to the config area. Its presence  
indicates a change to an existing network.  
Change a tunnel’s remote tunnel endpoint:  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip remote members x.x.x.x  
Change a tunnel’s local tunnel endpoint:  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip local members x.x.x.x  
Change a tunnel’s via gateway:  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip via x.x.x.x  
Display a Connection Profile’s List of Network Configurations:  
show config cp { name | index }  
Delete a Network within a Connection Profile, or All Networks:  
no cp { name | index } ipsec ip network { net-index | all }  
cp { name | index } ipsec spi rx-esp-spi [ tx-esp-spi [ rx-ah-spi [ tx-ah-spi ]]]  
This command allows you to specify the security parameters indexes for an IPsec tunnel.  
cp { name | index } ipsec authentication key string  
This command allows you to specify the authentication secret for an IPsec tunnel. You must specify an  
authentication secret if the authentication type is anything other than None.  
3-28 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Note: The key is a hexadecimal entry of 16 bytes (32 characters of input) for md5 and 20 bytes (40  
characters of input) for sha1. It is not possible to retrieve the encryption keys or authentication key once they  
have been set.  
cp { name | index } ipsec encryption key 1234567890123456 [1234567890123456 1234567890123456 ]  
This command allows you to specify the authentication key for an IPsec tunnel. You must specify an  
authentication key if the authentication type is anything other than None. The key must be an ASCII string of up  
to 48 characters for both md5 and sha1.  
Note: For DES the key is one group of 16 hexadecimal characters; for 3DES the key is three groups of 16  
hexadecimal characters each.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-29  
IKE/IPSec Connection Profile Commands  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
no cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address remote_net_IPv4_address  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry 1..65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout 1..65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout  
cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout { non-negative-integer | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout  
no cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout  
cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager { manual | ike }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager  
cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1 { name | index | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1  
no cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1  
cp { name | index } ipsec pfs { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec pfs  
no cp { name | index } ipsec pfs  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite encapsulation { esp | ah | esp+ah }  
[ encryption { des | 3des | null } ]  
[ authentication esp { md5 | hmac-md5-96 | sha1 | hmac-sha1-96 } ]  
[ authentication ah { md5 | hmac-md5-96 | sha1 | hmac-sha1-96 } ]  
[ compression lzs ]  
show cp { name | index } ipsec suite  
3-30 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
IKE/IPSec Connection Profile Commands  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
[members {a.b.c.d | a.b.c.d/n | a.b.c.d e.f.g.h | a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h}]  
[tep a.b.c.d] ]  
[members {a.b.c.d | a.b.c.d/n | a.b.c.d e.f.g.h | a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h}]  
[tep a.b.c.d] ]  
[via a.b.c.d]  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime { seconds | kbytes } { non-negative-integer | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
no cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
no cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
These commands set, display, or disable the status of dead peer detection for the specified IPsec Phase 2  
profile. Dead peer detection counts the outbound packets on a tunnel. If 256 packets go out without a single  
packet coming in, the tunnel SAs are expired and a rekey is started. Rekeying is first attempted on the previous  
Phase 1 SA. If the Phase 1 request times out, then the Phase 1 SA is expired and Phase 1 rekeying is begun  
over again.  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address remote_net_IPv4_address  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2  
These commands allow you to specify or show what IP destination host address is used to verify whether or not  
peer is dead. The IP address must belong to a tunnel’s remote network (which can be configured as a subnet,  
an address range, or an individual host in the IP options menu). The subnet remote network case also disallows  
the host part of the address to be all ones or all zeroes. For example, it is not permitted to set the address to or in a class B network.  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry 1..65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2  
These commands allow you to specify or show the retry interval between successive pings (in seconds).  
Default is 5 seconds.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-31  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout 1..65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout  
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.2  
These commands allow you to specify or show the maximum period of time (in seconds) an IPsec tunnel  
endpoint will wait for the peer’s response to its earliest ping request. If the peer does not respond within this  
period, it is deemed to be a dead peer tunnel. Default is 90 seconds.  
cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout { non-negative-integer | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout  
no cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout  
These commands set or display the idle timeout associated with the specified IPSec connection profile. If the  
IPSec key-manager associated with the connection profile is manual, then the idle-timeout value is meaningful  
only if the remote sg is or the empty string. In that case, the idle-timeout value specifies the period in  
seconds during which the SPI (or SPIs) are bound to a particular remote peer in the absence of outbound traffic  
through the IPSec tunnel. The value zero (or the keyword none) causes the SPI (or SPIs) to be permanently  
bound to the first remote peer that sends traffic through the tunnel using the SPI (or SPIs). If the IPSec  
key-manager associated with the connection profile is ike, then the idle-timeout value specifies the period prior  
to SA expiration during which there must be at least one outbound packet through the IPSec tunnel for a re-key  
to be performed one second prior to SA expiration. The value zero (or the keyword none) indicates that a re-key  
should always be performed one second prior to SA expiration even if there has been no outbound traffic  
through the tunnel.  
cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager { manual | ike }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager  
These commands set or display the IPSec key manager associated with the specified connection profile.  
cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1 { name | index | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1  
no cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1  
These commands set, display, or disable the IKE Phase1 profile associated with the specified connection  
profile. The IKE Phase1 profile may be specified either by index or by name.  
cp { name | index } ipsec pfs { yes | no }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec pfs  
no cp { name | index } ipsec pfs  
These commands set, display, or change the Phase 2 perfect forward secrecy setting for the specified IPsec  
Phase 2 profile.  
3-32 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite encapsulation { esp | ah | esp+ah }  
[ encryption { des | 3des | null } ]  
[ authentication esp { md5 | hmac-md5-96 | sha1 | hmac-sha1-96 } ]  
[ authentication ah { md5 | hmac-md5-96 | sha1 | hmac-sha1-96 } ]  
[ compression lzs ]  
show cp { name | index } ipsec suite  
Note: This is an extended version of an existing CLI command. The existing command is modified to add an  
encapsulation clause and to allow for one or two authentication clauses. See “IPSec/IKE” on page 3-26 for  
more information.  
These commands set or display the IPSec encapsulation, encryption, authentication, and compression  
parameters for the specified connection profile.  
Note: The authentication clause may appear either one or two times; if it appears twice, one occurrence must  
specify ah and the other must specify esp.  
The keywords md5 and hmac-md5-96 are synonyms, although the latter keyword is preferred, the former being  
retained only for backwards compatibility. The keywords sha1 and hmac-sha1-96 are synonyms, although the  
latter keyword is preferred, the former being retained only for backwards compatibility.  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
[members {a.b.c.d | a.b.c.d/n | a.b.c.d e.f.g.h | a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h}]  
[tep a.b.c.d] ]  
[members {a.b.c.d | a.b.c.d/n | a.b.c.d e.f.g.h | a.b.c.d-e.f.g.h}]  
[tep a.b.c.d] ]  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ip  
Note: This is an extended version of an existing CLI command. The existing command is modified to allow a  
members specification to appear in the local clause and to allow for a host address or an IP address range  
(rather than a network address and subnet mask) in the remote and local members clauses. See “IPSec/IKE”  
on page 3-26 for more information.  
This command sets the pertinent IP values for the IPSec tunnel, and may contain zero or one instances of each  
of three possible clauses: remote, local, and via. The remote clause, if specified, may include a members  
specification or a tunnel endpoint (“tep”) specification, or both. The local clause, if specified, may contain a  
members specification or a tunnel endpoint specification, or both. The optional via clause sets the next hop  
gateway. The keyword sg (short for “security-gateway”) is an acceptable synonym for the keyword tep.  
cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime { seconds | kbytes } { non-negative-integer | none }  
show cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
no cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime [ { seconds | kbytes } ]  
These commands set, display, or disable one or both of the two IKE Phase 2 SA lifetimes (in seconds and/or  
kbytes protected) for the specified IPSec protocol for the specified connection profile. Specifying neither the  
keyword seconds nor the keyword kbytes with the show variant of this command displays both lifetime values.  
The keyword none is equivalent to the value zero, and indicates that there is no lifetime of the specified type.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Connection Profile Commands 3-33  
Note: It is a run-time checked error if both of the IKE Phase 2 SA lifetime values for a particular protocol are  
set to zero or none.  
ICMP Dead Peer Detection Commands  
Beginning with the version 8.2 firmware release, the Command Line Interface supports the following new and  
modified Connection Profile configuration commands:  
IKE/IPSec Dead Peer Detection Connection Profile Commands  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection enable  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address remote net IPv4 address  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry 1...65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout 1...65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection enable { yes | no }  
no cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection enable  
These commands allow you to enable, disable, or show the status of the ICMP Dead Peer Detection feature.  
The no cp… command is equivalent to specifying the no option.  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address remote net IPv4 address  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-address  
These commands allow you to specify or show the IP destination host address that will be used to verify if the  
peer is dead or not. The IP address must belong to a tunnel’s remote network. A tunnel’s remote network can  
be configured as a subnet, an address range, or an individual host. The subnet remote network case also  
disallows the host part of the address to be all ones or all zeroes. For example, the addresses or are not permitted in a class B network.  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry 1...65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-retry  
These commands allow you to specify or show the retry interval between successive pings (in seconds).  
Default is 5 seconds.  
3-34 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout 1...65535  
show cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout  
These commands allow you to specify or show the maximum period of time (in seconds) an IPsec tunnel  
endpoint should wait for the peer’s response to its earliest ping request. If the peer does not respond within  
this period, it is deemed to be a dead peer tunnel. Default is 90 seconds.  
IPSec MTU Command  
Beginning with Version 8.4 firmware, the Command Line Interface supports the following new Connection Profile  
configuration command:  
IPSec MTU Connection Profile Command  
cp [ name | index ] ipsec mtu value  
show cp [ name | index ] ipsec mtu  
cp [ name | index ] ipsec mtu value  
show cp [ name | index ] ipsec mtu  
These commands allow you to specify or show a manual maximum transmission unit (MTU) – also called  
Maximum Packet Size – parameter for the specified Connection Profile. The maximum value (also the default) is  
1500, and the minimum is 100.  
This is the starting value that is used for the MTU when the IPSec tunnel is installed. It specifies the maximum  
IP packet length for the encapsulated AH or ESP packets sent by the router. The MTU used on the IPSec  
connection will be automatically adjusted based on the MTU value in any received ICMP can't fragment error  
messages that correspond to IPSec traffic initiated from the router. Normally the MTU only requires manual  
configuration if the ICMP error messages are blocked or otherwise not received by the router.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Text Configuration Upload 4-1  
Chapter 4  
Motorola Netopia Router Text Configuration Upload  
This chapter describes the supported TFTP text configuration upload process.  
TFTP Text Configuration Upload Overview  
You can configure many of the basic features of the router by uploading a text-based configuration file to the  
router. This file can be either a Macintosh- or PC-formatted text file. There must be no formatting information in  
the file – it must contain only raw text. Generally this means that you must save the file in Text Only (.txt) format  
when using word processing applications that support text formatting.  
The file must be located on a TFTP Server. The Motorola Netopia router needs the IP Address or DNS Name of  
the TFTP Server in order to start the file upload. There are at least three ways to accomplish this:  
VT100 Menu Console (Serial or Telnet)  
VT100 Command Line Console (Serial or Telnet)  
The supported character set for TFTP text configuration files is the set of US-ASCII printable characters (ASCII  
values from 32 to 126 inclusive), including the space character. This means that characters containing  
diacritical marks, such as ‘À’, are not supported. Such characters will be translated to the character ‘%’ when  
processing a text configuration file.  
Note: All commands, including the last, must be followed by an appropriate end-of-line sequence (Carriage  
Return, Line Feed, or Carriage Return/Line Feed pair).  
Three SNMP objects are associated with TFTP text configuration upload. They are tftpServerName,  
tftpConfigFileName, and tftpReadConfig. All three objects are defined in the Netopia MIB. Refer to this  
document found on the Netopia ftp site for more information.  
VT100 Menu Console  
The path to the TFTP menu is:  
Utilities &  
Trivial File  
Transfer Protocol  
You will need to set the TFTP Server Name (IP address or domain name) and the Config File Name, and then  
invoke the transfer using GET CONFIG FROM SERVER.  
4-2 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
The router’s console user interface comes up in Menu mode by default. In this mode you use the arrow,  
Escape, and Return/Enter keys to navigate through a series of screens. To invoke the command line at any  
time, hit Control-N. The console will erase the window, and you will be presented with a # prompt. The  
procedure for invoking the file transfer via the command line console is described in the section “Miscellaneous  
Commands” on page 2-103. To return to Menu mode hit Control-N again.  
A command that contains a syntax error will cause the configuration file processing to terminate. Any valid  
commands that were processed before the error was detected will modify the configuration of the router. The  
error will be reported in the Device Event History, which will display as much of the text of the offending  
command as possible.  
Motorola Netopia® Router Text Configuration Upload 4-3  
Example Text Configuration File  
The following text file is provided for your use as an example. Make your own appropriate substitutions.  
Note: All commands, including the last, must be followed by an appropriate end-of-line sequence (Carriage  
Return, Line Feed, or Carriage Return/Line Feed pair).  
;Example config file  
;LAN configuration  
;set ethernet address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
;set a secondary ethernet address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address secondary  
;set default gateway to  
ip gateway  
;set Rx and Tx RIP  
interface ethernet 0 ip rip receive both  
interface ethernet 0 ip rip transmit v1  
;set dns 1 and dns 2  
ip dns 1  
ip dns 2  
;set domain name  
ip domain-name  
;configure IP address serving to serve 100 addresses off the subnet  
ip address-serve dhcp  
ip address-serve mode server  
;other possible commands include:  
;interface wan 1 dle ppp  
;interface wan 1 dle rfc1483  
;user mysecurname mysecurpass  
;WAN configuration  
;instantiate profile 1 with name "My ISP" and DLE type RFC1483  
cp 1  
cp 1 tag "My ISP"  
;set up profile addressing  
cp 1 ip address local  
;other possible commands include:  
;cp 2  
;cp 16  
;cp 1 ip nat enabled no  
4-4 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
;cp 1 ip nat enabled yes  
;cp 1 ip addressing unnumbered  
;cp 1 ip addressing numbered  
;cp 1 ip address remote  
;cp 1 ip mask local  
;cp 1 ip mask remote  
;cp 1 dle rfc1483  
;cp 1 dle ppp  
;cp 1 ppp authentication pap  
;cp 1 ppp authentication chap  
;cp 1 ppp authentication send name "My Name"  
;cp 1 ppp authentication send password "My Password"  
CLI Error Messages 5-1  
Chapter 5  
CLI Error Messages  
This chapter describes the CLI error messages and their meaning.  
Negative errors  
Negative errors are fatal. They will terminate processing of a TFTP configuration file upload if the command that  
caused the error was executed as part of a TFTP configuration file upload.  
Fatal system errors  
; error -1: unknown error  
This error indicates that an internal error occurred within the command line processor. This error should not  
occur under normal circumstances.  
; error -2: memory allocation failed  
This error indicates that the command line processor ran out of memory attempting to complete the requested  
operation. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.  
; error -3: set operation failed  
This error indicates that the command line processor failed attempting to complete the requested set  
operation. This error should not occur under normal circumstances.  
Parsing or tokenizing errors  
; error -10: input too long  
This error indicates that the input exceeds the maximum allowable length for the input field.  
; error -11: unexpected end of input  
This error indicates that input was not the expected length for the input field.  
; error -12: unterminated quoted text  
This error indicates that the quoted text input did not have terminating quotes as expected.  
5-2 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Fatal syntax errors  
; error -101: no match  
This error indicates that you entered an unrecognized command.  
; error -120: syntax error  
This error indicates that you entered a command with a syntactic error for which the command line processor  
was unable to provide a more specific error message. For example, you may have misspelled or omitted a  
keyword or interchanged two keywords.  
#frame-relay dlci 22 default  
; error -120: syntax error  
; error -121: illegal operation  
This error indicates that you attempted to perform an unsupported operation, or one that does not make  
#no version  
; error -121: illegal operation  
#clear version  
; error -121: illegal operation  
; error -122: illegal value  
This error indicates that you entered a properly formatted command, but that one of the values specified in the  
command is not a valid value for the attribute you are trying to set. For example, this error would be generated  
if you entered the interface intf-type id dle command and requested a datalink encapsulation that isn't  
supported by the specified wan interface.  
#interface sdsl 1 pvc 0 65536  
; error -122: illegal value  
CLI Error Messages 5-3  
; error -123: illegal ip address  
This error indicates that you supplied an invalid value where an IP address is required. IP addresses should be  
specified in “dotted-quad” notation: four decimal values, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, separated by dots  
#interface ethernet 0 ip address xyz  
; error -123: illegal ip address  
#interface ethernet 0  
; error -123: illegal ip address  
; error -124: illegal ip mask  
This error indicates that you supplied an invalid value where an IP mask is required. An IP mask always may be  
entered in “dotted-quad” notation -- four decimal values, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, separated by dots  
(e.g., Whenever the IP mask is being entered in conjunction with an IP address, it may also be  
entered in “prefix” notation -- a slash (“/”) immediately following the IP address, followed by a value between 0  
and 32 inclusive indicating the number of contiguous ones-bits in the mask (e.g., /24). Note that IP mask  
values entered in dotted-quad notation must consist of a contiguous number of ones-bits beginning with the  
most significant bit. IP masks with discontiguous ones-bits (such as are invalid.  
#int e0 ip address  
; error -124: illegal ip mask  
; error -125: invalid index  
This error indicates that the command referenced a currently non-existent instance of an indexed object. The  
specified index value might be valid at some point if the appropriate instance of the object were created.  
#show frame-relay dlci 22  
; error -125: invalid index  
#frame-relay dlci 22 tag "My DLCI"  
#show frame-relay dlci 22  
frame-relay dlci 22 tag "My DLCI" ip-address cir  
default bc default be default enable  
; error -126: number required  
This error indicates that a non-numeric value was entered where a numeric one was required.  
5-4 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
#ping count abc  
; error -126: number required  
; error -127: index out of bounds  
This error indicates that an out of range value was specified in a command that requires an index, such as  
attempting to access connection profile 17 on a router that supports only sixteen connection profiles. The value  
supplied is never a valid index value in the context in which it was used.  
#sh cp 17  
; error -127: index out of bounds  
; error -128: 'yes' or 'no' required  
This error indicates that a value other than 'yes' or 'no' was entered where only 'yes' or 'no' are acceptable.  
#cp 1 enable foo  
; error -128: 'yes'or 'no' required  
; error -129: text too long  
This error indicates that a string value was entered that was longer than the permissible length for the  
particular string.  
#cp 1 tag "A overly long connection profile name"  
; error -129: text too long  
; error -130: text can't be empty  
This error indicates that an empty string was supplied for a string item that must contain at least one character,  
such as a connection profile name.  
#cp 1 tag ""  
; error -130: text can't be empty  
CLI Error Messages 5-5  
; error -131: invalid text  
This error indicates that an invalid string was supplied for a string item that must contain at least one required  
; error -132: invalid dotted string  
This error indicates that an invalid dotted string was supplied for a string item that must contain characters in a  
standard dotted format, such as an IP address.  
; error -133: invalid address/mask  
This error indicates either than you omitted a required IP address and/or mask.  
#interface ethernet 0 ip address  
; error -133: invalid address/mask  
; error -134: invalid keyword  
This error indicates either than you entered a keyword that is not a permissible or accepted keyword.  
; error -135: missing required text  
This error indicates that you omitted a portion of the command.  
#ip route  
; error -135: missing required text  
; error -136: illegal or conflicting range  
This error indicates that you entered an invalid or an inconsistent range of values. For example, you would  
receive this error if you entered a range of IP addresses with a starting address that is greater than the ending  
#ip addr  
; error -136: illegal or conflicting range  
5-6 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
; error -137: no arp cache entry  
This error indicates that you attempted to delete a non-existent arp cache entry.  
#arp 00:00:C5:70:00:04  
#no arp 00:00:C5:70:00:04  
; error -138: invalid wan port  
This error indicates that you entered an invalid interface index. See “Interface Naming Conventions” on  
page 1-3.  
#arp 00:00:C5:70:00:04 3  
; error -138: invalid wan port  
; error -139: conflicting duplicate value  
This error indicates that you attempted to enter a duplicate value where the same value entry is not permitted.  
; error -140: illegal hardware address  
This error indicates that you entered an improperly formatted hardware address. The format for an Ethernet  
MAC address is six hexadecimal values between 00 and FF inclusive separated by colons (e.g.,  
#arp 00:00:C5:70:00:  
; error -140: illegal hardware address  
; error -141: no route to the specified IP address  
This error indicates that you entered an IP address that is either improperly formatted or cannot be reached.  
; error -142: address and mask required  
This error indicates that you omitted an IP address and/or mask where both are required.  
CLI Error Messages 5-7  
#no interface ethernet 0 ip address  
; error -142: address and mask required  
; error -143: can't add  
This error indicates that you attempted to add more than the allowed number of some object.  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
; error -143: can't add  
; error -144: incomplete command  
This error indicates that you omitted a portion of the command.  
#interface ethernet 0 ip address  
; error -144: incomplete command  
; error -145: ip address required  
This error indicates that you failed to supply an IP address where one is required.  
#cp 1 ip address remote  
; error -145: ip address required  
; error -146: ip mask required  
This error indicates that you failed to supply an IP mask where one is required.  
#cp 1 ip mask remote  
; error -146: ip mask required  
5-8 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
; error -147: too many tokens  
This error indicates that you entered more items than are allowed as part of the command. This could result  
from failing to quote a string value that contains one or more spaces.  
#cp 1 telco dn 555 1212  
; error -147: unexpected text following command  
#cp 1 telco dn "555 1212"  
#sh cp 1 telco dn  
cp 1 telco dn "555 1212"  
; error -148: text too short  
This error indicates that you supplied a string value that is shorter than the minimum permissible length for a  
string item.  
; error -149: no such subnet  
This error indicates that you specified (or implicitly referenced) an unknown subnet.  
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address  
interface ethernet 0 ip address  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve range  
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve gateway  
; error -149: no such subnet  
; error -150 not allowed for this particular item  
This error indicates that you attempted an operation that might succeed on a different item in the same array  
but isn't valid for the specified item.  
; error -151 no item matching name exists  
This error indicates that you specified an item when no item with that name exists.  
; error -152 hex digits only, 0-9 or a-f or A-F  
This error indicates that you entered a string for an item that permits only hexadecimal entries, i.e. 0–9 or a–f  
or A–F.  
CLI Error Messages 5-9  
; error -153 values consisting of all asterisks are ignored  
This error is generated if you try to set passwords, keys, or secrets with a value consisting entirely of asterisks.  
This is to prevent a user from pasting the results of the show config command in an attempt to substitute your  
passwords with asterisks.  
; error -160 Key must be exactly 16 hex digits  
This error is generated if you try to set keys that require 16 hex digits using more or fewer than 16.  
; error -161 DES key must be exactly 16 hex digits  
This error is generated if you try to set a DES key, which requires 16 hex digits, using more or fewer than 16.  
; error -162 3DES Keys must be 3 keys of exactly 16 hex digits each  
This error is generated if you try to set 3DES keys, which requires 16 hex digits each, using more or fewer than  
16; or using more or fewer than 3 keys.  
; error -163 SHA1 Key must be exactly 40 hex digits  
This error is generated if you try to set a SHA1 key, which requires 40 hex digits, using more or fewer than 40.  
; error -164 MD5 Key must be exactly 32 hex digits  
This error is generated if you try to set an MD5 key, which requires 32 hex digits, using more or fewer than 32.  
; error -170 Unupported or invalid Time Zone value  
This error is generated if you try to set an invalid Time Zone.  
; error -200: execution failed  
This error indicates that a requested operation, such as a TFTP configuration file upload, failed.  
#receive tftp config myconfig.txt  
; error -200: execution failed  
5-10 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
Voice command errors  
; error -250: bad extension number  
; error -251: extension number does not exist  
; error -252: extension number already exists  
; error -253: wrong Auto-Attendant time  
; error -254: directory number doesn't exist  
; error -255: port has not extension number,set phonemap first  
; error -256: Directory is full,can't add new one  
; error -257: Caller ID list is full  
; error -258: Bad Caller ID  
; error -259: No such carrier name  
; error -260: Carrier Name too long  
; error -261: prefix Name too long  
; error -262 Pin Name too long  
; error -263: Carrier table is full,can't add new one  
; error -264: No such dialed digits  
; error -265: Route table is full,can't add new one  
; error -266: Duplicated dialed string  
; error -267: Dialed digits too long  
CLI Error Messages 5-11  
; error -268: invalid digit  
; error -269: only single digit allowed  
Fatal access control errors  
; error -400: access denied  
This error indicates that you attempted to display an attribute that may not be displayed, or to change an  
attribute to which you do not have access.  
#show cp 1 ppp authentication send password  
; error -400: access denied  
Positive errors  
Positive (non-fatal) errors do not terminate TFTP configuration file upload processing.  
; error 1: not supported with current hardware  
This error indicates that you entered a command that is not supported by the particular the router model you  
have, or the specified WAN interface module(s). For example, you may have issued the interface sdsl id pvc  
command, but the SDSL wan interface module in the specified slot is a frame-based SDSL (R7100) interface  
rather than a cell-based SDSL (R7200) interface.  
; error 2: not supported with current configuration  
This error indicates that you entered a command that is not compatible with the current configuration of the  
router. For example, you may have issued a command specific to an ISDN interface in switched mode, but the  
specified ISDN interface is currently configured for leased mode.  
#sh int isdn 1 mode  
interface isdn 1 mode idsl-cmn  
#int isdn 1 spid 555-1212  
; error 2: not supported with current configuration  
; error 3: not supported  
This error indicates that you entered a command in a context in which it was not supported. For example, you  
may have included the clear command in a text configuration file uploaded via TFTP.  
5-12 Command Line Interface Commands Reference  
; error 102: can't delete  
This error indicates that you attempted to delete an item that doesn't exist.  
#show interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
#no interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
; error 102: can't delete  
; error 103: incomplete command  
This error indicates that you omitted a portion of the command.  
#interface ethernet 0 ip  
; error 103: incomplete command  
; error 104: ambiguous  
This error indicates that you you didn't enter enough of the text of a keyword such that the keyword as entered  
was ambiguous.  
#sh cp 1 t  
; error 104: ambiguous  
#sh cp 1 tag  
cp 1 tag "Profile 01"  
; error 106: arp cache is full delete an entry to make room  
This error indicates that you attempted to add an entry to the global arp cache when it already contained the  
maximum number of entries (16).  
Index of Commands  
ALANs 2-16  
cp { name | index } connection timeout seconds  
ip nat alg 2-114  
no ip nat alg 2-114  
cp { name | index } dle 3-11  
show ip nat alg 2-114  
cp { name | index } enable 3-11  
arp 2-97  
cp { name | index } filterset 3-12  
cp { name | index } frame relay dlci  
multicast-number 3-15  
authprofile 2-39  
authprofile id alternate secret 2-40  
authprofile id alternate server 2-39  
authprofile id radius identifier 2-40  
authprofile id radius port 2-40  
authprofile id remote secret 2-39  
authprofile id remote server 2-39  
authprofile id tag 2-39  
cp { name | index } frame-relay dlci auto-detect  
cp { name | index } gre checksum 3-24  
cp { name | index } gre ip partner 3-23  
cp { name | index } gre ip via 3-23  
cp { name | index } gre key 3-24  
cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams 3-24  
cp { name | index } interface-group 3-19  
cp { name | index } ip address local 3-12  
cp { name | index } ip address remote 3-12  
cp { name | index } ip addressing 3-12  
cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode 3-12  
cp { name | index } ip mask local 3-13  
cp { name | index } ip mask remote 3-13  
cp { name | index } ip nat enable 3-16  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp  
enable 3-20  
backup delay 2-116  
backup enable 2-115  
backup failure layer-2 delay 2-117  
backup gateway 2-74  
backup ping host 2-116  
backup recovery delay 2-116  
backup recovery idle delay 2-116  
backup recovery idle only 2-116  
backup recovery layer-2-loss 2-116  
backup recovery mode 2-116  
backup recovery rip tx disable 2-117  
bridge 2-106  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp  
mac-address 3-20  
cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
bridge-dhcp-filterset 2-84  
cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list 3-16  
cp { name | index } ip nat server-list 3-16  
cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan 3-13  
cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable 3-14  
cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes 3-14  
cp { name | index } ip rip receive 3-14  
clear 2-103  
clear arp-cache 2-97  
console authentication 2-119, 2-120  
cp { name | index } 3-11  
cp { name | index } connection demand 3-17  
cp { name | index } ip rip transmit 3-14  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag 3-22  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable 3-21  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect 3-11  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send |  
receive } password 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp authentication type 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp compression 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp encryption 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp ip partner 3-18  
cp { name | index } pptp ip via 3-18  
cp { name | index } tag 3-11  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff 3-22  
cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list 3-22  
cp { name | index } ipsec authentication key 3-27  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection 3-30  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
enable 3-33  
cp { name | index } telco callback 3-16  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve hostname  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
ping-address 3-30, 3-33  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
ping-reply-timeout 3-31, 3-34  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve login 3-25  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve password  
cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
ping-retry 3-30, 3-33  
cp { name | index } telco compuserve username  
cp { name | index } ipsec encryption key 3-28  
cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout 3-31  
cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1 3-31  
cp { name | index } ipsec ip 3-26, 3-32  
cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager 3-31  
cp { name | index } ipsec pfs 3-31  
cp { name | index } telco direction 3-15  
cp { name | index } telco dn 3-16  
cp { name | index } telco prefix 3-16  
cp id ip rip auth key 3-19  
cp id ip rip auth key id end date 3-20  
cp id ip rip auth key id end time 3-20  
cp id ip rip auth key id start time 3-19  
cp id rip auth key id end time mode 3-20  
cp id rip auth key id key 3-20  
cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime 3-32  
cp { name | index } ipsec spi 3-27  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite 3-32  
cp { name | index } ipsec suite encryption 3-26  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication enable  
date 2-6  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication  
passphrase 3-23  
DHCP option filtering 2-82  
diffserv enable 2-56  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send  
| receive } name 3-23  
diffserv ratio 2-56  
diffserv rule id direction 2-57  
diffserv rule id end-port 2-57  
diffserv rule id inside-ip 2-57  
diffserv rule id name 2-56  
diffserv rule id outside-ip 2-57  
diffserv rule id priority 2-57  
diffserv rule id protocol 2-56  
diffserv rule id start-port 2-57  
dp ip dhcp client mode 2-100  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp { send  
| receive } password 3-23  
cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp type  
cp { name | index } l2tp compression 3-23  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner 3-22  
cp { name | index } l2tp ip via 3-22  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication 3-14, 3-15  
cp { name | index } ppp authentication type 3-14  
cp { name | index } ppp usage 3-15  
timeout 2-129  
ike phase1 { name | index } encryption 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } group 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } hash 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } identity 2-126  
ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys  
enable 2-114  
exit 2-6  
factory 2-106  
frame-relay dlci default 2-101  
frame-relay lmi type 2-102  
frame-relay tim 2-102  
ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } mode 2-126  
ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } pfs 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } port policy 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } tag 2-126  
ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id 2-128  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database 2-130  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode 2-130  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password 2-130  
ike phase1 { name | index } xauth username  
hardware acceleration enable 2-123  
heartbeat client-port 2-14  
heartbeat count 2-14  
heartbeat enable 2-14  
heartbeat interval 2-14  
heartbeat interval contact-email 2-15  
heartbeat interval location 2-15  
heartbeat protocol 2-14  
heartbeat server address 2-15  
heartbeat server port 2-14  
heartbeat server url 2-15  
heartbeat sleep-time 2-14  
interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id pppoe  
enable 2-44  
interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id  
priority-queuing enable 2-55  
igmp fast-leave 2-72  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc 2-44  
igmp last-member-query-count 2-71  
igmp last-member-query-intvl 2-71  
igmp query-intvl 2-71  
interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr 2-44  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci 2-54  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable 2-54  
interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi 2-54  
interface adsl id pvc 2-49  
igmp query-response-intvl 2-71  
igmp robustness 2-71  
igmp snooping 2-71  
interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos 2-59  
interface adsl id signaling-mode 2-50  
interface adsl id trellis-coding 2-50  
interface dsl id line type 2-61  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve 2-32  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve clients 2-30  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp enable  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp  
lease-time 2-30  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve gateway 2-31  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper 2-31  
igmp version 2-70  
igmp wireless-m2u 2-72  
ike phase1 2-125  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication  
method 2-126  
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication  
shared-secret 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas 2-127  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection  
enable 2-129  
ike phase1 { name | index } dead-peer-detection  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve mode 2-32  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode  
enable 2-41  
interface ethernet id ip rip receive 2-27  
interface ethernet id ip rip transmit 2-27  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag 2-33  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable 2-33  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp router-access  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios mode  
type 2-41  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
name-server address 2-42  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
name-server enable 2-42  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
scope enable 2-41  
interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list 2-33  
interface ethernet id mac address 2-25  
interface ethernet id mode 2-25  
interface ethernet id pppoe enable 2-28  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id end time  
mode 2-28  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
scope name 2-42  
interface ethernet 0 address-serve range 2-32  
interface ethernet address-serve dhcp  
default-option-group 2-81  
interface ethernet id rip auth key id key 2-28  
interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat enable  
interface ethernet address-serve dhcp filterset  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp dns  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough  
dhcp enable 2-29  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp  
next-server 2-30  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough  
dhcp mac-address 2-29  
interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp option  
interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough  
enable 2-29  
interface ethernet id ip address 2-24  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode 2-24  
interface ethernet id ip filterset 2-29  
interface ethernet id ip igmp-version 2-25  
interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd 2-25  
interface ethernet id ip nat enable 2-29  
interface ethernet id ip nat map-list 2-29  
interface ethernet id ip nat server-list 2-30  
interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable 2-26  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key 2-27  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end date  
interface ethernet wan-id mac address 2-30  
interface intf-type id dle 2-43  
interface isdn id dn 2-48  
interface isdn id imux mode 2-45  
interface isdn id line type 2-46  
interface isdn id speed 2-47  
interface isdn id spid 2-48  
interface isdn id switch 2-47  
interface sdsl id clock rate 2-52  
interface sdsl id clock source 2-51  
interface sdsl id operation mode 2-53  
interface sdsl id pvc 2-54, 2-58  
interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } cp { profile-id |  
profile-tag | default } 2-60  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end time  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start date  
interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } enable 2-59  
interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } tag 2-58  
interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } vci 2-59  
interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } vpi 2-59  
interface serial id mode 2-119  
interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start time  
interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
interface serial id modem baud 2-118  
interface serial id modem directory-number 2-118  
interface serial id modem init-string 2-118  
interface t1 id buildout 2-63  
interface t1 id channels 2-63  
interface t1 id clock source 2-63  
interface t1 id diagnostic mode 2-66  
interface t1 id dle 2-63  
cp 3-34  
show cp 3-34  
backup 2-116  
no arp 2-97  
no backup 2-115  
no backup failure layer-2 delay 2-117  
no backup gateway 2-74  
interface t1 id ds0-autodetect 2-63  
interface t1 id encoding 2-64  
interface t1 id framing 2-64  
interface t1 id operation Line type 2-64  
interface t1 id prm-enable 2-64  
interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci 2-64  
interface t1 id rfc1973 enable 2-64  
interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi 2-64  
interface wan 0 tracking 2-44  
ip dhcp gen-option data 2-80  
ip dhcp gen-option data-type 2-79  
ip dhcp gen-option option 2-77  
ip dhcp gen-option priority 2-80  
ip dhcp option-group 2-81  
ip dhcp-filterset 2-82  
no backup recovery rip tx disable 2-117  
no bridge-dhcp-filterset 2-84  
no cp { name | index } 3-11  
no cp { name | index } filterset 3-12  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp  
enable 3-20  
no cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough enable  
no cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list 3-16  
no cp { name | index } ip nat server-list 3-16  
no cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan 3-13  
no cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
no cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
ip dns 2-74  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag 3-22  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable 3-21  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp router-access  
ip domain-name 2-74  
ip filterset 2-122  
ip gateway 2-74  
ip nat map 2-111  
no cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
ip nat public tag dynamic 2-110  
ip nat public tag pat 2-111  
ip nat public tag static 2-111  
ip nat server 2-112  
no cp { name | index } ipsec dead-peer-detection  
3-30, 3-33  
no cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout 3-31  
no cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1 3-31  
no cp { name | index } ipsec pfs 3-31  
no cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime 3-32  
no cp { name | index } l2tp compression 3-23  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication 3-18  
no cp { name | index } pptp authentication { send |  
receive } password 3-18  
ip ntp period 2-75  
ip ntp servers 2-75  
ip ntp timezone 2-75  
ip route 2-76  
ip state-insp dos-detect 2-85  
ip state-insp tcp-timeout 2-85  
ip state-insp udp-timeout 2-85  
ip state-insp xposed-addr 2-85  
ipsec mtu 3-34  
no cp { name | index } pptp compression 3-18  
no cp { name | index } pptp encryption 3-18  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve  
hostname 3-25  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
scope enable 2-41  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve range 2-32  
no interface ethernet address-serve dhcp  
default-option-group 2-81  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve  
password 3-25  
no cp { name | index } telco compuserve  
username 3-25  
no interface ethernet address-serve dhcp  
filterset 2-84  
no interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp  
option 2-27  
no interface ethernet id ip address 2-24  
no interface ethernet id ip filterset 2-29  
no interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd 2-25  
no interface ethernet id ip nat enable 2-29  
no interface ethernet id ip nat map-list 2-29  
no interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough  
enable 2-29  
no interface ethernet id ip nat server-list 2-30  
no interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy enable  
no interface ethernet id ip rip auth key 2-27  
no interface ethernet id ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
no cp id ip rip auth key 3-19  
no frame-relay dlci 2-102  
no frame-relay lmi type 2-102  
no hardware acceleration enable 2-123  
no igmp fast-leave 2-72  
no igmp robustness 2-71  
no igmp snooping 2-71  
no ike phase1 2-125  
no ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas 2-127  
no ike phase1 { name | index }  
dead-peer-detection enable 2-129  
no ike phase1 { name | index } independent  
rekeys 2-127  
no ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
no ike phase1 { name | index } pfs 2-128  
no ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime 2-128  
no ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id 2-128  
no interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id  
pppoe enable 2-44  
no interface ethernet id ip rip receive 2-27  
no interface ethernet id ip rip transmit 2-27  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp 2-33  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
no interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id  
priority-queuing enable 2-55  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
router-access 2-33  
no interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable 2-54  
no interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi 2-54  
no interface adsl id trellis-coding 2-50  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve 2-32  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve clients  
no interface ethernet id ip state-insp xposed-list  
no interface ethernet id pppoe enable 2-28  
no interface ethernet wan-id ip nat passthrough  
dhcp enable 2-29  
no interface isdn id dn 2-48  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp  
enable 2-26  
no interface isdn id spid 2-48  
no interface sdsl id pvc 2-58  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
no interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } enable 2-59  
no interface serial id modem directory-number  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
mode enable 2-41  
no interface serial id modem init-string 2-118  
no interface t1 id ds0-autodetect 2-63  
no interface t1 id prm-enable 2-64  
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
name-server enable 2-42  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 enable 2-64  
no interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi 2-64  
no ip dhcp gen-option 2-80  
no ip dhcp option-group 2-81  
no ip dhcp-filterset 2-82  
no wireless block-bridging 2-94  
no wireless fourth-ssid 2-95  
no wireless mac-allow 2-90  
no wireless mac-deny 2-90  
no wireless multiple-ssid 2-94  
no wireless psk 2-92  
no ip dns 2-74  
no ip domain-name 2-74  
no ip filterset 2-122  
no wireless second-ssid 2-95  
no wireless ssid 2-91  
no wireless third-ssid 2-95  
no wireless wep encpt-key 2-90  
no ip gateway 2-74  
no ip nat map 2-112  
no ip nat public 2-111  
no ip nat server 2-112  
ping 2-104  
no ip ntp period 2-75  
ping oam interface sdsl 2-104  
preferences changes immediate 2-6  
preferences check vci 2-6  
preferences console default 2-6  
preferences console timeout 2-7  
preferences date format 2-7  
preferences output format 2-7  
preferences output mask 2-8  
preferences time format 2-8  
no ip ntp servers 2-75  
no ip ntp timezone 2-75  
no ip route 2-76  
no ip state-insp xposed-addr 2-85  
no preferences changes immediate 2-6  
no preferences console timeout 2-7  
no query-intvl 2-71  
no query-response-intvl 2-71  
no radius-server 2-120  
no security password 2-8  
no service interface 2-68  
no service unprotected 2-69  
no snmp community 2-8  
no snmp heartbeat-interval 2-9  
no snmp system contact 2-9  
no snmp system location 2-9  
no snmp system name 2-9  
no superuser 2-15  
no system syslog enable 2-9  
no system syslog host-name 2-10  
no system syslog log-accepts 2-10  
no system syslog log-attempts 2-10  
no system syslog log-violations 2-10  
no upnp enable 2-109  
no user 2-16  
no vlan id 2-36  
no vlan id interface cp 2-38  
no vlan id interface ssid 2-38  
no vlan id interface usb 0 2-38  
no wireless auto-channel 2-88  
radius identifier 2-120  
radius-server 2-120  
receive tftp config 2-105  
receive tftp firmware 2-105  
receive xmodem firmware 2-105  
remote-server { index } { host } secret 2-120  
interface ethernet id ip dhcp client 2-30  
reset 2-106  
reset factory 2-106  
reset heartbeat 2-15  
schedule id cp 2-100  
schedule id date 2-100  
schedule id enable 2-99  
schedule id frequency 2-99  
schedule id periodic interval 2-100  
schedule id random interval 2-100  
schedule id start time 2-100  
schedule id type 2-99  
security mac-auth mac-allow 2-12  
security mac-auth mac-deny 2-12  
security mac-auth mode 2-12  
security mac-auth wireless-only 2-12  
security password 2-8  
show cp { name | index } ip rip exclude-wan-routes  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp deny-frag  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp enable 3-21  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp  
router-access 3-22  
send tftp config 2-105  
service interface 2-68  
service unprotected 2-69  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp tcp-seq-diff  
show arp static 2-97  
show arp-cache 2-97  
show cp { name | index } ip state-insp xposed-list  
show backup failure layer-2 delay 2-117  
show backup gateway 2-74  
show cp { name | index } ipsec  
dead-peer-detection 3-30  
show backup recovery rip tx disable 2-117  
show backup status 2-115  
show cp { name | index } ipsec  
dead-peer-detection enable 3-33  
show cp { name | index } ipsec  
dead-peer-detection ping-address 3-30, 3-33  
show cp { name | index } ipsec  
dead-peer-detection ping-reply-timeout 3-31,  
show bridge-dhcp-filterset 2-84  
show config 2-106  
show config authprofile 2-40  
show config cp id ip rip auth key 3-19  
show config interface ethernet id ip rip auth key  
show config vlan 2-38  
show cp { name | index } ipsec  
dead-peer-detection ping-retry 3-30, 3-33  
show cp { name | index } ipsec idle-timeout 3-31  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ike phase1 3-31  
show cp { name | index } ipsec ip 3-32  
show cp { name | index } ipsec key-manager 3-31  
show cp { name | index } ipsec pfs 3-31  
show cp { name | index } ipsec sa lifetime 3-32  
show cp { name | index } ipsec suite 3-32  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication  
enable 3-22  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp {  
send | receive } name 3-23  
show cp { name | index } l2tp authentication ppp {  
send | receive } password 3-23  
show cp { name | index } l2tp compression 3-23  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip partner 3-22  
show cp { name | index } l2tp ip via 3-22  
show cp { name | index } pppoe pppoa-autodetect  
show console authentication 2-119  
show cp { name | index } filterset 3-12  
show cp { name | index } gre checksum 3-24  
show cp { name | index } gre ip partner 3-23  
show cp { name | index } gre ip via 3-23  
show cp { name | index } gre key 3-24  
show cp { name | index } gre sequence-datagrams  
show cp { name | index } id 3-16  
show cp { name | index } interface-group 3-19  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode 3-12  
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client status  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp  
enable 3-20  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough dhcp  
mac-address 3-20  
show cp { name | index } ip nat passthrough  
enable 3-20  
show cp { name | index } ip negotiate-lan 3-13  
show cp { name | index } ip netbios proxy enable  
show cp { name | index } pptp authentication 3-18  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve  
hostname 3-25  
show ike phase1 { name | index } encryption  
show ike phase1 { name | index } group 2-127  
show ike phase1 { name | index } hash 2-127  
show ike phase1 { name | index } id 2-125  
show ike phase1 { name | index } identity 2-126  
show ike phase1 { name | index } independent  
rekeys 2-127  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve login  
show cp { name | index } telco compuserve  
username 3-25  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end date 3-20  
show cp id ip rip auth key id end time mode 3-20  
show cp id ip rip auth key id start time 3-19  
show date 2-6  
show ike phase1 { name | index } initial-contact  
show ike phase1 { name | index } mode 2-126  
show ike phase1 { name | index } negotiation  
show frame-relay lmi statistics 2-102  
show frame-relay lmi type 2-102  
show frame-relay pvc 2-102  
show ike phase1 { name | index } pfs 2-128  
show ike phase1 { name | index } port policy  
show hardware acceleration enable 2-123  
show heartbeat client-port 2-14  
show heartbeat count 2-14  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa lifetime  
show heartbeat enable 2-14  
show heartbeat interval 2-14  
show heartbeat interval contact-email 2-15  
show heartbeat interval location 2-15  
show heartbeat protocol 2-14  
show heartbeat server address 2-15  
show heartbeat server port 2-14  
show heartbeat server url 2-15  
show heartbeat sleep-time 2-14  
show history 2-107  
show ike phase1 { name | index } sa use-policy  
show ike phase1 { name | index } tag 2-126  
show ike phase1 { name | index } vendor-id 2-128  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth database  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth mode  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth password  
show igmp fast-leave 2-72  
show igmp groups 2-72  
show ike phase1 { name | index } xauth  
username 2-130  
show igmp last-member-query-count 2-71  
show igmp last-member-query-intvl 2-71  
show igmp robustness 2-71  
show ike status 2-127  
show interface { adsl | ethernet | isdn | sdsl } id  
pppoe enable 2-44  
show igmp snooping 2-71  
show igmp version 2-70  
show interface { adsl | sdsl | t1 | serial } id  
priority-queuing enable 2-55  
show ike phase1 2-125  
show ike phase1 { name | index } authentication  
method 2-126  
show interface { adsl | sdsl } id pvc { id | tag } pcr  
show ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 dlci 2-54  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 enable  
show ike phase1 { name | index }  
dead-peer-detection enable 2-129  
show ike phase1 { name | index }  
dead-peer-detection timeout 2-129  
show interface { sdsl | isdn } id rfc1973 lmi 2-54  
show interface adsl id pvc 2-49  
show interface adsl id pvc { id | tag } qos 2-59  
show interface adsl id signaling-mode 2-50  
show interface adsl id statistics 2-49  
show interface adsl id status 2-49  
show interface adsl id trellis-coding 2-50  
show interface dsl id line type 2-61  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve 2-32  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve clients  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client status  
show interface ethernet id ip filterset 2-29  
show interface ethernet id ip igmp-version 2-25  
show interface ethernet id ip multicast-fwd 2-25  
show interface ethernet id ip nat enable 2-29  
show interface ethernet id ip nat map-list 2-29  
show interface ethernet id ip nat passthrough  
enable 2-29  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp  
enable 2-26  
show interface ethernet id ip nat server-list 2-30  
show interface ethernet id ip netbios proxy  
enable 2-26  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve dhcp  
lease-time 2-30  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve gateway  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end  
date 2-28  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end  
time 2-28  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve mode  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id end  
time mode 2-28  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
mode enable 2-41  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start  
date 2-28  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
mode type 2-41  
show interface ethernet id ip rip auth key id start  
time 2-28  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
name-server address 2-42  
show interface ethernet id ip rip  
exclude-wan-routes 2-27  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
name-server enable 2-42  
show interface ethernet id ip rip receive 2-27  
show interface ethernet id ip rip transmit 2-27  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp deny-frag  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
scope enable 2-41  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios  
scope name 2-42  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp enable  
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve range  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
router-access 2-33  
show interface ethernet address-serve dhcp  
default-option-group 2-81  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
tcp-seq-diff 2-33  
show interface ethernet address-serve dhcp  
filterset 2-84  
show interface ethernet id ip state-insp  
xposed-list 2-33  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp  
addresses 2-30  
show interface ethernet id mac address 2-25  
show interface ethernet id mode 2-25  
show interface ethernet id pppoe enable 2-28  
show interface ethernet id statistics 2-28  
show interface ethernet id stats 2-28  
show interface ethernet lan_interface_id scat  
enable 2-34  
show interface ethernet id address-serve dhcp  
option 2-27  
show interface ethernet id ip address 2-24  
show interface ethernet id ip dhcp client mode  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat  
passthrough dhcp enable 2-29  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 dlci 2-64  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 enable 2-64  
show interface t1 id rfc1973 lmi 2-64  
show interface wan id status 2-44  
show ip dhcp client mode 2-100  
show ip dhcp gen-option priority 2-80  
show ip dhcp option-group 2-81  
show ip dhcp-filterset 2-82  
show interface ethernet wan-id ip nat  
passthrough dhcp mac-address 2-29  
show interface ethernet wan-id mac address 2-30  
show interface intf-type id dle 2-43  
show interface intf-type id statistics 2-44  
show interface intf-type id stats 2-44  
show interface isdn id dn 2-48  
show ip dns 2-74  
show interface isdn id imux mode 2-45  
show interface isdn id line type 2-46  
show interface isdn id speed 2-47  
show ip domain-name 2-74  
show ip filterset 2-122  
show ip gateway 2-74  
show interface isdn id spid 2-48  
show ip nat map 2-112  
show interface isdn id status 2-46  
show ip nat server 2-112  
show interface sdsl id clock rate 2-52  
show interface sdsl id clock source 2-51  
show interface sdsl id operation mode 2-53  
show interface sdsl id pvc 2-54, 2-58  
show interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } cp 2-60  
show interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } enable 2-59  
show interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } tag 2-58  
show interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } vci 2-59  
show interface sdsl id pvc { id | tag } vpi 2-59  
show interface sdsl id status 2-55  
show ip nat translation 2-113  
show ip ntp period 2-75  
show ip ntp servers 2-75  
show ip ntp timezone 2-75  
show ip route 2-76  
show ip state-insp dos-detect 2-85  
show ip state-insp tcp-timeout 2-85  
show ip state-insp udp-timeout 2-85  
show ip state-insp xposed-addr 2-85  
show ipsec sessions 2-127  
show interface serial id mode 2-119  
show interface serial id modem baud 2-118  
show interface serial id modem directory-number  
show interface serial id modem init-string 2-118  
show interface t1 id buildout 2-63  
show memory 2-107  
show model 2-107  
show preferences changes immediate 2-6  
show preferences console default 2-6  
show preferences console timeout 2-7  
show preferences date format 2-7  
show preferences output format 2-7  
show preferences output mask 2-8  
show preferences time format 2-8  
show query-intvl 2-71  
show interface t1 id channels 2-63  
show interface t1 id clock source 2-63  
show interface t1 id diagnostic mode 2-66  
show interface t1 id dle 2-63  
show interface t1 id ds0-autodetect 2-63  
show interface t1 id encoding 2-64  
show interface t1 id errors 2-65  
show query-response-intvl 2-71  
show radius-server 2-120  
show security mac-auth mac-allow 2-12  
show security mac-auth mode 2-12  
show security mac-auth wireless-only 2-12  
show security mac-deny 2-12  
show service interface 2-68  
show service unprotected 2-69  
show snmp heartbeat-interval 2-9  
show interface t1 id framing 2-64  
show interface t1 id line status 2-67  
show interface t1 id loopback mode 2-67  
show interface t1 id loopback status 2-67  
show interface t1 id operation line type 2-64  
show interface t1 id prm-enable 2-64  
show snmp system contact 2-9  
show snmp system location 2-9  
show snmp system name 2-9  
show superuser 2-15  
show wireless ssid 2-91  
show wireless statistics 2-88  
show wireless third-ssid 2-95  
show wireless third-ssid-privacy 2-95  
show wireless third-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
show wireless wep 2-90  
show system information 2-107  
show system restart-delay 2-108  
show system syslog enable 2-9  
show system syslog facility 2-10  
show system syslog host-name 2-10  
show system syslog log-accepts 2-10  
show system syslog log-attempts 2-10  
show system syslog log-violations 2-10  
show telnet server port 2-11  
show tftp last error 2-105  
show wireless wep encpt-key 2-90  
show wireless wmm 2-96  
show xmodem status 2-106  
snmp community 2-8  
snmp heartbeat-interval 2-9  
snmp notify type 2-9  
snmp system contact 2-9  
snmp system location 2-9  
snmp system name 2-9  
show tftp status 2-105  
show time 2-11  
snmp system trap source address 2-9  
superuser 2-15  
show upnp enable 2-109  
show user 2-16  
system restart-delay 2-108  
system syslog enable 2-9  
system syslog facility 2-10  
system syslog host-name 2-10  
system syslog log-accepts 2-10  
system syslog log-attempts 2-10  
system syslog log-violations 2-10  
show version 2-108  
show wireless auto-channel 2-88  
show wireless block-bridging 2-94  
show wireless clients 2-88  
show wireless closed-system 2-87  
show wireless default-channel 2-89  
show wireless default-keyid 2-90  
show wireless enable 2-87  
tacacs-plus accounting 2-121  
telnet server port 2-11  
time 2-11  
show wireless essid 2-88  
show wireless first-ssid 2-94  
show wireless first-ssid-privacy 2-95  
show wireless first-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
show wireless fourth-ssid 2-95  
show wireless fourth-ssid-privacy 2-95  
show wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
show wireless mac-allow 2-90  
show wireless mac-auth 2-90  
show wireless mac-deny 2-90  
show wireless multiple-ssid 2-94  
show wireless passphrase 2-92  
show wireless privacy 2-92  
traceroute 2-109  
upnp enable 2-109  
user 2-16  
version 2-108  
vlan id 8021x authprofile 2-37  
vlan id by port 2-36  
vlan id id 2-37  
show wireless psk 2-92  
vlan id interface cp 2-38  
vlan id interface eth 2-37  
vlan id interface ssid 2-38  
show wireless second-ssid 2-95  
show wireless second-ssid-privacy 2-95  
show wireless second-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
vlan id interface usb 0 2-38  
vlan id name 2-37  
vlan id network 2-37  
wireless auto-channel 2-88  
wireless block-bridging 2-94  
wireless closed-system 2-87  
wireless default-channel 2-89  
wireless default-keyid 2-90  
wireless enable 2-87  
wireless essid 2-88  
wireless first-ssid 2-94  
wireless first-ssid-privacy 2-95  
wireless first-ssid-psk 2-96  
wireless first-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
wireless fourth-ssid 2-95  
wireless fourth-ssid-privacy 2-95  
wireless fourth-ssid-psk 2-96  
wireless fourth-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
wireless mac-allow 2-90  
wireless mac-auth 2-90  
wireless mac-delete 2-91  
wireless mac-deny 2-90  
wireless multiple-ssid 2-94  
wireless passphrase 2-92  
wireless privacy 2-92  
wireless psk 2-92  
wireless second-ssid 2-95  
wireless second-ssid-privacy 2-95  
wireless second-ssid-psk 2-96  
wireless second-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
wireless ssid 2-91  
wireless third-ssid 2-95  
wireless third-ssid-privacy 2-95  
wireless third-ssid-psk 2-96  
wireless third-ssid-wpaver 2-96  
wireless tx-power 2-88  
wireless wep 2-90  
wireless wep encpt-key 2-90  
wireless wmm 2-96  

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